Posted by Tamara Canup Graves
My husband came across this article and shared it with me. It breaks my heart. I don't even have words to express how much this hurts. So I'm not going to say anything; just repost it here.
St. Johns boy, 8, suspected of double murder
Dad, 2nd man found shot to death; charges planned
by Dennis Wagner - Nov. 8, 2008 12:00 AM
The Arizona Republic
An 8-year-old boy faces double-murder charges in the shooting death of his father and another man while residents in the bucolic community of St. Johns try to make sense of the chilling crime.
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Saturday, October 24, 2009
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:46 PM 0 comments
DIA 08
"El año pasado, no hubo lluvia, y luego nos llegó un terrible viento frío. Nuestros animales no tenían refugio, y sus estómagos estuvieron vacíos porque no tuvimos nada con que alimentarlos. ¡Para los wodaabes, perder sus animales es algo muy malo! Ellos nos dan lo que necesitamos para sobrevivir."
El joven wodaabe estuvo explicando a un extranjero lo que le había sucedido a su pueblo. El joven continuó: "¡Mi familia perdió 59 vacas! Ahora sólo tenemos 14. Pero finalmente la lluvia llegó. ¡Gracias a Allah! Mi familia y yo vivimos justo al lado de este pozo de agua y no vamos a deambular más por ahí. Mi hermana se ha ido a la ciudad a trabajar. Nosotros somos gente orgullosa y no nos daremos por vencidos."
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DIA 08
"El año pasado, no hubo lluvia, y luego nos llegó un terrible viento frío. Nuestros animales no tenían refugio, y sus estómagos estuvieron vacíos porque no tuvimos nada con que alimentarlos. ¡Para los wodaabes, perder sus animales es algo muy malo! Ellos nos dan lo que necesitamos para sobrevivir."
El joven wodaabe estuvo explicando a un extranjero lo que le había sucedido a su pueblo. El joven continuó: "¡Mi familia perdió 59 vacas! Ahora sólo tenemos 14. Pero finalmente la lluvia llegó. ¡Gracias a Allah! Mi familia y yo vivimos justo al lado de este pozo de agua y no vamos a deambular más por ahí. Mi hermana se ha ido a la ciudad a trabajar. Nosotros somos gente orgullosa y no nos daremos por vencidos."
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The American Epitaph
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Posted by Blake Higginbotham
"Operor vox res , adveho quis may"
By Blake Higginbotham
It has been a week since we last communicated with one another; but I thought it only right and proper to back off for a few days and give everybody an opportunity to regroup and gather their thoughts. For some, this has been a dream come true, and for others a reoccurring nightmare. For some, the outcome of this election was history in the making, and for others it has been a week of sorrow and mourning the death of a nation as we have known it. Wherever you find yourself right now, remember this, the Spirit is grieved, this nation is divided, and there is a deep sense of groaning in the Earth.
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"Operor vox res , adveho quis may"
By Blake Higginbotham
It has been a week since we last communicated with one another; but I thought it only right and proper to back off for a few days and give everybody an opportunity to regroup and gather their thoughts. For some, this has been a dream come true, and for others a reoccurring nightmare. For some, the outcome of this election was history in the making, and for others it has been a week of sorrow and mourning the death of a nation as we have known it. Wherever you find yourself right now, remember this, the Spirit is grieved, this nation is divided, and there is a deep sense of groaning in the Earth.
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Average Girl.
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Posted by Bree Rogers
Speaking for myself, I must say that I am SICK and tired of seeing girls flaunting what they got(or don't have) just to get the attention of a guy. And then there are the girls that are so insecure that they HAVE to always have a boyfriend or be talking to several guys at once.
I for one wanna take a stand and say, Hey! We're not all like that, I know God has someone for me and I'm not going to date every guy I know just because the oppurtunity.
My favorite band BarlowGirl (A Christian Band made up of three sisters) has a few songs dedicated to that theme. They are all about girls taking pride in themselves, and not settling for whats being offered, but to have standards and you can say no to said offers. In "Average Girl" the theme is all about breaking out of the ordinary and waiting for God promised extraordinary:
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Speaking for myself, I must say that I am SICK and tired of seeing girls flaunting what they got(or don't have) just to get the attention of a guy. And then there are the girls that are so insecure that they HAVE to always have a boyfriend or be talking to several guys at once.
I for one wanna take a stand and say, Hey! We're not all like that, I know God has someone for me and I'm not going to date every guy I know just because the oppurtunity.
My favorite band BarlowGirl (A Christian Band made up of three sisters) has a few songs dedicated to that theme. They are all about girls taking pride in themselves, and not settling for whats being offered, but to have standards and you can say no to said offers. In "Average Girl" the theme is all about breaking out of the ordinary and waiting for God promised extraordinary:
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Living With Less And Being Happy!
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Posted by Sheila Catherine Kline
As many of you know by the majority of my posts since becoming a part of the LIBAW family, I am a poetess, but I also write short true life stories that are included in what I call the "SECOND CREEK CHRONICLES".
Second Creek was just what it sounds like..........a creek about 2 miles from our farm, and thus the name of the part of God's earth that we occupied at that spot, and swimming hole for many happy kids!
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As many of you know by the majority of my posts since becoming a part of the LIBAW family, I am a poetess, but I also write short true life stories that are included in what I call the "SECOND CREEK CHRONICLES".
Second Creek was just what it sounds like..........a creek about 2 miles from our farm, and thus the name of the part of God's earth that we occupied at that spot, and swimming hole for many happy kids!
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Maps of the Old Roman Empire: Did you know that North Africa Was Part of It?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith
I felt it might be helpful to have maps of the Old Roman Empire as a reference point. I have also posted these on my page.
It might surprise some to find North Africa as a part of the map. Now pieces of the current conflict in the North African countries to rid them of Christianity has been taking place, with the imprisonment, torture and death of pastors and congregations. Why Iran has promised most of central, eastern, and northern Africa economic support. And why the EU has been determined to create a Mediterranean Union to which Kadafi has been the most NO!, but it will happen.
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I felt it might be helpful to have maps of the Old Roman Empire as a reference point. I have also posted these on my page.
It might surprise some to find North Africa as a part of the map. Now pieces of the current conflict in the North African countries to rid them of Christianity has been taking place, with the imprisonment, torture and death of pastors and congregations. Why Iran has promised most of central, eastern, and northern Africa economic support. And why the EU has been determined to create a Mediterranean Union to which Kadafi has been the most NO!, but it will happen.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:35 PM 0 comments
DIA 09
Las mujeres bambara se encuentran en una encrucijada escuchando dos diferentes llamados. Por un lado escuchan el llamado del Islam, una religión que han seguido de una forma superficial. Este es el camino ancho. Por el otro lado, escuchan el llamado a seguir el camino angosto que les lleva a la vida eterna.
Dos mujeres desconocidas de otra tribu, se acercan a un hogar bambara y luego a otro y a otro, invitando a las mujeres a "la sesión de historias". A pesar de tener sus cuerpos cansados de todo un día de trabajo en el campo, ellas acuden ansiosamente al lugar designado para escuchar las historias sobre Jesús.
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DIA 09
Las mujeres bambara se encuentran en una encrucijada escuchando dos diferentes llamados. Por un lado escuchan el llamado del Islam, una religión que han seguido de una forma superficial. Este es el camino ancho. Por el otro lado, escuchan el llamado a seguir el camino angosto que les lleva a la vida eterna.
Dos mujeres desconocidas de otra tribu, se acercan a un hogar bambara y luego a otro y a otro, invitando a las mujeres a "la sesión de historias". A pesar de tener sus cuerpos cansados de todo un día de trabajo en el campo, ellas acuden ansiosamente al lugar designado para escuchar las historias sobre Jesús.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:32 PM 0 comments
Posted by Daniel Baumet
@ New Life Pentecostal Church
6:00 PM (both nights)
Gathering of persons , ministeries and missionaries with works in Philippines
Discussion : (among many other topics) How to combat corruption in the pulpits.
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@ New Life Pentecostal Church
6:00 PM (both nights)
Gathering of persons , ministeries and missionaries with works in Philippines
Discussion : (among many other topics) How to combat corruption in the pulpits.
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It's My Testimony and I'm Closer to God for It
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Posted by John Thomas
These are some scriptures that have helped me deal with my past. At times I think about all the time I wasted in my addiction and I wonder why I stayed in that lifestyle so long and if I stay there it can get very discouraging. So I refer to these verses to help remind me that through the pain I was drawn to a closer relationship with Jesus that I don't know i would have if I didn't go through what I did.
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These are some scriptures that have helped me deal with my past. At times I think about all the time I wasted in my addiction and I wonder why I stayed in that lifestyle so long and if I stay there it can get very discouraging. So I refer to these verses to help remind me that through the pain I was drawn to a closer relationship with Jesus that I don't know i would have if I didn't go through what I did.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:28 PM 0 comments
Posted by Michelle
I view abortions as a woman right to decided wheater or not to keep a baby. The Church and the goverment should stay out of womens lives. In Colorado there is a amenment 48 and if passed it would banned Abortions and birthcontrol. Women would find other ways to get rid of their unborn child. They would go underground, back alleys, and to other country that allows abortions. I'm Pro-Choice. Plus there is all the unwanted babies here in the Untied States. I want to see your views on this topic.
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I view abortions as a woman right to decided wheater or not to keep a baby. The Church and the goverment should stay out of womens lives. In Colorado there is a amenment 48 and if passed it would banned Abortions and birthcontrol. Women would find other ways to get rid of their unborn child. They would go underground, back alleys, and to other country that allows abortions. I'm Pro-Choice. Plus there is all the unwanted babies here in the Untied States. I want to see your views on this topic.
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I BELIEVE-An Introduction to my TESTIMONY
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:26 PM 0 comments
Posted by Jeremy Caverley
Bae Hyung-kyu (???), pastor and leader of South Korean volunteer group, KILLED in Afghanistan, July 2007
Atheist: affirms the nonexistence of gods[1] or rejects them
There are other countries right now if you do NOT believe there religion you WILL be KILLED. It doesn't matter if it is Christian or not.....
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Bae Hyung-kyu (???), pastor and leader of South Korean volunteer group, KILLED in Afghanistan, July 2007
Atheist: affirms the nonexistence of gods[1] or rejects them
There are other countries right now if you do NOT believe there religion you WILL be KILLED. It doesn't matter if it is Christian or not.....
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My Testimony, updated.
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Posted by Tamara Canup Graves
I had a testimony posted a while back. But that was close to a year ago...and to tell you the truth, a lot can change in a year: perspective, feelings, ideas.
I've gained a little perspective about my life. And seeing as that life is constantly changing, it only makes sense that my testimony changes a little too. So here is where I'm at now and just a little about where I've been.
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I had a testimony posted a while back. But that was close to a year ago...and to tell you the truth, a lot can change in a year: perspective, feelings, ideas.
I've gained a little perspective about my life. And seeing as that life is constantly changing, it only makes sense that my testimony changes a little too. So here is where I'm at now and just a little about where I've been.
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Jeremy Caverley Shares About South Africa Missions trip with Teen Mania-Global Expeditions
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:10 PM 0 commentsJudas rejection of Christ
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Posted by Dean & GladysBeaty
By Rev. Dean Beaty 10/30/08
You know of Christ’s betrayer; Judas was his name.
To plot this awful deed he must have been insane.
He had seen the Savior walk upon the sea.
Saw Him cause the lame to walk and make the blind to see.
These miracles Christ did proved His power and His might.
Yet Judas thought mere soldiers to take and bind Him tight.
As Christ had said to Peter, “The angels I could call.”
“Twelve legions at my bidding.” Enough to kill them all.
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By Rev. Dean Beaty 10/30/08
You know of Christ’s betrayer; Judas was his name.
To plot this awful deed he must have been insane.
He had seen the Savior walk upon the sea.
Saw Him cause the lame to walk and make the blind to see.
These miracles Christ did proved His power and His might.
Yet Judas thought mere soldiers to take and bind Him tight.
As Christ had said to Peter, “The angels I could call.”
“Twelve legions at my bidding.” Enough to kill them all.
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Wake Up And Smell The Coffee - Part Four
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:02 PM 0 comments
Posted by Blake Higginbotham
Resistance Is Not Futile
By Blake Higginbotham
Proverbs 29:1-2 He who is often rebuked, and hardens his neck, Will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
Unfortunately, this will be the last opportunity that I have to write to you before Election Day; but I promise you that it will not be the last time that you hear from me concerning the issues that are important to us as a people.
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Resistance Is Not Futile
By Blake Higginbotham
Proverbs 29:1-2 He who is often rebuked, and hardens his neck, Will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
Unfortunately, this will be the last opportunity that I have to write to you before Election Day; but I promise you that it will not be the last time that you hear from me concerning the issues that are important to us as a people.
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A Comedy of Errors (Jewish Style)
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:59 PM 1 comments
Posted by Daniel Baumet
Well it has been an interesting month. I got involved some what with the Hebrew Renewal ( still finding a nitch to squeeze into lol )
Now ... what is the Hebrew Renewal .. ? It was started as a project to bring back the old way of worship . Many of our prayers were songs! I was researching and finding many of the works (I believe I may have posted one or two here) Due to the scattering many of our prayers are prayed like Christians ( spoken in monotony .. err I mean monotone ) or worse due to Eastern Mysticism being chanted. We had read how we were to enter the gates with joy, merriment, a song!
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Well it has been an interesting month. I got involved some what with the Hebrew Renewal ( still finding a nitch to squeeze into lol )
Now ... what is the Hebrew Renewal .. ? It was started as a project to bring back the old way of worship . Many of our prayers were songs! I was researching and finding many of the works (I believe I may have posted one or two here) Due to the scattering many of our prayers are prayed like Christians ( spoken in monotony .. err I mean monotone ) or worse due to Eastern Mysticism being chanted. We had read how we were to enter the gates with joy, merriment, a song!
