Saturday, November 21, 2009

Reflection of Faith

Posted by Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Durham

Reflection of Faith
Your attitude about the Equality of Persons
James 2:1-13
The core of the message in James 2 is that our attitude towards others, especially in how we see the differences in people, is directly related to our faith and to the quality of our relationship with God. The divisions we make between people should be the same ones God makes, not the ones our culture makes.
We could be quick to judge that it is our attitude toward the poor that is at stake here, but that is not the case. It is our ability to be impartial when it comes to all "types" that is questioned (verse 9). In fact, in Leviticus 19:15, the Law says that Israel was not to "be partial to the poor OR defer to the great." The same goes for women and men, different cultures and nationalities. Very often, we humans make distinctions that are more about our personal power or comfort rather than what God sees as distinctions.
Let's face it, it is not the Earthly divisions, rich and poor, male and female, African, Indian, American, Jew, Gentile or Greek etc, that determines our standing before God. It is our relationship to Him. Our outward appearance is just God's creativity in His portrayal of His Image. We are nothing in and of ourselves; we are only anything in Him (John 15).

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