Saturday, November 21, 2009

To my daughter on her 6th birthday...

Posted by Lori

To my dearest Abigail Paige, on your 6th birthday--

My child, how dearly I love you! I hope that more than anything else I might convey to you in this lifetime, that you will know how deeply and unconditonally I love you. You are perfect just the way you are, and I'm so proud of the ever-maturing human-being that you are becoming.

Tomorrow, you will be six years old. I seriously can't believe how quickly the years have gone by. It seems as if you were just crawling around on the floor a few seconds ago... and now you use words like, "inappropriate" in everyday conversation (which warms my extremely verbose heart to no end). I'm sure I'll blink, and you'll be sixteen, then 24... then a mother of your very own children. (But, let's not talk about that just yet-- we still have virtual Kindergarten to get through!)

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