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My whole testimony.....
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Posted by Amanda Bure
Okay on the front of my page is a synopsis basically of my testimony and my life...I'm gonna write the whole thing out for you now...
I suppose the whole mess with me started when I was little. My mother and my father got divorced when I was about three years old. My mom never honestly loved my father, this I know now. She went with him to make the man who later became my stepfather jealous, and well she happened to get pregnant with lil ol me at the age of seventeen, she had me five days after her eighteenth birthday. My grandfather had given her an ultimatum she was either to marry my dad or have an abortion, so she married my father and acted like she cared for him for three years.
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Okay on the front of my page is a synopsis basically of my testimony and my life...I'm gonna write the whole thing out for you now...
I suppose the whole mess with me started when I was little. My mother and my father got divorced when I was about three years old. My mom never honestly loved my father, this I know now. She went with him to make the man who later became my stepfather jealous, and well she happened to get pregnant with lil ol me at the age of seventeen, she had me five days after her eighteenth birthday. My grandfather had given her an ultimatum she was either to marry my dad or have an abortion, so she married my father and acted like she cared for him for three years.
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God is moving through His people
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:55 PM 0 comments
Posted by Don
Just joined, but would like to share just a little on what is going on in one church in Michigan.
Victory Christian Center in Mount Pleasant Michigan is experiencing a moving of God through worship and prayer. Reaching out to college students (CMU), young persons and families with hope found in the Word, Calling us to trust in God and the Bible, not in what is found on CNN or other news networks. Seeking Him first with an attitude of gratitude, seeking fellowship with other believers, and reaching out to the unsaved. Worshiping Him for Whom He is, His Grace and Mercy, His Holiness, His Provision,.....
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Just joined, but would like to share just a little on what is going on in one church in Michigan.
Victory Christian Center in Mount Pleasant Michigan is experiencing a moving of God through worship and prayer. Reaching out to college students (CMU), young persons and families with hope found in the Word, Calling us to trust in God and the Bible, not in what is found on CNN or other news networks. Seeking Him first with an attitude of gratitude, seeking fellowship with other believers, and reaching out to the unsaved. Worshiping Him for Whom He is, His Grace and Mercy, His Holiness, His Provision,.....
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Meditative Prayer Part of Eastern Mystics
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith
Note: My testimony is coming from the occult, which relies heavily on eastern mysticism. The terms that were used when this meditative prayer movement started was nothing more than what I had left in order to follow Jesus and the Bible. It is very seductive because it takes the student into a "mindless" state of euphoria. And that's how we get entertainment and happy congregations many times at the expense of learning the Word of God. Now, having said that, I republish the below article that was posted on lighthouse trails research newsletter today. It is excellent to stop the conversation of those in the contemplative movement that says it has nothing to do with eastern mystics. Leave a comment, and please be kind to each other in any disagreements. We can study other aspects of religion without putting our emotions at full throttle LOL And as always you can message me with questions, and I will be more than happy to teach and/or answer you
/Bishop Susan
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Note: My testimony is coming from the occult, which relies heavily on eastern mysticism. The terms that were used when this meditative prayer movement started was nothing more than what I had left in order to follow Jesus and the Bible. It is very seductive because it takes the student into a "mindless" state of euphoria. And that's how we get entertainment and happy congregations many times at the expense of learning the Word of God. Now, having said that, I republish the below article that was posted on lighthouse trails research newsletter today. It is excellent to stop the conversation of those in the contemplative movement that says it has nothing to do with eastern mystics. Leave a comment, and please be kind to each other in any disagreements. We can study other aspects of religion without putting our emotions at full throttle LOL And as always you can message me with questions, and I will be more than happy to teach and/or answer you
/Bishop Susan
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:51 PM 0 comments
DIA 04
“Tú haces que los manantiales viertan sus aguas en las cañadas, y que fluyan entre las montañas. De ellas beben todas las bestias del campo; allí los asnos monteses calman su sed”. Salmo 104:10-11
En los Andes, y lugares de la serranía, a nuestros paisanos que hemos visitado para enseñar la Palabra de Dios, hemos visto como trabajan la tierra y como requieren del agua; ambos, tierra y agua son recursos dados por Dios para bienestar del ser humano y los animales.
En los últimos diez mil años el clima y la vegetación del Antiguo Oriente, fueron muy parecidos a los de la actualidad. Ello permite argumentar que en el pasado mesopotámico la zona norteña contó con un buen arbolado, excelentes pastos y una próspera agricultura, que constituyo la riqueza de Mesopotomia, gracias a la permanente disponibilidad de agua facilitada por la adecuada irrigación que proporcionan el Éufrates y el Tigris. (Historia de las antiguas civilizaciones. Océano)
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DIA 04
“Tú haces que los manantiales viertan sus aguas en las cañadas, y que fluyan entre las montañas. De ellas beben todas las bestias del campo; allí los asnos monteses calman su sed”. Salmo 104:10-11
En los Andes, y lugares de la serranía, a nuestros paisanos que hemos visitado para enseñar la Palabra de Dios, hemos visto como trabajan la tierra y como requieren del agua; ambos, tierra y agua son recursos dados por Dios para bienestar del ser humano y los animales.
En los últimos diez mil años el clima y la vegetación del Antiguo Oriente, fueron muy parecidos a los de la actualidad. Ello permite argumentar que en el pasado mesopotámico la zona norteña contó con un buen arbolado, excelentes pastos y una próspera agricultura, que constituyo la riqueza de Mesopotomia, gracias a la permanente disponibilidad de agua facilitada por la adecuada irrigación que proporcionan el Éufrates y el Tigris. (Historia de las antiguas civilizaciones. Océano)
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What Would Judas Do?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Posted by Blake Higginbotham
By Brad Stine
Is there a “Christian” way to vote?
We are about to vote for the next president of the United States of America. Both candidates claim to be Christian’s but does that automatically qualify them to be president? No, of course not. What obligation do Christians have when voting for a public servant? The truth is we have the same obligation as we do for every part of our spiritual journey. We are expected to endorse and support and live by righteousness and holiness and moral character. Because we live in a democratic republic we, as the people, rule. But we vote for representatives of our belief system to implement our POV into the social and governmental square.
Over this election cycle I have seen and heard of Christians who have publicly stated they will vote for Barack Obama. Remember, when you vote for someone they are essentially speaking for you! If you are a follower of Jesus you are inhabited by the Holy Spirit and are supposed to be sensitive to the sanctification that has occurred within your spirit. An Obama vote publicly states this: “I as a follower of Jesus believe that at anytime for any reason whenever a woman decides to murder her baby I and my president support you. This means at 6 weeks or 8 months. From a simple scrape to the child’s brains being sucked from its skull…I approve. Also if an aborted child survives I demand it be left to die to complete the mothers wishes. Obama will sign the most liberal abortion support bill in history and in so doing will immediately break the 6th commandment, “Thou shall not murder”. Our faith is also clear that the purpose of male female relationship is to model the family and Gods creative process by having children. This is the purpose of sex. To make humans by Gods procreative powers He bestowed upon us.
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By Brad Stine
Is there a “Christian” way to vote?
We are about to vote for the next president of the United States of America. Both candidates claim to be Christian’s but does that automatically qualify them to be president? No, of course not. What obligation do Christians have when voting for a public servant? The truth is we have the same obligation as we do for every part of our spiritual journey. We are expected to endorse and support and live by righteousness and holiness and moral character. Because we live in a democratic republic we, as the people, rule. But we vote for representatives of our belief system to implement our POV into the social and governmental square.
Over this election cycle I have seen and heard of Christians who have publicly stated they will vote for Barack Obama. Remember, when you vote for someone they are essentially speaking for you! If you are a follower of Jesus you are inhabited by the Holy Spirit and are supposed to be sensitive to the sanctification that has occurred within your spirit. An Obama vote publicly states this: “I as a follower of Jesus believe that at anytime for any reason whenever a woman decides to murder her baby I and my president support you. This means at 6 weeks or 8 months. From a simple scrape to the child’s brains being sucked from its skull…I approve. Also if an aborted child survives I demand it be left to die to complete the mothers wishes. Obama will sign the most liberal abortion support bill in history and in so doing will immediately break the 6th commandment, “Thou shall not murder”. Our faith is also clear that the purpose of male female relationship is to model the family and Gods creative process by having children. This is the purpose of sex. To make humans by Gods procreative powers He bestowed upon us.
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Yes, Please Pray for this Nation
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Posted by Amanda Leigh Sessions
I am asking that we pray for the nation. Not because the wrong man was elected though, because I believe he was the right man for the choice. I want us to pray that now that this election is over and our new President is elected that we can again reunite as one. No more insults, no more negativity. That we can all get together and be a UNITED Nation. Under God.
To be honest I am relieved that this election is over. Not simply because the candidate I supported won but because I am ready for the hurtful comments and the unrashional rudeness to end. I mean, being an Obama supporter in Texas is not the easiest thing really. I have been told that I am a socialist, that I am a bad christian, that I am an ignorant idiot, that I am a baby-killer, that I support terrorist Islamic Arab. I am done with it. I am ready for everyone else to be done with the judgemental hurtful comments.
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I am asking that we pray for the nation. Not because the wrong man was elected though, because I believe he was the right man for the choice. I want us to pray that now that this election is over and our new President is elected that we can again reunite as one. No more insults, no more negativity. That we can all get together and be a UNITED Nation. Under God.
To be honest I am relieved that this election is over. Not simply because the candidate I supported won but because I am ready for the hurtful comments and the unrashional rudeness to end. I mean, being an Obama supporter in Texas is not the easiest thing really. I have been told that I am a socialist, that I am a bad christian, that I am an ignorant idiot, that I am a baby-killer, that I support terrorist Islamic Arab. I am done with it. I am ready for everyone else to be done with the judgemental hurtful comments.
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"Are you willing to support President-Elect Obama, even if you didn't vote for him. What are you willing to commit?"
Posted by Blog Reposts at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Posted by Tamara Canup Graves
"Are you willing to support President-Elect Obama, even if you didn't vote for him. What are you willing to commit?" - Michael Hyatt
My response:
I am willing to commit to serving my God and obeying His direction when He said,"Obey the government , for God is the one who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow. For the policeman does not frighten people who are doing right; but those doing evil will always fear him. So if you don't want to be afraid, keep the laws and you will get along well. The policeman is sent by God to help you. But if you are doing something wrong, of course you should be afraid, for he will have you punished. He is sent by God for that very purpose." -Romans 13:1-4, TLB.
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"Are you willing to support President-Elect Obama, even if you didn't vote for him. What are you willing to commit?" - Michael Hyatt
My response:
I am willing to commit to serving my God and obeying His direction when He said,"Obey the government , for God is the one who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow. For the policeman does not frighten people who are doing right; but those doing evil will always fear him. So if you don't want to be afraid, keep the laws and you will get along well. The policeman is sent by God to help you. But if you are doing something wrong, of course you should be afraid, for he will have you punished. He is sent by God for that very purpose." -Romans 13:1-4, TLB.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 2:13 PM 0 comments
DIA 05
¿Por qué mirando a la cruz nuestros ojos se humedecen?
¿Por qué mirando a la cruz
nuestros ojos se humedecen?
¿Por qué el alma se enternece
cuando contempla a Jesús,
de tal manera sufriendo
por la humanidad perdida?
¿Será que el alma dormida
su pecado allí esta viendo?
Pensamos: ¿Cómo es posible
que nadie de El se conduela?
El corazón se rebela
ante un crimen tan horrible.
Siendo Dios muy bien podía
evitar aquel suplicio;
mas acepta el sacrificio
con estoica valentía.
Quien a la cruz le sujeta,
no son los clavos punzantes.
Es su Amor, Su Amor triunfante,
quien logra que allí esté quieta
Su incomparable figura.
Aquel cuerpo inmaculado,
que carga con el pecado
de las humanas criaturas.
No existe razón más fuerte.
Es ese Amor escondido
en la cruz, que reverente,
hasta el más indiferente
la contempla conmovido.
Viendo en ella, la Bondad.
El Amor crucificado
El Cordero Inmaculado
que salva a la humanidad.
Ante esa cruz soy culpable,
pues yo debía ocuparla.
¿Puede haber, quien al mirarla
no se sienta responsable?
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DIA 05
¿Por qué mirando a la cruz nuestros ojos se humedecen?
¿Por qué mirando a la cruz
nuestros ojos se humedecen?
¿Por qué el alma se enternece
cuando contempla a Jesús,
de tal manera sufriendo
por la humanidad perdida?
¿Será que el alma dormida
su pecado allí esta viendo?
Pensamos: ¿Cómo es posible
que nadie de El se conduela?
El corazón se rebela
ante un crimen tan horrible.
Siendo Dios muy bien podía
evitar aquel suplicio;
mas acepta el sacrificio
con estoica valentía.
Quien a la cruz le sujeta,
no son los clavos punzantes.
Es su Amor, Su Amor triunfante,
quien logra que allí esté quieta
Su incomparable figura.
Aquel cuerpo inmaculado,
que carga con el pecado
de las humanas criaturas.
No existe razón más fuerte.
Es ese Amor escondido
en la cruz, que reverente,
hasta el más indiferente
la contempla conmovido.
Viendo en ella, la Bondad.
El Amor crucificado
El Cordero Inmaculado
que salva a la humanidad.
Ante esa cruz soy culpable,
pues yo debía ocuparla.
¿Puede haber, quien al mirarla
no se sienta responsable?
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Election 2008 (I wrote this a few days ago, but wanted to share it)
Posted by Blog Reposts at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Posted by Bree Rogers
Apparently the biggest election of our lives is right around the corner. Sadly, they said that in 2000 and 2004 if you remember. Yes, I know our economy is sucking and there is more slandering propaganda than commercials, and there is war in the Middle East, but we don't have to worry.
I was sitting in a church service this past weekend in Southwest Ranches, FL. The pastor brought up a GREAT point, no matter who wins the election it is God-ordained. McCain isn't too old, and Obama isn't the Anti-Christ (Read Revelations people). We grow up thinking that America is the best thing that could happen to the world, we are the great supreme free nation that is blessed with a democracy, we were founded on Faith and we even say God Bless America. But do we really mean it? We are about to go into a major facelift of what we know as America with the end of Bush's term.
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Apparently the biggest election of our lives is right around the corner. Sadly, they said that in 2000 and 2004 if you remember. Yes, I know our economy is sucking and there is more slandering propaganda than commercials, and there is war in the Middle East, but we don't have to worry.
I was sitting in a church service this past weekend in Southwest Ranches, FL. The pastor brought up a GREAT point, no matter who wins the election it is God-ordained. McCain isn't too old, and Obama isn't the Anti-Christ (Read Revelations people). We grow up thinking that America is the best thing that could happen to the world, we are the great supreme free nation that is blessed with a democracy, we were founded on Faith and we even say God Bless America. But do we really mean it? We are about to go into a major facelift of what we know as America with the end of Bush's term.
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Presidential Election
Posted by Blog Reposts at 2:09 PM 0 comments
Posted by Sharilynn "Sherri" McIntosh
Well, history has truly been made in the United States of America. I was 18 months old when Dr. Martin Luther King made his "I Have A Dream" speech, and died tragically. I never thought in my lifetime, much less my children's and grandchild's lifetime that we would ever elect a Black president. This shows that we as a people can finally say that we belong to this country, and that the "American Dream" really does exist. After hearing President-Elect Obama's speech, I feel that with the help of God, he will bring unity to our country that has been divided for too long. We finally can get more than our "40 acres and a mule" that our forefathers were given, and we can tell our children that even they can become president.
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Well, history has truly been made in the United States of America. I was 18 months old when Dr. Martin Luther King made his "I Have A Dream" speech, and died tragically. I never thought in my lifetime, much less my children's and grandchild's lifetime that we would ever elect a Black president. This shows that we as a people can finally say that we belong to this country, and that the "American Dream" really does exist. After hearing President-Elect Obama's speech, I feel that with the help of God, he will bring unity to our country that has been divided for too long. We finally can get more than our "40 acres and a mule" that our forefathers were given, and we can tell our children that even they can become president.
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Children Playing...
Posted by Blog Reposts at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Posted by Tamara Canup Graves
It's curious to me how unappreciated the art of play is. Even with my parents' many flaws and mistakes, they enforced one strict rule: outside play and use of one's imagination is always more important than television, video games, and computer time. My siblings and I used to spend hours outside in our yard making up adventures and games with each other. Our close bond as children was a direct result of this sort of interaction. But recently I've realized how few children these days share those same experiences.
I'm making a slide show to one of my favorite songs, Rita Springer's "I Have To Believe". I had decided to show different images of children playing and laughing and the like. When I Googled the words "children play", I was disappointed with what I found. Very VERY few images of children laughing and holding hands and running and jumping and PLAYING. The majority of the pictures contained children on video game systems or computers. And not surprisingly, the only real play going on was between children in impoverished countries. Countries where most parents do not have the means to buy these addictive technologies. But even in bare feet and ragged clothes these children possessed more than so many of our spoiled American children. The smiles were genuine. The joy was intense. I could almost hear them laughing and giggling. And my heart mourned for the loss of those days of play. My heart mourns for the lack of appreciation of human contact. How easy it is to substitute real relationships and real intimacy for flashing colors and bright lights. And it hit me that these photographs only reflect the real problems with our human condition.
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It's curious to me how unappreciated the art of play is. Even with my parents' many flaws and mistakes, they enforced one strict rule: outside play and use of one's imagination is always more important than television, video games, and computer time. My siblings and I used to spend hours outside in our yard making up adventures and games with each other. Our close bond as children was a direct result of this sort of interaction. But recently I've realized how few children these days share those same experiences.
I'm making a slide show to one of my favorite songs, Rita Springer's "I Have To Believe". I had decided to show different images of children playing and laughing and the like. When I Googled the words "children play", I was disappointed with what I found. Very VERY few images of children laughing and holding hands and running and jumping and PLAYING. The majority of the pictures contained children on video game systems or computers. And not surprisingly, the only real play going on was between children in impoverished countries. Countries where most parents do not have the means to buy these addictive technologies. But even in bare feet and ragged clothes these children possessed more than so many of our spoiled American children. The smiles were genuine. The joy was intense. I could almost hear them laughing and giggling. And my heart mourned for the loss of those days of play. My heart mourns for the lack of appreciation of human contact. How easy it is to substitute real relationships and real intimacy for flashing colors and bright lights. And it hit me that these photographs only reflect the real problems with our human condition.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 2:05 PM 0 comments
DIA 01
Amiga(o) mío, la religión tradicional llama a este día, “Día de todos los Santos”, en realidad es un día más para ir al cementerio, un lugar para recordar a los “santos” muertos.
La Biblia dice: “Nuestro Dios está en los cielos y puede hacer lo que le parezca. Pero sus ídolos son de oro y plata, producto de manos humanas. Tienen boca, pero no pueden hablar; ojos, pero no pueden ver; tienen oídos, pero no pueden oír; nariz, pero no pueden oler; tienen manos, pero no pueden palpar; pies, pero no pueden andar; ¡ni un solo sonido emite su garganta! Semejantes a ellos son sus hacedores, y todos los que confían en ellos”. (Salmo 115:3-8)
Por qué escribo esto, porque al visitar una morada de los muertos, he visto, como se reza al santo muerto en vez postrarse ante Dios. Es un problema cuando idolatramos y nos inclinamos a un santo muerto, la Biblia dice: “que semejantes a ellos son sus hacedores”. Un ídolo, hecho por mano humana, no puede ser adorado.
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DIA 01
Amiga(o) mío, la religión tradicional llama a este día, “Día de todos los Santos”, en realidad es un día más para ir al cementerio, un lugar para recordar a los “santos” muertos.
La Biblia dice: “Nuestro Dios está en los cielos y puede hacer lo que le parezca. Pero sus ídolos son de oro y plata, producto de manos humanas. Tienen boca, pero no pueden hablar; ojos, pero no pueden ver; tienen oídos, pero no pueden oír; nariz, pero no pueden oler; tienen manos, pero no pueden palpar; pies, pero no pueden andar; ¡ni un solo sonido emite su garganta! Semejantes a ellos son sus hacedores, y todos los que confían en ellos”. (Salmo 115:3-8)
Por qué escribo esto, porque al visitar una morada de los muertos, he visto, como se reza al santo muerto en vez postrarse ante Dios. Es un problema cuando idolatramos y nos inclinamos a un santo muerto, la Biblia dice: “que semejantes a ellos son sus hacedores”. Un ídolo, hecho por mano humana, no puede ser adorado.
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untitled blog.
Posted by Blog Reposts at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Posted by Alex J
The truth submerges into the depths of my mind.
My Starving eyes open wide as the lies capside.
Honesty then blooms; why the pedals unfold only truth is revealed.
This hate that has so heavly rained upon my soul is now deminished.
My viens flow pure for our Lords grace has replenished my fragile structure.
I view this Earth we live upon through a new lense which I only see optimism with.
As I awaken I realize my every breath is a gift if I wasn't so selfish then maybe I could make something of it.
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The truth submerges into the depths of my mind.
My Starving eyes open wide as the lies capside.
Honesty then blooms; why the pedals unfold only truth is revealed.
This hate that has so heavly rained upon my soul is now deminished.
My viens flow pure for our Lords grace has replenished my fragile structure.
I view this Earth we live upon through a new lense which I only see optimism with.
As I awaken I realize my every breath is a gift if I wasn't so selfish then maybe I could make something of it.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by MICHELLE
Dear friends in Christ,
I have been a Barack Obama supporter since the beginning. Then about a week ago a seed of doubt began to blossom in me and I decided to look a little deeper into the matter. I researched his family's past history and the church he belongs to and I no longer felt as compelled to put my beloved country into his hands. I urge anyone who may be torn in regards to the upcoming elections to Google. I found a lot of info in the Wikipedia site about his father's chaotic Atheist life and the family's Muslim background there. I think we can all agree that this is the most important and crutial election this country has ever had.
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Dear friends in Christ,
I have been a Barack Obama supporter since the beginning. Then about a week ago a seed of doubt began to blossom in me and I decided to look a little deeper into the matter. I researched his family's past history and the church he belongs to and I no longer felt as compelled to put my beloved country into his hands. I urge anyone who may be torn in regards to the upcoming elections to Google. I found a lot of info in the Wikipedia site about his father's chaotic Atheist life and the family's Muslim background there. I think we can all agree that this is the most important and crutial election this country has ever had.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Posted by Nick K
I met a man that received his education though the “school of life”, and often wondered what that exactly meant. Was it the hard knocks, that fell upon his feet? Was it the drug addiction that took hold of his life? Was it the death of his wife? Was it not having the opportunity to have God’s precious gift of children in his life? Was it the fact that he didn’t have a strong self sense of worth? What exactly led this man to believe his education came about though the school of life?
Looking back upon my own life, I can honestly say that I have attended that school. However, I didn’t have the same classes. I didn’t battle with a drug addiction, death of a spouse, lacking opportunity of children in my life. I think to some degree, that it had to do with the lost feeling of self worth. I had a strong family foundation, with parents that built their teachings with us kids on the foundation of love. A strong, stern, yet humble father, that taught me what he believed was the classes of life. He taught me that there will be no greater battle, than the battle within me. That if I allow myself to be sucked into life’s turmoil, it will begin to eat away at my feeling of self worth.
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I met a man that received his education though the “school of life”, and often wondered what that exactly meant. Was it the hard knocks, that fell upon his feet? Was it the drug addiction that took hold of his life? Was it the death of his wife? Was it not having the opportunity to have God’s precious gift of children in his life? Was it the fact that he didn’t have a strong self sense of worth? What exactly led this man to believe his education came about though the school of life?
Looking back upon my own life, I can honestly say that I have attended that school. However, I didn’t have the same classes. I didn’t battle with a drug addiction, death of a spouse, lacking opportunity of children in my life. I think to some degree, that it had to do with the lost feeling of self worth. I had a strong family foundation, with parents that built their teachings with us kids on the foundation of love. A strong, stern, yet humble father, that taught me what he believed was the classes of life. He taught me that there will be no greater battle, than the battle within me. That if I allow myself to be sucked into life’s turmoil, it will begin to eat away at my feeling of self worth.
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Amazing, Amazing Grace!
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Posted by Pastor Mark
Greetings all!
The blogs I post here will probably have already been posted on my website listed in my signature at the bottom on this entry. My apologies if you've read them there.
Amazing Grace
Do you remember the story of Jonah? Who can forget that story - about the huge fish that ate the prophet and then spit him up onto the beach all full of sea weed and digestive juices? God was upset with Nineveh because of all of their sin. He asked Jonah to preach repentance to them. Jonah refused. He didn't want to preach repentance to them and instead, he packed his bags and ran. And he didn't get far.
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Greetings all!
The blogs I post here will probably have already been posted on my website listed in my signature at the bottom on this entry. My apologies if you've read them there.
Amazing Grace
Do you remember the story of Jonah? Who can forget that story - about the huge fish that ate the prophet and then spit him up onto the beach all full of sea weed and digestive juices? God was upset with Nineveh because of all of their sin. He asked Jonah to preach repentance to them. Jonah refused. He didn't want to preach repentance to them and instead, he packed his bags and ran. And he didn't get far.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:54 PM 0 comments
DIA 02
La trampa hizo un chasquido, la mujer pigmea saltó sobre el pequeño antílope y lo golpeó hasta matarlo. Habría carne para la cena esa noche.
Y ese es el problema. Los pigmeos no están de acuerdo con la África que está siendo cada vez más mecanizada y labrada. Ellos desean preservar sus arbustos para que no se extingan, mientras otros explotan la madera al talar los árboles del bosque. En efecto, muchos de sus vecinos que son más altos y de piel más oscura, miran a estos habitantes de los bosques como menos que humanos. El pueblo Bantu que es el más numeroso, está lanzando a los pigmeos fuera de su boscosa tierra natal tradicional.
Característicamente, los pigmeos han sido cazadores que viven de su caza y no cultivan la tierra para alimentarse. Aunque algunos todavía lo son, otros se han convertido en guías de turistas, trabajadores por día, estudiantes, entusiastas del fútbol, horticultores, recogedores de miel, granjeros de pollos y pescados, hiérbelos y ecologistas. Otros están marginados, o son alcohólicos, analfabetas y pobres. Todos están peleando una batalla cuesta arriba en contra de la desculturización y el "progreso".
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DIA 02
La trampa hizo un chasquido, la mujer pigmea saltó sobre el pequeño antílope y lo golpeó hasta matarlo. Habría carne para la cena esa noche.
Y ese es el problema. Los pigmeos no están de acuerdo con la África que está siendo cada vez más mecanizada y labrada. Ellos desean preservar sus arbustos para que no se extingan, mientras otros explotan la madera al talar los árboles del bosque. En efecto, muchos de sus vecinos que son más altos y de piel más oscura, miran a estos habitantes de los bosques como menos que humanos. El pueblo Bantu que es el más numeroso, está lanzando a los pigmeos fuera de su boscosa tierra natal tradicional.
Característicamente, los pigmeos han sido cazadores que viven de su caza y no cultivan la tierra para alimentarse. Aunque algunos todavía lo son, otros se han convertido en guías de turistas, trabajadores por día, estudiantes, entusiastas del fútbol, horticultores, recogedores de miel, granjeros de pollos y pescados, hiérbelos y ecologistas. Otros están marginados, o son alcohólicos, analfabetas y pobres. Todos están peleando una batalla cuesta arriba en contra de la desculturización y el "progreso".
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God Made Country?!
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith
This is becoming a fun trip down memory lane, and sharing with all of my friends, and finding new ones as well. Thanks for all who have joined the adventure with me.
Yesterday my blog was about a place in my early life, today a special location on an across the nation tour. Where in the world am I remembering today. Join me for the 30-days of blogging-fest.
You can leave a comment at the end of the blog
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This is becoming a fun trip down memory lane, and sharing with all of my friends, and finding new ones as well. Thanks for all who have joined the adventure with me.
Yesterday my blog was about a place in my early life, today a special location on an across the nation tour. Where in the world am I remembering today. Join me for the 30-days of blogging-fest.
You can leave a comment at the end of the blog
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Oh Praise Him
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Posted by Brother Wally_LIBAW
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"Oh Praise Him"; music by the David Crowder Band.
I came across this absolutely awesome video on MySpace. I pray that all of us that follow the Lord Jesus Christ may be as transparent in our testimony and witness for Him as this young man. And why shouldn't we be? Why is it so hard for some Christians to openly express their faith in Christ outside their church or Christian peers? Is it fear of being laughed at or thought foolish? Being rejected by our friends and family as strange or worst of all, "un-cool"?Click here to continue
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Posted by laura
This is the scariest election we as Christians have ever faced and from the looks of the polls, the Christians aren't voting Christian values. We all need to be on our knees. Do you believe we can take God at His word? Call upon His name, then stand back and watch His wonders to behold. This Scripture gives us, as Christians, ownership of this land and the ability to call upon God to heal it. I challenge you to do so. We have never been more desperate than now for God to heal our land. This election is the scariest I remember in my lifetime.
[Note from Dennis Harris: I did not write this, but whoever did would probably not mind if we do as he suggests.]
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by My name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
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This is the scariest election we as Christians have ever faced and from the looks of the polls, the Christians aren't voting Christian values. We all need to be on our knees. Do you believe we can take God at His word? Call upon His name, then stand back and watch His wonders to behold. This Scripture gives us, as Christians, ownership of this land and the ability to call upon God to heal it. I challenge you to do so. We have never been more desperate than now for God to heal our land. This election is the scariest I remember in my lifetime.
[Note from Dennis Harris: I did not write this, but whoever did would probably not mind if we do as he suggests.]
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by My name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
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Bitterness, Hatred and Forgiveness
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Posted by Pastor Mark
1Jo 2:9 He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.
Mt 6:14-15 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
I have been asked a lot of questions lately about forgiveness. I promised that I would write my testimony concerning this. So here I go...
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1Jo 2:9 He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.
Mt 6:14-15 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
I have been asked a lot of questions lately about forgiveness. I promised that I would write my testimony concerning this. So here I go...
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My Michigan Girls
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Posted by tennisdcamp
Hey All!
Once I learn how to, I want to eventually post songs on here.
My two Michigan girls are: Tammy Trent and Pam Thum.
I had the priveledge of getting to know Tammy back when she was in High School. It was a casual aquaintance....we initially met at a Youth Cofernece in Midland, then spoke, hung out a bit a couple of times back at our church in Michigan. I contacted her not too long ago. She coud not place the name with the face, could not even remember the Midland conference....but may if she saw me in person....but who knows....after all that was many years ago now....
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Hey All!
Once I learn how to, I want to eventually post songs on here.
My two Michigan girls are: Tammy Trent and Pam Thum.
I had the priveledge of getting to know Tammy back when she was in High School. It was a casual aquaintance....we initially met at a Youth Cofernece in Midland, then spoke, hung out a bit a couple of times back at our church in Michigan. I contacted her not too long ago. She coud not place the name with the face, could not even remember the Midland conference....but may if she saw me in person....but who knows....after all that was many years ago now....
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are there any musicians on here?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Posted by Robert Gill
I am new to this site. I live in Michigan and looking for good music to listen to. I used to write about "underground" rap and metal for various magazines and since I have given myself to Christ I have stopped listening to the radio except for my local Smile and KLOVE stations. They play good music, but I enjoy music that is out of the range of most radio listeners. I love hip-hop and rap as well as metal and you cannot find this on the radio. Most of the stuff I listen to now I have been turned on to by watching the Zone or one of the other late night shows on my local Christian television station. My current favorites would be Mars ILL and Family Force 5.
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I am new to this site. I live in Michigan and looking for good music to listen to. I used to write about "underground" rap and metal for various magazines and since I have given myself to Christ I have stopped listening to the radio except for my local Smile and KLOVE stations. They play good music, but I enjoy music that is out of the range of most radio listeners. I love hip-hop and rap as well as metal and you cannot find this on the radio. Most of the stuff I listen to now I have been turned on to by watching the Zone or one of the other late night shows on my local Christian television station. My current favorites would be Mars ILL and Family Force 5.
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An Open Letter to America
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Posted by Daniel Baumet
My friends;
You stand today with quite a decision ! What an opportunity passed you by ! One runner was a minister, yet he was deemed unelectable so passed by what does that say about you?
Now your choice is grim Obamah Husain ( Messianics say Who - is sane? yes like a question) or John the son of Cain! (Mc means son of)
2001 you were slammed on your East Cost , yet wickedness and pride still reigned!
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My friends;
You stand today with quite a decision ! What an opportunity passed you by ! One runner was a minister, yet he was deemed unelectable so passed by what does that say about you?
Now your choice is grim Obamah Husain ( Messianics say Who - is sane? yes like a question) or John the son of Cain! (Mc means son of)
2001 you were slammed on your East Cost , yet wickedness and pride still reigned!
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Monday Magnitude--Passion For The Gift
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:26 PM 0 comments
Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith
"Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave." Matthew 20:26-27
In Myles Munroe's new book "In Charge" is a wonderful teaching on the reality of using our gifts. God has given to each of us a measure of faith, and a measure of gift. We can increase both through the Word of God, and with our passion. Passion is the vehicle that moves the vehicle, our gift, into a new dimension.
He further goes on with this thought: When we become a slave to our gift(s) then we are able to be the servant to those who will benefit from our gift(s). I have taught this principle for years, but just really enjoy the way Dr. Munroe put it into a simple teaching tool in this book.
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"Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave." Matthew 20:26-27
In Myles Munroe's new book "In Charge" is a wonderful teaching on the reality of using our gifts. God has given to each of us a measure of faith, and a measure of gift. We can increase both through the Word of God, and with our passion. Passion is the vehicle that moves the vehicle, our gift, into a new dimension.
He further goes on with this thought: When we become a slave to our gift(s) then we are able to be the servant to those who will benefit from our gift(s). I have taught this principle for years, but just really enjoy the way Dr. Munroe put it into a simple teaching tool in this book.
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Timpanogos--A Place of Outer and Inner Beauty
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:24 PM 0 commentsNovember 1st, the first day of the blogging frenzy. It reminds me of a beautiful mountain stream, beautiful trees all around, the quietness of mountain grandeur. And then you run across a fish hole, throw in a baited fishing line and wait for the results--dinner. And that reminds me of some wonderful memories of living in such an environment, when the water was clean and the air fresh.
Growing up in the Rocky Mountains, it was awesome to go just outside of the city, see the rivers coursing downstream from the glaciers of Mt. Timpanogos towards Utah Lake. The stream had rather strong deadly rapids in spots, then all of a sudden calm, peaceful flows of pristine water. In the upper streams are tributaries to the Provo River running through quaking aspen, mountain grasses and fields of wild flowers. Camp grounds and cabins for nature lovers.
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Go Out and Get Em!
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Posted by Pastor Mark
I LOVE sharing the Gospel with people!
Here we are on the road telling the world about Jesus and the wonderful message of God's love. There is nothing better than seeing people come to Christ, or a hurting soul healed and set free. I can think of nothing that I would rather be doing. I just LOVE IT when I am sitting on the platform or the stage and the Holy Spirit draws people to the altar. I am always so blessed to see people respond to the message of God's love.
Time is running out! The harvest is SOOOOO ripe and each and every one of us need to take up the gospel plow and get to work sharing the hope of the gospel with our lost and dying neighbors. Jesus is coming back soon to take his children home!
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I LOVE sharing the Gospel with people!
Here we are on the road telling the world about Jesus and the wonderful message of God's love. There is nothing better than seeing people come to Christ, or a hurting soul healed and set free. I can think of nothing that I would rather be doing. I just LOVE IT when I am sitting on the platform or the stage and the Holy Spirit draws people to the altar. I am always so blessed to see people respond to the message of God's love.
Time is running out! The harvest is SOOOOO ripe and each and every one of us need to take up the gospel plow and get to work sharing the hope of the gospel with our lost and dying neighbors. Jesus is coming back soon to take his children home!
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T H E 1 0 C O M M A N D M E N T S
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Posted by John Thomas
The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this:
You cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal,' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery,' and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians...It creates a hostile work environment.
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The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this:
You cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal,' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery,' and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians...It creates a hostile work environment.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:14 PM 0 comments
DIA 03
El domingo 5 de octubre de 2008, a las 12.10 del mediodía la torre fue completada. Tras cuatro intensos días de construcción, la última pieza LEGO® se coloco en la cima de la gigantesca estructura.
Justo en ese momento, el Adjudicador de Guinness World Records, Carlos Martínez confirmó la altura total de la estructura y anunció que, con una altura exacta de 29.48 metros, la torre erigida en el centro de Viena, había establecido un nuevo Guinness World Record.
Con la ayuda de más de 1,500 alumnos y cientos de niños de todas las edades y sus familiares, este ambicioso proyecto fue conseguido y el reto de superar los 29.26 metros (96 pies) fue superado.
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DIA 03
El domingo 5 de octubre de 2008, a las 12.10 del mediodía la torre fue completada. Tras cuatro intensos días de construcción, la última pieza LEGO® se coloco en la cima de la gigantesca estructura.
Justo en ese momento, el Adjudicador de Guinness World Records, Carlos Martínez confirmó la altura total de la estructura y anunció que, con una altura exacta de 29.48 metros, la torre erigida en el centro de Viena, había establecido un nuevo Guinness World Record.
Con la ayuda de más de 1,500 alumnos y cientos de niños de todas las edades y sus familiares, este ambicioso proyecto fue conseguido y el reto de superar los 29.26 metros (96 pies) fue superado.
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A Blog on politics I wrote about two weeks ago on Myspace.
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Posted by Tamara Canup Graves
I'm sharing this here because there's been a lot of discussion (heated discussion) on the subject and I wrote this blog on Myspace a few weeks ago.
[20 Oct 2008 | Monday]
3:37 PM - My hopes for the next four years...
Current mood: contemplative
Category: News and Politics
November 4th is just around the corner. I guess it's sad that I'm looking more forward to Christmas then the "epic" decision about who will be our new president. I guess I'm just over the whole thing.
I feel like, no matter who's elected or what happens, it's really not going to change my life all that much. I suppose it's selfish of me to choose to be unaffected but, four years from now, how we feel about Obama and McCain will probably be different from how we feel today.
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I'm sharing this here because there's been a lot of discussion (heated discussion) on the subject and I wrote this blog on Myspace a few weeks ago.
[20 Oct 2008 | Monday]
3:37 PM - My hopes for the next four years...
Current mood: contemplative
Category: News and Politics
November 4th is just around the corner. I guess it's sad that I'm looking more forward to Christmas then the "epic" decision about who will be our new president. I guess I'm just over the whole thing.
I feel like, no matter who's elected or what happens, it's really not going to change my life all that much. I suppose it's selfish of me to choose to be unaffected but, four years from now, how we feel about Obama and McCain will probably be different from how we feel today.
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I read this news article yesterday and found it quite interesting.
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Posted by MICHELLE
Israeli diggers find Hebrew text in ancient town
Posted: 2008-10-30 09:09:41
ContentType:Spot Development; ContentElement:FullStory; Breaking:True;
elfd/mideast/jfederman elfd/mideast/ateibel
Associated Press Writer
HIRBET QEIYAFA, Israel (AP) - An Israeli archaeologist digging at a hilltop south of Jerusalem believes a ceramic shard found in the ruins of an ancient town bears the oldest Hebrew inscription ever discovered, a find that could provide an important glimpse into the culture and language of the Holy Land at the time of the Bible.
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Israeli diggers find Hebrew text in ancient town
Posted: 2008-10-30 09:09:41
ContentType:Spot Development; ContentElement:FullStory; Breaking:True;
elfd/mideast/jfederman elfd/mideast/ateibel
Associated Press Writer
HIRBET QEIYAFA, Israel (AP) - An Israeli archaeologist digging at a hilltop south of Jerusalem believes a ceramic shard found in the ruins of an ancient town bears the oldest Hebrew inscription ever discovered, a find that could provide an important glimpse into the culture and language of the Holy Land at the time of the Bible.
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Thursday, October 22, 2009
My Testimony...
Posted by Blog Reposts at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by Amanda Leigh Sessions
So to be honest I have been a little scared to give an open testimony because of my past and who I was and the fact that it was not that long ago when all of this happened. However, being on this site and seeing the testimony of others has given me a bit of courage and I am going to use that courage to be honest and open and just put it out there. So... here goes...
I have always known that God was real. I have always known that he existed. Even when I didn't want to believe it he has been there... I just didn't want him to be there. I went through some losses when I was younger that affected me greatly. I was just a sensative child really and took things the wrong way. From a very younge age I stuggled with depression, though I never knew what it was then. I just felt sad for so long that I never thought anything of it until I started getting older. I was in middle school the first time I ever really thought about Suicide. I never talked much about it though because I say how people would judge others that talked about it openly. Later years I started cutting myself. I have so many scars from that era of my life and they are constant reminders of how much I hurt when I had pushed God out of my life. How alone and isolated I felt. How much I just wanted to die, yet too afraid of Hell to really do anything about it. I am glad now for that but then I use to curse it. I hated knowing that Heaven and Hell existed because even then I knew it was real and that if I killed myself that would only leave one option. Hell... and I couldn't bring myself to do it. But just because I didn't do it didn't mean that it wasn't on my mind. Didn't mean that I wouldn't do dangerous things to tempt fate. Driving at night with my lights off. Taking excessive amounts of pills and then drinking. Never enough to actually do anything. Always walking that fine line.
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So to be honest I have been a little scared to give an open testimony because of my past and who I was and the fact that it was not that long ago when all of this happened. However, being on this site and seeing the testimony of others has given me a bit of courage and I am going to use that courage to be honest and open and just put it out there. So... here goes...
I have always known that God was real. I have always known that he existed. Even when I didn't want to believe it he has been there... I just didn't want him to be there. I went through some losses when I was younger that affected me greatly. I was just a sensative child really and took things the wrong way. From a very younge age I stuggled with depression, though I never knew what it was then. I just felt sad for so long that I never thought anything of it until I started getting older. I was in middle school the first time I ever really thought about Suicide. I never talked much about it though because I say how people would judge others that talked about it openly. Later years I started cutting myself. I have so many scars from that era of my life and they are constant reminders of how much I hurt when I had pushed God out of my life. How alone and isolated I felt. How much I just wanted to die, yet too afraid of Hell to really do anything about it. I am glad now for that but then I use to curse it. I hated knowing that Heaven and Hell existed because even then I knew it was real and that if I killed myself that would only leave one option. Hell... and I couldn't bring myself to do it. But just because I didn't do it didn't mean that it wasn't on my mind. Didn't mean that I wouldn't do dangerous things to tempt fate. Driving at night with my lights off. Taking excessive amounts of pills and then drinking. Never enough to actually do anything. Always walking that fine line.
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thought of the day
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Posted by Alaina
Happiness is a wonderful feeling. People enjoy being happy because it is uplifting and makes life worth living. However, happiness can in fact be elusive. Pursuing happiness for oneself, just for the sole purpose of becoming happy, usually results in failure to find happiness. The key to happiness, is to bring happiness to others.
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Happiness is a wonderful feeling. People enjoy being happy because it is uplifting and makes life worth living. However, happiness can in fact be elusive. Pursuing happiness for oneself, just for the sole purpose of becoming happy, usually results in failure to find happiness. The key to happiness, is to bring happiness to others.
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Are you ready for war?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Posted by Al Schall
In the bible, the Christian life is not simply compared to a war - it's actually called a war! Ephesians 6: 10-12 says10 A final word: be strong with the Lord's mighty power.11 Put on ALL of God's armor so that you may be able to stand firm against ALL strategies and tricks of the Devil.12 For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but againt evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule THIS world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.
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In the bible, the Christian life is not simply compared to a war - it's actually called a war! Ephesians 6: 10-12 says10 A final word: be strong with the Lord's mighty power.11 Put on ALL of God's armor so that you may be able to stand firm against ALL strategies and tricks of the Devil.12 For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but againt evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule THIS world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.
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There is Movement in the Heavens to equip God's people!
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Posted by Susan
There is movement in the heavens to equip God's people. The angels of war are gathering with the resurrection power of the Lamb. It is time to take our places.
In this new battle, warriors will fight with new weapons. God is calling intercessors to go up into the war rooms of heaven and ask Him for armor. We can then look at the territory around us and ask Him how to use our weapons to bring down the strongholds and bring in the glory of the Lamb.
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There is movement in the heavens to equip God's people. The angels of war are gathering with the resurrection power of the Lamb. It is time to take our places.
In this new battle, warriors will fight with new weapons. God is calling intercessors to go up into the war rooms of heaven and ask Him for armor. We can then look at the territory around us and ask Him how to use our weapons to bring down the strongholds and bring in the glory of the Lamb.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:48 PM 0 comments
“Jehová se me manifestó hace ya mucho tiempo, diciendo: "Con amor eterno te he amado; por eso, te prolongué mi misericordia”. Jer. 31:3
Era como si destellara rayos de luz, vestía unos zapatos impecablemente limpios del mismo color del vestido... El intento decirle hola pero, ella le dijo caminemos; ella comenzó la conversación, continua el anónimo...
He sabido que has estado triste y que has tenido muchos problemas. Te he soñado llorando... te he escuchado gritar afuera de mi casa… Y no me acercaba a ti, debido a las circunstancias, debido a tontos orgullos, yo sé que tú no querías saber nada de mí. No te culpo, ambos, nos lastimamos demasiado, nos hicimos mucho daño y logramos alejarnos.
No vengo a discutir, no vengo a pedirte perdón, sólo he venido a decirte
que aunque las cosas no se arreglaron en su debido momento. Yo creo que nunca es tarde ¿sabes? Espere a que tú me llamaras, para poder platicar, pero tu llamada nunca llegó; él esperarte... el pensar en ti… borró mi apetito... se robo mis días de sol… y me fue venciendo poco a poco. Sin embargo, guardé fe y dije él llamará; más nunca lo hiciste…
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“Jehová se me manifestó hace ya mucho tiempo, diciendo: "Con amor eterno te he amado; por eso, te prolongué mi misericordia”. Jer. 31:3
Era como si destellara rayos de luz, vestía unos zapatos impecablemente limpios del mismo color del vestido... El intento decirle hola pero, ella le dijo caminemos; ella comenzó la conversación, continua el anónimo...
He sabido que has estado triste y que has tenido muchos problemas. Te he soñado llorando... te he escuchado gritar afuera de mi casa… Y no me acercaba a ti, debido a las circunstancias, debido a tontos orgullos, yo sé que tú no querías saber nada de mí. No te culpo, ambos, nos lastimamos demasiado, nos hicimos mucho daño y logramos alejarnos.
No vengo a discutir, no vengo a pedirte perdón, sólo he venido a decirte
que aunque las cosas no se arreglaron en su debido momento. Yo creo que nunca es tarde ¿sabes? Espere a que tú me llamaras, para poder platicar, pero tu llamada nunca llegó; él esperarte... el pensar en ti… borró mi apetito... se robo mis días de sol… y me fue venciendo poco a poco. Sin embargo, guardé fe y dije él llamará; más nunca lo hiciste…
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Faith through Trials
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Posted by Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Durham
James 1: 1-4
Jesus’ brother wrote the book of James. He is speaking to his fellow Jews, male and female, his spiritual siblings, specifically to the twelve tribes of Israel that had been dispersed among the Greeks. What he is telling them flies in the face of what they thought the Messiah was to do when He came. They were expecting a conqueror that would restore Israel and crush its enemies. Instead, Jesus brought in a different kind of Kingdom. Not one of this world, but one of another, an invisible Kingdom that would eventually overcome, not overtake the world.
James starts in verse 2 by saying that his siblings should think of their trials and persecutions as times of rejoice. Why would anyone think that? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said that this was the reward the prophets got when they were faithful. He said God would be ready to reward their faithful behavior despite the reaction they got here. (Matt 5:12). Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that if the faith of the prophets was tested, the faith of the church would be tested also.
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James 1: 1-4
Jesus’ brother wrote the book of James. He is speaking to his fellow Jews, male and female, his spiritual siblings, specifically to the twelve tribes of Israel that had been dispersed among the Greeks. What he is telling them flies in the face of what they thought the Messiah was to do when He came. They were expecting a conqueror that would restore Israel and crush its enemies. Instead, Jesus brought in a different kind of Kingdom. Not one of this world, but one of another, an invisible Kingdom that would eventually overcome, not overtake the world.
James starts in verse 2 by saying that his siblings should think of their trials and persecutions as times of rejoice. Why would anyone think that? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said that this was the reward the prophets got when they were faithful. He said God would be ready to reward their faithful behavior despite the reaction they got here. (Matt 5:12). Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that if the faith of the prophets was tested, the faith of the church would be tested also.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:26 PM 0 comments
Posted by Cornel "Radical" Blakey
IT"S THE FAITH>>> I pray what you hear is a blessing and a triumph in your life!
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IT"S THE FAITH>>> I pray what you hear is a blessing and a triumph in your life!
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Where Are You?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:22 PM 0 comments
Posted by Dr Harold Elam Jr
Genesis 3:9 And the Lord called unto Adam, and said unto him Where art thou?
Where Are You?
It is a question asked in Genesis 3:9. Adam and Eve had just eaten some fruit from the forbidden tree and, sensing God's presence in the Garden of Eden, they hid among the trees. While they were hiding, God asked Adam a one-word question. In Hebrew that word is Ayeka? In English it means,
"Where are you?"
Where are you? It is what we ask our children when they knock over the living room lamp and hide behind the sofa with their foot sticking out. Where ARE you? Today God has allowed me the opportunity to reveal a Rhema Word Ayeka (Where Are You), Some Spiritual Principals and most importantly our faith in God to help us transcend adversity and help us answer the call of AYEKA
“Knowing How To Move Beyond Your Current Location”
“I am Not Where I am Suppose To be, But Thank God I am Not Where I Use To Be”
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Genesis 3:9 And the Lord called unto Adam, and said unto him Where art thou?
Where Are You?
It is a question asked in Genesis 3:9. Adam and Eve had just eaten some fruit from the forbidden tree and, sensing God's presence in the Garden of Eden, they hid among the trees. While they were hiding, God asked Adam a one-word question. In Hebrew that word is Ayeka? In English it means,
"Where are you?"
Where are you? It is what we ask our children when they knock over the living room lamp and hide behind the sofa with their foot sticking out. Where ARE you? Today God has allowed me the opportunity to reveal a Rhema Word Ayeka (Where Are You), Some Spiritual Principals and most importantly our faith in God to help us transcend adversity and help us answer the call of AYEKA
“Knowing How To Move Beyond Your Current Location”
“I am Not Where I am Suppose To be, But Thank God I am Not Where I Use To Be”
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Posted by John Thomas
One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed little Alex standing in the foyer of the church staring up at a large plaque. It was covered with names and small American flags mounted on either side of it. The six-year old had been staring at the plaque for some time, so the pastor walked up, stood beside the little boy, and said quietly, 'Good morning Alex.'
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One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed little Alex standing in the foyer of the church staring up at a large plaque. It was covered with names and small American flags mounted on either side of it. The six-year old had been staring at the plaque for some time, so the pastor walked up, stood beside the little boy, and said quietly, 'Good morning Alex.'
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Forgiveness first comes from God
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Posted by Al Schall
Mark 11:25 says, But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your father in heaven will forgive your sins, too. As this passage implies, an attitude of forgiveness can actually hinder your prayer life.The psalmist wrote, "He would not have listened if I had not confessed my sins"(Pslams 66:18).
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Mark 11:25 says, But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your father in heaven will forgive your sins, too. As this passage implies, an attitude of forgiveness can actually hinder your prayer life.The psalmist wrote, "He would not have listened if I had not confessed my sins"(Pslams 66:18).
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On books and faith, and where the two intersect.
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:08 PM 0 comments
Posted by Ben Dugan
I love to read. I always have. I read at least a couple of books a month, if not more. Some nights, if I don't have time because of school or work or anything like that during the day I will stay up later than I have to just to have a few minutes to read. And I don't care. You give me a book, any book, and I will read it.
I mean, when people tell me that they don't read, I have to look at them with a backward glance. How can one not just totally love the written word? It is what will survive through everything. All these technologies and things like that will one day be dust, but we write will be here forever.
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I love to read. I always have. I read at least a couple of books a month, if not more. Some nights, if I don't have time because of school or work or anything like that during the day I will stay up later than I have to just to have a few minutes to read. And I don't care. You give me a book, any book, and I will read it.
I mean, when people tell me that they don't read, I have to look at them with a backward glance. How can one not just totally love the written word? It is what will survive through everything. All these technologies and things like that will one day be dust, but we write will be here forever.
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The Rough Sketch of a New Untitled Song
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Posted by Amanda Leigh Sessions
I, I am Hollow
I am empty as a shell cast out from the sea
But you, you fulfill me
You embrace me with your love and make me complete
Without you I am nothing
Without you I am lost
Without you...
I've been down the wrong road a hundred times before.
Never finding anything, always wanting more
'Til I found you there was nothing but despair
Now that I know your love, nothing can compare
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I, I am Hollow
I am empty as a shell cast out from the sea
But you, you fulfill me
You embrace me with your love and make me complete
Without you I am nothing
Without you I am lost
Without you...
I've been down the wrong road a hundred times before.
Never finding anything, always wanting more
'Til I found you there was nothing but despair
Now that I know your love, nothing can compare
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God is Real--True story
Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Posted by Torri
I made a mistake when I decided to turn from God. I still loved Him, but the thought that He listened and shared all my hardships diminished. So I took the situations into my own hands and soon found self injury to be the only way out. Rather than giving my emotions to God, I numbed them with pain. And it became a hidden battle from the outside.
Whenever I felt negative emotions, I would inflict pain on myself. But then it escalated into an addiction like habit. If I was unable to fulfill this feeling, I would go mad. And this continued daily in my life for about two years.
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I made a mistake when I decided to turn from God. I still loved Him, but the thought that He listened and shared all my hardships diminished. So I took the situations into my own hands and soon found self injury to be the only way out. Rather than giving my emotions to God, I numbed them with pain. And it became a hidden battle from the outside.
Whenever I felt negative emotions, I would inflict pain on myself. But then it escalated into an addiction like habit. If I was unable to fulfill this feeling, I would go mad. And this continued daily in my life for about two years.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 1:02 PM 0 comments
“Jehová se me manifestó hace ya mucho tiempo, diciendo: "Con amor eterno te he amado; por eso, te prolongué mi misericordia”. Jer. 31:3
Culminó con esta bella historia de amor anónima, editada. La persona que preguntó se retiró extrañada del lugar.. Él acompañó hasta su casa a su ex novia, ella le pidió que por favor la esperara afuera y él accedió ella nunca lo hacia esperar en el patio. Se quedó 10 minutos esperando, y no regresaba. De pronto escuchó voces y vio salir de la casa a los amigos de ella, todos con cara triste y ojos llorosos…
Lo abrazaron y le dijeron, se nos fue, se nos fue, una extraña sensación recorrió todo su cuerpo, y entró corriendo a la casa, entro a la recamara
de su ex novia. En ella se encontraba la mama de ella, abrazada del cadáver de la chica el cual reflejaba en su rostro una profunda tristeza.
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“Jehová se me manifestó hace ya mucho tiempo, diciendo: "Con amor eterno te he amado; por eso, te prolongué mi misericordia”. Jer. 31:3
Culminó con esta bella historia de amor anónima, editada. La persona que preguntó se retiró extrañada del lugar.. Él acompañó hasta su casa a su ex novia, ella le pidió que por favor la esperara afuera y él accedió ella nunca lo hacia esperar en el patio. Se quedó 10 minutos esperando, y no regresaba. De pronto escuchó voces y vio salir de la casa a los amigos de ella, todos con cara triste y ojos llorosos…
Lo abrazaron y le dijeron, se nos fue, se nos fue, una extraña sensación recorrió todo su cuerpo, y entró corriendo a la casa, entro a la recamara
de su ex novia. En ella se encontraba la mama de ella, abrazada del cadáver de la chica el cual reflejaba en su rostro una profunda tristeza.
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A wall of sin is enough to block our eyes from the "son"
Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Posted by Torri
The youth pastor at my church talked about sins and how they build up over time. And he gave me an idea to an awesome thought to hold onto. When you sin "the first time" it is like a layer of bricks being laid down in front of you. You can ask for forgiveness (You have to be sincere about actually laying down the sin to God of course.) and then put it behind you and move on easily. Just step over the single line of bricks. But lets say you don't. And to cover the first sin, you sin "the second time". Well, then a second layer of bricks will be placed on the first.
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The youth pastor at my church talked about sins and how they build up over time. And he gave me an idea to an awesome thought to hold onto. When you sin "the first time" it is like a layer of bricks being laid down in front of you. You can ask for forgiveness (You have to be sincere about actually laying down the sin to God of course.) and then put it behind you and move on easily. Just step over the single line of bricks. But lets say you don't. And to cover the first sin, you sin "the second time". Well, then a second layer of bricks will be placed on the first.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:58 PM 0 comments
Posted by Brother Jimmy
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What’s happening! From The Pastor of The Clearwater Dream Center
Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Posted by John Thomas
Well it seems like it never stops around here at the Center of Hope! Ministry, ministry, ministry! We had 7 graduates last month. We moved the ministry and all the men to another location as well as opening up an outreach center to the hurting here in our neighborhood.
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Well it seems like it never stops around here at the Center of Hope! Ministry, ministry, ministry! We had 7 graduates last month. We moved the ministry and all the men to another location as well as opening up an outreach center to the hurting here in our neighborhood.
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Questions: Faith through Trials
Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Posted by Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Durham
Read: James 1:1-4; 1Peter 1:6-7; Romans 5:3; Hebrews 10:36; and 2Peter 1:6)
1. In your life, what are some trials that you and your church are experiencing?
2. What lessons have you learned in that suffering?
3. In what ways can you now identify more with Jesus?
4. In what ways is a tested faith less perishable than gold in a crucible?
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Read: James 1:1-4; 1Peter 1:6-7; Romans 5:3; Hebrews 10:36; and 2Peter 1:6)
1. In your life, what are some trials that you and your church are experiencing?
2. What lessons have you learned in that suffering?
3. In what ways can you now identify more with Jesus?
4. In what ways is a tested faith less perishable than gold in a crucible?
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Angela's Song
Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Posted by Tamara Canup Graves
Just stick it in, she says
I don't wanna feel the pain
My babies are gone
and I wont get 'em back again
How did I get to where I'm goin'
and how do I turn around
Why can't I just figure out
how to put this demon down
I'm so lonely these days
God wont you come visit me
I know I've brought you shame
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Just stick it in, she says
I don't wanna feel the pain
My babies are gone
and I wont get 'em back again
How did I get to where I'm goin'
and how do I turn around
Why can't I just figure out
how to put this demon down
I'm so lonely these days
God wont you come visit me
I know I've brought you shame
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Mildred Swan supo en 1920, a la edad de 10 años, que quería ser una misionera. Sonó como algo muy santo para una chica inglesa cuya familia la había criado en los caminos del Señor. Cuando ella alcanzó la edad universitaria, quiso estudiar magisterio, pero su padre le dijo que pagaría su educación universitaria sólo si prometía no casarse. ¿Para qué pagar clases si se casaba y abandonaba su carrera después de un año? No estando interesada en el matrimonio en esa etapa de su vida, sin mayor reparo estuvo de acuerdo.
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Mildred Swan supo en 1920, a la edad de 10 años, que quería ser una misionera. Sonó como algo muy santo para una chica inglesa cuya familia la había criado en los caminos del Señor. Cuando ella alcanzó la edad universitaria, quiso estudiar magisterio, pero su padre le dijo que pagaría su educación universitaria sólo si prometía no casarse. ¿Para qué pagar clases si se casaba y abandonaba su carrera después de un año? No estando interesada en el matrimonio en esa etapa de su vida, sin mayor reparo estuvo de acuerdo.
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No Christmas Trees/Toys form China This Year / Must Import Philippians 4:19
Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:45 PM 0 comments
Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith
This is an interesting video on CNN today. It shows the more quiet application of what is happening globally in the economic meltdown. [be sure to read my blog and questions on ]
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This is an interesting video on CNN today. It shows the more quiet application of what is happening globally in the economic meltdown. [be sure to read my blog and questions on ]
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THE ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE THAT LEADS TO HELL... (out of the closet and into the fire!)
Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:42 PM 0 comments
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Not To Mention We Have A Whole New Breed Of Apostles Too... (laugh out loud)
Fact number 1.
God Choses His Prophets And They Are Identified By The Word That God Brings To Past
They don't go around telling people who they are...
(example,) I am the Prophet Roger Benedict!
It will bring condemnation and judgment on myself from the Lord if God has not chosen me and called me to be a true prophet of God!
So in that case i will not say who i am, for it is the Lord who reveals all things and they are manifest in the Holy Spirit...
So anyone boldly professing to be such should be put to the test to see whether they are from God!
just as the scriptures declare...
In the latter times many false prophets shall arise performing many signs and wonders and will deceive many.
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Not To Mention We Have A Whole New Breed Of Apostles Too... (laugh out loud)
Fact number 1.
God Choses His Prophets And They Are Identified By The Word That God Brings To Past
They don't go around telling people who they are...
(example,) I am the Prophet Roger Benedict!
It will bring condemnation and judgment on myself from the Lord if God has not chosen me and called me to be a true prophet of God!
So in that case i will not say who i am, for it is the Lord who reveals all things and they are manifest in the Holy Spirit...
So anyone boldly professing to be such should be put to the test to see whether they are from God!
just as the scriptures declare...
In the latter times many false prophets shall arise performing many signs and wonders and will deceive many.
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Matching Gifts to Grace Questions
Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Posted by Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Durham
Matching Gifts to Grace
Read 1 Cor. 12: 1-11
1. Discuss the article above. Compare and contrast the application of gifts in your church.
2. How does your church honor God with its gifts?
3. What things can be put to better use? How?
Read Gal 5:16-22
4. What type of fruit are the gifts in your church producing?
5. Why?
6. What are some ways that you can change that?
7. Pray. Ask God to show you what He would like to see in your church
8. Dedicate the gifting in your church to His Glory.
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Matching Gifts to Grace
Read 1 Cor. 12: 1-11
1. Discuss the article above. Compare and contrast the application of gifts in your church.
2. How does your church honor God with its gifts?
3. What things can be put to better use? How?
Read Gal 5:16-22
4. What type of fruit are the gifts in your church producing?
5. Why?
6. What are some ways that you can change that?
7. Pray. Ask God to show you what He would like to see in your church
8. Dedicate the gifting in your church to His Glory.
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Kentucky Ghost Story - Real Event
Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:34 PM 0 comments
Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith
This happened about a month ago just outside of Owensboro , Kentucky , a small town on the banks of the
Ohio River , and while it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it's indeed real.
An out of state traveler was walking along the side of the road hitchhiking on a dark night in the middle of a
thunderstorm. Time passed slowly and no cars went by It was raining so hard he could barley see his hand in front of his face.
Suddenly he saw a car approaching, moving slowly and appearing ghostlike in the rain. It slowly and silently crept toward him and stopped.
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This happened about a month ago just outside of Owensboro , Kentucky , a small town on the banks of the
Ohio River , and while it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it's indeed real.
An out of state traveler was walking along the side of the road hitchhiking on a dark night in the middle of a
thunderstorm. Time passed slowly and no cars went by It was raining so hard he could barley see his hand in front of his face.
Suddenly he saw a car approaching, moving slowly and appearing ghostlike in the rain. It slowly and silently crept toward him and stopped.
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Notes from Conversations With God
Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:31 PM 0 comments
Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith
As promised, I am blogging some of the thoughts we expressed on the radio broadcast last night (Fri 10/24) but found as I was writing this morning, there is so much that could be said, and needs to be said, that it is turning into a small book which will be made available within the next few weeks. But here are some tidbits:
Topic of discussion: Conversations With God
This is a book published in 1993 by Neale Donald Walsch. Mr. Walsch reports that god dictated the three books which he has now published. You note that I choose not to make it a capital g because it clearly is not the God of the Bible. Therefore I will not give the demonic utterances in the book any notoriety of deity.
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As promised, I am blogging some of the thoughts we expressed on the radio broadcast last night (Fri 10/24) but found as I was writing this morning, there is so much that could be said, and needs to be said, that it is turning into a small book which will be made available within the next few weeks. But here are some tidbits:
Topic of discussion: Conversations With God
This is a book published in 1993 by Neale Donald Walsch. Mr. Walsch reports that god dictated the three books which he has now published. You note that I choose not to make it a capital g because it clearly is not the God of the Bible. Therefore I will not give the demonic utterances in the book any notoriety of deity.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:29 PM 0 comments
"Tú puedes llamarnos beréberes, pero nosotros nos llamamos ishilhayn", dijo la chica de tez blanca y rubia a su visitante. Aunque a los beréberes les encanta la libertad, rara vez la han experimentado. Los romanos los conquistaron y los llamaron "bárbaros", de ahí el nombre "berebere". Doscientos años más tarde el Imperio Romano desapareció, y surgió el Imperio Arabe y trajo más control a este pueblo amante de la libertad. Y no la han disfrutado desde entonces.
Actualmente, miles de ishilhayn se han desplazado a Europa o a las ciudades para buscar trabajo. Muchos, sin embargo, todavía viven en las pobres viviendas que han sido sus hogares por siglos. Habiendo visto los resultados de la falta de moral de los visitantes europeos, ellos valoran la fe cristiana de los occidentales, pero no pueden aceptar la idea de que un berebere deje el Islam.
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"Tú puedes llamarnos beréberes, pero nosotros nos llamamos ishilhayn", dijo la chica de tez blanca y rubia a su visitante. Aunque a los beréberes les encanta la libertad, rara vez la han experimentado. Los romanos los conquistaron y los llamaron "bárbaros", de ahí el nombre "berebere". Doscientos años más tarde el Imperio Romano desapareció, y surgió el Imperio Arabe y trajo más control a este pueblo amante de la libertad. Y no la han disfrutado desde entonces.
Actualmente, miles de ishilhayn se han desplazado a Europa o a las ciudades para buscar trabajo. Muchos, sin embargo, todavía viven en las pobres viviendas que han sido sus hogares por siglos. Habiendo visto los resultados de la falta de moral de los visitantes europeos, ellos valoran la fe cristiana de los occidentales, pero no pueden aceptar la idea de que un berebere deje el Islam.
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ME, The Master's Everything!
Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Posted by Ms. June Blalock
Freedom To Be Me but what does ME stand for?
Me, I am the Master’s Everything and that is what ME stands for.
Each one of us was designed and created to have unity with God. God desires to make us His holy home. Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me."
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Freedom To Be Me but what does ME stand for?
Me, I am the Master’s Everything and that is what ME stands for.
Each one of us was designed and created to have unity with God. God desires to make us His holy home. Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me."
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~The Wonder Of It All~, A Memorial Tribute of Love Poem for My Son
Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:23 PM 0 comments
Posted by Sheila Catherine Kline
As, I write this tribute of love in memory of you,
I stop to reflect on all the beauty you must view.
Here on Earth, I can't imagine the wonder of all,
For my view is but a peek through clouds small.
As you walk in Heaven's streets paved with gold,
While singing glorious praises to God you behold;
Are streets shining as brightly as I think they are;
Do you gaze upon the majesty of The Morning Star?
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As, I write this tribute of love in memory of you,
I stop to reflect on all the beauty you must view.
Here on Earth, I can't imagine the wonder of all,
For my view is but a peek through clouds small.
As you walk in Heaven's streets paved with gold,
While singing glorious praises to God you behold;
Are streets shining as brightly as I think they are;
Do you gaze upon the majesty of The Morning Star?
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Contributed or Committed
Posted by Blog Reposts at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith
As I have listened the past few days about the passion some people have in certain areas of their ministry, I am reminded today about one of mine. Last Thursday I posted a blog entitled, "Sterotypical--Not To God". It really speaks to one of my heart strings. Everybody knows a Dorothy and/or Don, children that are tossed to the side of the road like a used fast food sack or empty paper cup. The pharmaceutical industry worldwide is a thriving business, new drugs are formulated all the time to mask the symptoms of what cannot be healed with a pill.
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As I have listened the past few days about the passion some people have in certain areas of their ministry, I am reminded today about one of mine. Last Thursday I posted a blog entitled, "Sterotypical--Not To God". It really speaks to one of my heart strings. Everybody knows a Dorothy and/or Don, children that are tossed to the side of the road like a used fast food sack or empty paper cup. The pharmaceutical industry worldwide is a thriving business, new drugs are formulated all the time to mask the symptoms of what cannot be healed with a pill.
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wake Up And Smell The Coffee - Part Three
Posted by Blog Reposts at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Posted by Blake Higginbotham
Re: Apostolic Kingdom Dominion –Vs- The American Church System
By Blake Higginbotham
Good Morning! If you have been reading my many writings over the past few months, then you know that I have been speaking to a number of pertinent issues that we are all facing, and it is my hope that some of them challenged you and caused you think.
Those who know me at all know that I have an opinion, and that I believe it to be qualified. With that said, I realize that it would be almost impossible for me to convey everything that I am thinking and feeling on paper, and it would be equally challenging for you to understand and interpret the thoughts and intents of my heart. You will just have to trust me or pray for me if you have a problem with some of the things that I will be addressing.
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Re: Apostolic Kingdom Dominion –Vs- The American Church System
By Blake Higginbotham
Good Morning! If you have been reading my many writings over the past few months, then you know that I have been speaking to a number of pertinent issues that we are all facing, and it is my hope that some of them challenged you and caused you think.
Those who know me at all know that I have an opinion, and that I believe it to be qualified. With that said, I realize that it would be almost impossible for me to convey everything that I am thinking and feeling on paper, and it would be equally challenging for you to understand and interpret the thoughts and intents of my heart. You will just have to trust me or pray for me if you have a problem with some of the things that I will be addressing.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 7:18 AM 0 comments
DIA 26
"Habiendo aceptado a Jesús en mi corazón, comencé a vivir una vida nueva y digna. Aun así, todavía anhelo conocer más de Dios y de cómo vivir como un buen creyente. Pasé a través de muchas dificultades, sin embargo, el Señor me ayudó a salir adelante”
"El misionero que me llevó a los pies del Señor me preguntó si quería trabajar con él en la misión. Acepté la invitación y así lo hice hasta que comenzó la guerra, por lo que tuve que salir y regresar a Senegal en 1998. Continué aprendiendo la Palabra de Dios y después reanudé mi trabajo con la misión. En 1999, conocí a mi esposa y nos casamos en el año 2000. Tuve la oportunidad de estudiar algunos cursos de medicina y actualmente estoy estudiando la Biblia a través de cursos por correspondencia. Cada día aprendo más y más de mi Señor, y de cómo mantenerme cerca de El. Mi esposa y yo continuamos sirviendo al Señor en el campo de la medicina, así como también compartiendo su Palabra donde quiera que vamos, entre los pueblos Mandinga y Fulani."
Oremos para que los cristianos de África caminen en el poder del Espíritu Santo, por encima de toda opresión demoníaca y ataques de toda índole, demostrando que Jesús es verdaderamente el Rey de Reyes y Señor de Señores aquí en la tierra como en el cielo.
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DIA 26
"Habiendo aceptado a Jesús en mi corazón, comencé a vivir una vida nueva y digna. Aun así, todavía anhelo conocer más de Dios y de cómo vivir como un buen creyente. Pasé a través de muchas dificultades, sin embargo, el Señor me ayudó a salir adelante”
"El misionero que me llevó a los pies del Señor me preguntó si quería trabajar con él en la misión. Acepté la invitación y así lo hice hasta que comenzó la guerra, por lo que tuve que salir y regresar a Senegal en 1998. Continué aprendiendo la Palabra de Dios y después reanudé mi trabajo con la misión. En 1999, conocí a mi esposa y nos casamos en el año 2000. Tuve la oportunidad de estudiar algunos cursos de medicina y actualmente estoy estudiando la Biblia a través de cursos por correspondencia. Cada día aprendo más y más de mi Señor, y de cómo mantenerme cerca de El. Mi esposa y yo continuamos sirviendo al Señor en el campo de la medicina, así como también compartiendo su Palabra donde quiera que vamos, entre los pueblos Mandinga y Fulani."
Oremos para que los cristianos de África caminen en el poder del Espíritu Santo, por encima de toda opresión demoníaca y ataques de toda índole, demostrando que Jesús es verdaderamente el Rey de Reyes y Señor de Señores aquí en la tierra como en el cielo.
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Understand your love for your cat
Posted by Blog Reposts at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Posted by Bill Felts
We recently had to put our beloved Marty to sleep and I am still not over it. Marty was a loyal and faithful friend for 17 years. He greeted me every evening when I came home from work and wanted to sleep by me while I read or watched TV. The house seems so empty without him. The Lord will comfort you. I have found that people who love animals are more loving people to be around.
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We recently had to put our beloved Marty to sleep and I am still not over it. Marty was a loyal and faithful friend for 17 years. He greeted me every evening when I came home from work and wanted to sleep by me while I read or watched TV. The house seems so empty without him. The Lord will comfort you. I have found that people who love animals are more loving people to be around.
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Monday Magnitude--Expand Your Creativity
Posted by Blog Reposts at 7:07 AM 0 comments
Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith
This is the week that I start to prepare myself for the 30-days of November writer my fingers and mind into a state of frenzy event. This year I decided to do an expanded version by joining both the and events. The first is writing a novel start to finish during the month of November, and the second is 30-days of blogging.
If it sounds a bit hectic it is, but for me it is a great way to get thoughts together, increase writing productivity, and really get the mind moving. It also puts a lot of other things on the back burner.
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This is the week that I start to prepare myself for the 30-days of November writer my fingers and mind into a state of frenzy event. This year I decided to do an expanded version by joining both the and events. The first is writing a novel start to finish during the month of November, and the second is 30-days of blogging.
If it sounds a bit hectic it is, but for me it is a great way to get thoughts together, increase writing productivity, and really get the mind moving. It also puts a lot of other things on the back burner.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 7:05 AM 0 comments
DIA 27
“--Yo soy el pan de vida --declaró Jesús--. El que a mí viene nunca pasará hambre, y el que en mí cree nunca más volverá a tener sed”. Juan 6:35
La preocupación mundial actual es la crisis financiera y alimentaria, que causa la mala nutrición física. Este es un problema para los gobiernos.
"La crisis financiera hará más difícil todavía la situación para los países en desarrollo que tratan de proteger a sus habitantes más vulnerables frente a los efectos provocados por la subida de los precios de los alimentos y el combustible. El número de personas mal nutridas aumentará 44 millones en todo el mundo, alcanzando un total de 967 millones en 2008, después de que varios países experimentaron una inflación de dos dígitos en los comestibles, según un nuevo informe del Banco Mundial.
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DIA 27
“--Yo soy el pan de vida --declaró Jesús--. El que a mí viene nunca pasará hambre, y el que en mí cree nunca más volverá a tener sed”. Juan 6:35
La preocupación mundial actual es la crisis financiera y alimentaria, que causa la mala nutrición física. Este es un problema para los gobiernos.
"La crisis financiera hará más difícil todavía la situación para los países en desarrollo que tratan de proteger a sus habitantes más vulnerables frente a los efectos provocados por la subida de los precios de los alimentos y el combustible. El número de personas mal nutridas aumentará 44 millones en todo el mundo, alcanzando un total de 967 millones en 2008, después de que varios países experimentaron una inflación de dos dígitos en los comestibles, según un nuevo informe del Banco Mundial.
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Get Your Praise and Joy ON Videos
Posted by Blog Reposts at 7:03 AM 0 comments
Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith
Sometimes in the challenges of our daily life we need to take a moment and just give God the praise and Worship. Tell Him thank you today .. He does show us how to make it through. NO evil shall come near my dwelling; and I shall praise the Lord with every breath that I have. Enjoy the videos, sing along, and get your praise and joy on! Hallelujah!! Nothing in our life is too big for the God we serve and call Father and Lord!
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Sometimes in the challenges of our daily life we need to take a moment and just give God the praise and Worship. Tell Him thank you today .. He does show us how to make it through. NO evil shall come near my dwelling; and I shall praise the Lord with every breath that I have. Enjoy the videos, sing along, and get your praise and joy on! Hallelujah!! Nothing in our life is too big for the God we serve and call Father and Lord!
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My Story
Posted by Blog Reposts at 7:01 AM 0 comments
Posted by Bob Bushman
I am almost 49 years old and for the first 15 years of my life I live in a very tough situation that included poverty, physical, emotional, social, and sexual abuse. I had a father who was an alcoholic,
he was illiterate because he never was sent to school but was put to work in the logging camp where his family lived. He met my mother who was dating his brother and she ended up marrying him. My mom came from a good family and it was hard for them to see her with this man and his family who were all drunks and lived in tar paper shacks. My mom had 5 children in less than 5 years, the last 3 of us were 11 months apart. My earliest memories are of living in a one room tar paper shack, My father would take off and leave us with nothing, my grandmother (mothers side) did all she could do to make sure we were OK. My mom would leave my father and move us all to my grandmothers house , then after a few months bring us back to my father.
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I am almost 49 years old and for the first 15 years of my life I live in a very tough situation that included poverty, physical, emotional, social, and sexual abuse. I had a father who was an alcoholic,
he was illiterate because he never was sent to school but was put to work in the logging camp where his family lived. He met my mother who was dating his brother and she ended up marrying him. My mom came from a good family and it was hard for them to see her with this man and his family who were all drunks and lived in tar paper shacks. My mom had 5 children in less than 5 years, the last 3 of us were 11 months apart. My earliest memories are of living in a one room tar paper shack, My father would take off and leave us with nothing, my grandmother (mothers side) did all she could do to make sure we were OK. My mom would leave my father and move us all to my grandmothers house , then after a few months bring us back to my father.
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thought of the day
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:59 AM 0 comments
Posted by Alaina
Nature is the natural way to experience life. Through nature we are able to learn, explore, advance, relax, enjoy, grow, and more. Much can be gained from the abundance that nature has to offer. With the proper perspective, we are able to see nature at its best and pursue specific areas of nature that are of interest to us. When we appreciate nature and respect nature, our eyes are opened to the magnificence and resplendence of the *TRUE BEAUTY OF NATURE*!!!
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Nature is the natural way to experience life. Through nature we are able to learn, explore, advance, relax, enjoy, grow, and more. Much can be gained from the abundance that nature has to offer. With the proper perspective, we are able to see nature at its best and pursue specific areas of nature that are of interest to us. When we appreciate nature and respect nature, our eyes are opened to the magnificence and resplendence of the *TRUE BEAUTY OF NATURE*!!!
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:55 AM 0 comments
DIA 28
“Jehová se me manifestó hace ya mucho tiempo, diciendo: "Con amor eterno te he amado; por eso, te prolongué mi misericordia”. Jer. 31:3
El amor de Dios a Israel y a cada creyente en Jesucristo es sublime, es eterno y la máxima expresión de un amor santo y fiel. El anónimo que edite, hace pensar en el opaco amor humano, ante el amor divino.
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DIA 28
“Jehová se me manifestó hace ya mucho tiempo, diciendo: "Con amor eterno te he amado; por eso, te prolongué mi misericordia”. Jer. 31:3
El amor de Dios a Israel y a cada creyente en Jesucristo es sublime, es eterno y la máxima expresión de un amor santo y fiel. El anónimo que edite, hace pensar en el opaco amor humano, ante el amor divino.
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My Testimony...
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:53 AM 0 comments
Posted by Amanda Leigh Sessions
So to be honest I have been a little scared to give an open testimony because of my past and who I was and the fact that it was not that long ago when all of this happened. However, being on this site and seeing the testimony of others has given me a bit of courage and I am going to use that courage to be honest and open and just put it out there. So... here goes...
I have always known that God was real. I have always known that he existed. Even when I didn't want to believe it he has been there... I just didn't want him to be there. I went through some losses when I was younger that affected me greatly.
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So to be honest I have been a little scared to give an open testimony because of my past and who I was and the fact that it was not that long ago when all of this happened. However, being on this site and seeing the testimony of others has given me a bit of courage and I am going to use that courage to be honest and open and just put it out there. So... here goes...
I have always known that God was real. I have always known that he existed. Even when I didn't want to believe it he has been there... I just didn't want him to be there. I went through some losses when I was younger that affected me greatly.
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thought of the day
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:50 AM 0 comments
Posted by Alaina
Happiness is a wonderful feeling. People enjoy being happy because it is uplifting and makes life worth living. However, happiness can in fact be elusive. Pursuing happiness for oneself, just for the sole purpose of becoming happy, usually results in failure to find happiness.
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Happiness is a wonderful feeling. People enjoy being happy because it is uplifting and makes life worth living. However, happiness can in fact be elusive. Pursuing happiness for oneself, just for the sole purpose of becoming happy, usually results in failure to find happiness.
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Are you ready for war?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:45 AM 0 comments
Posted by Al Schall
In the bible, the Christian life is not simply compared to a war - it's actually called a war! Ephesians 6: 10-12 says10 A final word: be strong with the Lord's mighty power.11 Put on ALL of God's armor so that you may be able to stand firm against ALL strategies and tricks of the Devil.12 For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but againt evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule THIS world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.
As in any battle , it helps to know your enemy.
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In the bible, the Christian life is not simply compared to a war - it's actually called a war! Ephesians 6: 10-12 says10 A final word: be strong with the Lord's mighty power.11 Put on ALL of God's armor so that you may be able to stand firm against ALL strategies and tricks of the Devil.12 For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but againt evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule THIS world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.
As in any battle , it helps to know your enemy.
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There is Movement in the Heavens to equip God's people!
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:42 AM 0 comments
Posted by Susan
There is movement in the heavens to equip God's people. The angels of war are gathering with the resurrection power of the Lamb. It is time to take our places.
In this new battle, warriors will fight with new weapons. God is calling intercessors to go up into the war rooms of heaven and ask Him for armor. We can then look at the territory around us and ask Him how to use our weapons to bring down the strongholds and bring in the glory of the Lamb.
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There is movement in the heavens to equip God's people. The angels of war are gathering with the resurrection power of the Lamb. It is time to take our places.
In this new battle, warriors will fight with new weapons. God is calling intercessors to go up into the war rooms of heaven and ask Him for armor. We can then look at the territory around us and ask Him how to use our weapons to bring down the strongholds and bring in the glory of the Lamb.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:40 AM 0 comments
DIA 29
“Jehová se me manifestó hace ya mucho tiempo, diciendo: "Con amor eterno te he amado; por eso, te prolongué mi misericordia”. Jer. 31:3
Era como si destellara rayos de luz, vestía unos zapatos impecablemente limpios del mismo color del vestido... El intento decirle hola pero, ella le dijo caminemos; ella comenzó la conversación, continua el anónimo...
He sabido que has estado triste y que has tenido muchos problemas.
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DIA 29
“Jehová se me manifestó hace ya mucho tiempo, diciendo: "Con amor eterno te he amado; por eso, te prolongué mi misericordia”. Jer. 31:3
Era como si destellara rayos de luz, vestía unos zapatos impecablemente limpios del mismo color del vestido... El intento decirle hola pero, ella le dijo caminemos; ella comenzó la conversación, continua el anónimo...
He sabido que has estado triste y que has tenido muchos problemas.
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Faith through Trials
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:38 AM 0 comments
Posted by Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Durham
Faith through Trials
James 1: 1-4
Jesus’ brother wrote the book of James. He is speaking to his fellow Jews, male and female, his spiritual siblings, specifically to the twelve tribes of Israel that had been dispersed among the Greeks. What he is telling them flies in the face of what they thought the Messiah was to do when He came. They were expecting a conqueror that would restore Israel and crush its enemies. Instead, Jesus brought in a different kind of Kingdom. Not one of this world, but one of another, an invisible Kingdom that would eventually overcome, not overtake the world.
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Faith through Trials
James 1: 1-4
Jesus’ brother wrote the book of James. He is speaking to his fellow Jews, male and female, his spiritual siblings, specifically to the twelve tribes of Israel that had been dispersed among the Greeks. What he is telling them flies in the face of what they thought the Messiah was to do when He came. They were expecting a conqueror that would restore Israel and crush its enemies. Instead, Jesus brought in a different kind of Kingdom. Not one of this world, but one of another, an invisible Kingdom that would eventually overcome, not overtake the world.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:33 AM 0 comments
Posted by Cornel "Radical" Blakey
IT"S THE FAITH>>> I pray what you hear is a blessing and a triumph in your life!
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IT"S THE FAITH>>> I pray what you hear is a blessing and a triumph in your life!
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Where Are You?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:32 AM 0 comments
Posted by Dr Harold Elam Jr
Genesis 3:9 And the Lord called unto Adam, and said unto him Where art thou?
Where Are You?
It is a question asked in Genesis 3:9. Adam and Eve had just eaten some fruit from the forbidden tree and, sensing God's presence in the Garden of Eden, they hid among the trees. While they were hiding, God asked Adam a one-word question. In Hebrew that word is Ayeka? In English it means,
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Genesis 3:9 And the Lord called unto Adam, and said unto him Where art thou?
Where Are You?
It is a question asked in Genesis 3:9. Adam and Eve had just eaten some fruit from the forbidden tree and, sensing God's presence in the Garden of Eden, they hid among the trees. While they were hiding, God asked Adam a one-word question. In Hebrew that word is Ayeka? In English it means,
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:29 AM 0 comments
Posted by John Thomas
One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed little Alex standing in the foyer of the church staring up at a large plaque. It was covered with names and small American flags mounted on either side of it. The six-year old had been staring at the plaque for some time, so the pastor walked up, stood beside the little boy, and said quietly, 'Good morning Alex.'
'Good morning Pastor,' he replied, still focused on the plaque.
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One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed little Alex standing in the foyer of the church staring up at a large plaque. It was covered with names and small American flags mounted on either side of it. The six-year old had been staring at the plaque for some time, so the pastor walked up, stood beside the little boy, and said quietly, 'Good morning Alex.'
'Good morning Pastor,' he replied, still focused on the plaque.
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Forgiveness first comes from God
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Posted by Al Schall
Mark 11:25 says, But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your father in heaven will forgive your sins, too. As this passage implies, an attitude of unforgiveness can actually hinder your prayer life.The psalmist wrote, "He would not have listened if I had not confessed my sins"(Pslams 66:18).
So, in Mark 11: 25, Jesus is not saying that God's forgiveness is dependent upon your forgiveness of others.
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Mark 11:25 says, But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your father in heaven will forgive your sins, too. As this passage implies, an attitude of unforgiveness can actually hinder your prayer life.The psalmist wrote, "He would not have listened if I had not confessed my sins"(Pslams 66:18).
So, in Mark 11: 25, Jesus is not saying that God's forgiveness is dependent upon your forgiveness of others.
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On books and faith, and where the two intersect.
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:23 AM 0 comments
Posted by Ben Dugan
I love to read. I always have. I read at least a couple of books a month, if not more. Some nights, if I don't have time because of school or work or anything like that during the day I will stay up later than I have to just to have a few minutes to read. And I don't care. You give me a book, any book, and I will read it.
I mean, when people tell me that they don't read, I have to look at them with a backward glance. How can one not just totally love the written word? It is what will survive through everything. All these technologies and things like that will one day be dust, but we write will be here forever.
Anyways, I was thinking about how reading a book can change your outlook on life.
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I love to read. I always have. I read at least a couple of books a month, if not more. Some nights, if I don't have time because of school or work or anything like that during the day I will stay up later than I have to just to have a few minutes to read. And I don't care. You give me a book, any book, and I will read it.
I mean, when people tell me that they don't read, I have to look at them with a backward glance. How can one not just totally love the written word? It is what will survive through everything. All these technologies and things like that will one day be dust, but we write will be here forever.
Anyways, I was thinking about how reading a book can change your outlook on life.
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The Rough Sketch of a New Untitled Song
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:21 AM 0 comments
Posted by Amanda Leigh Sessions
I, I am Hollow
I am empty as a shell cast out from the sea
But you, you fulfill me
You embrace me with your love and make me complete
Without you I am nothing
Without you I am lost
Without you...
I've been down the wrong road a hundred times before.
Never finding anything, always wanting more
'Til I found you there was nothing but despair
Now that I know your love, nothing can compare
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I, I am Hollow
I am empty as a shell cast out from the sea
But you, you fulfill me
You embrace me with your love and make me complete
Without you I am nothing
Without you I am lost
Without you...
I've been down the wrong road a hundred times before.
Never finding anything, always wanting more
'Til I found you there was nothing but despair
Now that I know your love, nothing can compare
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God is Real--True story
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:17 AM 0 comments
Posted by Torri
I made a mistake when I decided to turn from God. I still loved Him, but the thought that He listened and shared all my hardships diminished. So I took the situations into my own hands and soon found self injury to be the only way out. Rather than giving my emotions to God, I numbed them with pain. And it became a hidden battle from the outside.
Whenever I felt negative emotions, I would inflict pain on myself. But then it escalated into an addiction like habit. If I was unable to fulfill this feeling, I would go mad. And this continued daily in my life for about two years.
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I made a mistake when I decided to turn from God. I still loved Him, but the thought that He listened and shared all my hardships diminished. So I took the situations into my own hands and soon found self injury to be the only way out. Rather than giving my emotions to God, I numbed them with pain. And it became a hidden battle from the outside.
Whenever I felt negative emotions, I would inflict pain on myself. But then it escalated into an addiction like habit. If I was unable to fulfill this feeling, I would go mad. And this continued daily in my life for about two years.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:14 AM 0 comments
DIA 30
“Jehová se me manifestó hace ya mucho tiempo, diciendo: "Con amor eterno te he amado; por eso, te prolongué mi misericordia”. Jer. 31:3
Culminó con esta bella historia de amor anónima, editada. La persona que preguntó se retiró extrañada del lugar.. Él acompañó hasta su casa a su ex novia, ella le pidió que por favor la esperara afuera y él accedió ella nunca lo hacia esperar en el patio. Se quedó 10 minutos esperando, y no regresaba. De pronto escuchó voces y vio salir de la casa a los amigos de ella, todos con cara triste y ojos llorosos…
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DIA 30
“Jehová se me manifestó hace ya mucho tiempo, diciendo: "Con amor eterno te he amado; por eso, te prolongué mi misericordia”. Jer. 31:3
Culminó con esta bella historia de amor anónima, editada. La persona que preguntó se retiró extrañada del lugar.. Él acompañó hasta su casa a su ex novia, ella le pidió que por favor la esperara afuera y él accedió ella nunca lo hacia esperar en el patio. Se quedó 10 minutos esperando, y no regresaba. De pronto escuchó voces y vio salir de la casa a los amigos de ella, todos con cara triste y ojos llorosos…
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A wall of sin is enough to block our eyes from the "son"
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:11 AM 0 comments
Posted by Torri
The youth pastor at my church talked about sins and how they build up over time. And he gave me an idea to an awesome thought to hold onto. When you sin "the first time" it is like a layer of bricks being laid down in front of you. You can ask for forgiveness (You have to be sincere about actually laying down the sin to God of course.) and then put it behind you and move on easily. Just step over the single line of bricks. But lets say you don't.
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The youth pastor at my church talked about sins and how they build up over time. And he gave me an idea to an awesome thought to hold onto. When you sin "the first time" it is like a layer of bricks being laid down in front of you. You can ask for forgiveness (You have to be sincere about actually laying down the sin to God of course.) and then put it behind you and move on easily. Just step over the single line of bricks. But lets say you don't.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:07 AM 0 comments
Posted by Brother Jimmy
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What’s happening! From The Pastor of The Clearwater Dream Center
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:03 AM 0 comments
Posted by John Thomas
Well it seems like it never stops around here at the Center of Hope! Ministry, ministry, ministry! We had 7 graduates last month. We moved the ministry and all the men to another location as well as opening up an outreach center to the hurting here in our neighborhood.
As many of you know finances are tight, but God has them right in His hands. I don’t think it’s an economy thing, but a ministry /God thing. God just keeps us on our knees asking for help, knocking on doors and humbling our hearts.....
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Well it seems like it never stops around here at the Center of Hope! Ministry, ministry, ministry! We had 7 graduates last month. We moved the ministry and all the men to another location as well as opening up an outreach center to the hurting here in our neighborhood.
As many of you know finances are tight, but God has them right in His hands. I don’t think it’s an economy thing, but a ministry /God thing. God just keeps us on our knees asking for help, knocking on doors and humbling our hearts.....
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Questions: Faith through Trials
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Posted by Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Durham
Read: James 1:1-4; 1Peter 1:6-7; Romans 5:3; Hebrews 10:36; and 2Peter 1:6)
1. In your life, what are some trials that you and your church are experiencing?
2. What lessons have you learned in that suffering?
3. In what ways can you now identify more with Jesus?
4. In what ways is a tested faith less perishable than gold in a crucible?
5. In what ways can a faith become stronger?
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Read: James 1:1-4; 1Peter 1:6-7; Romans 5:3; Hebrews 10:36; and 2Peter 1:6)
1. In your life, what are some trials that you and your church are experiencing?
2. What lessons have you learned in that suffering?
3. In what ways can you now identify more with Jesus?
4. In what ways is a tested faith less perishable than gold in a crucible?
5. In what ways can a faith become stronger?
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Angela's Song
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:58 AM 0 comments
Posted by Tamara Canup Graves
Just stick it in, she says
I don't wanna feel the pain
My babies are gone
and I wont get 'em back again
How did I get to where I'm goin'
and how do I turn around
Why can't I just figure out
how to put this demon down
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Just stick it in, she says
I don't wanna feel the pain
My babies are gone
and I wont get 'em back again
How did I get to where I'm goin'
and how do I turn around
Why can't I just figure out
how to put this demon down
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Monday, October 19, 2009
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:52 PM 0 comments
Posted by Pastor Dave
By Dave Burrus
I have written my testimony as I feel that there is a lot of un-forgiveness in this world. I pray that it may help some come to our Lord and seek His forgiveness and love.
It all started way back when I was around 4 or 5 years of age.
Way back in 1944/5. I had a hard childhood and so did some of my other brothers and sisters.
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By Dave Burrus
I have written my testimony as I feel that there is a lot of un-forgiveness in this world. I pray that it may help some come to our Lord and seek His forgiveness and love.
It all started way back when I was around 4 or 5 years of age.
Way back in 1944/5. I had a hard childhood and so did some of my other brothers and sisters.
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