Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Gave My Pants Away

Posted by Pastor Mark

Yes. I really did give a pair of my pants away.
You see? The young man in the photo right there is John. He showed up at our home today totally soaked from the rain. He was riding to town in a van full of 'hippies' to get some supplies for the group staying at the "holding camp" for this year's "gathering".

They were supposed to get some baby food and diapers, some other food and yes some booze for the "A-campers". On the way, the sister driving the van made the decision that they would spend the entire amount of money they had pan-handled on hard liquor. The families with the children could get others to care for them easy enough, she said. John didn't like that idea, told her and the others that he wouldn't put up with it, and consequently got thrown out onto the road about 4 miles from here. He walked with his half-wolf/half-huskie to the ministry property.

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DIA 01

Este pueblo perdió su idioma, el cual actualmente es considerado por algunas personas como un lenguaje “sucio”. También ellos perdieron su tierra, y ahora pertenece a otras personas. Sin embargo, ellos aún retienen su religión nativa que es el animismo. Ellos creen que los espíritus habitan en el mundo natural y que ellos deben adorarlos o si no, sufrirán las consecuencias de no hacerlo.

El pueblo Tapeba del Estado brasileño de Cerara, es un pueblo indígena que trabaja en la agricultura, o en pueblos y ciudades. Ahora ellos hablan el portugués, el idioma nacional de Brasil. Tienen una pequeña reserva en el Río Cerara. Aunque, por ley, existe libertad para evangelizarlos en Brasil, los gobiernos estatales o tribales a menudo restringen el acceso de extranjeros a las reservas indias.

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DIA 01
“Por eso, desechando la mentira, hablad verdad cada uno con su prójimo, porque somos miembros los unos de los otros” (Efesios 4:25)
Sara era una hermosa mujer, pero su esposo la celó y cuando vivió en otro lugar, hizo pasar a Sara como su hermana, y esto le trajo problemas, porque el rey quiso que ella fuera su mujer y Abraham le dijo la verdad y esto le costó, una reprimenda de parte de Abimelec.
Abraham dijo un media mentira, pues, Sara era su hermana, y también su esposa. Al final se supo la verdad, es que la mentira nunca tiene sólidas bases, no hay mentiras piadosas, ni medias verdades. Es verdad o falso. Uno debe inclinarse a decir la verdad con prudencia.

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A recipe for America

Posted by Buddy

The President wants to give out another $800 million. He thinks that our problems can be solved with money and more jobs. But our problems are not economic.

People want more gun laws. But our problems are not guns.

Ever since 2001, we have been going after terrorists. We have even freed a country. But our problems are not terrorists.

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Instinct Written by Chris Tutwiler

Posted by Christopher Tutwiler

Instinct Written by Christopher Tutwiler

Are we so much an animal
That we must claw to succeed
Are we the primate variety
Thinking strength is a need
Are we so much an animal
We can’t resist an urge
To our keep hormones centered
When we get a surge
Are we so much an animal
With claws backstabbing our friends
Living for what is right now

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DIA 03
La pequeña, bien perfumada y orgullosa anciana de 92 años, completamente vestida cada mañana a las 8 en punto con su cabello arreglado a la moda y el maquillaje perfectamente aplicado, aunque es legalmente ciega, se muda hoy a un asilo.
Su esposo de 70 años murió recientemente, lo que motivó la mudanza. Después de muchas horas de esperar pacientemente en el recibidor del asilo, sonrió dulcemente cuando se le dijo que su cuarto estaba listo.

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This Is Your Brain On Joy

Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith

The first thing I liked about "This Is Your Brain On Joy" is the cover. The colors and title give hope for great inspiration inside and the reader is not disappointed. Many of the Christian television shows have had physicians and specialists on their programs speaking about how to improve the brain, how to heal the brain, but I must say they turned me off by weird concoctions to eat and drink, even though I was interested in improving brain power as we grow older or after disease and accidents. ,Instead, Dr. Henslin and Dr. Amen bring a delightful infusion of understanding into the brain's functioning on all levels, they supply the necessary elements of what to eat, how to alter moods and the most common of ailments that the brain processes., Such topics as "Panic Attacks, Agoraphobia, and Good Old Southern Cooking", Stomping on the ANTs", "Cinematherapy and Support Village", have to do with a development of a healthy brain. Easy to understand do's and don't's are included, so the gues work is taken out. Or maybe you've had problems with "Sticks and Stones and Harmful Words", don't miss that chapter. It may help you help your children grow into healthy thinkers in a collapsing moral value system.

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things to be said

Posted by stacy

I was obviouslly trippin bout my court date but everything turned out ok I am a child of God and because i gave my attention to him with what went into my ears and the fast that I did he once again provided for me my step dad hasn't found a job yet but God is in contoroll as always and he will provide for his children who come to him with prayer and petition and though things may not go as planned he will give you peace for the trials you go through and not only that but remember always he sometimes puts us through the fire to refine us and bring us closer to him in all things when things are good praise him when they are bad praise him the devil is not the winner but he definately tries to break us but remember also that God will not give us anything that we can not handle sometimes it feels like we can't handle things and the truth is without Gods grace and mercy we can't we need him in all things....

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In The Eyes Of The World

Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith

Republished by Permission from Olive Press Muse
In The Eyes Of The World
"Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?" James 2:5 NIV

This verse struck a chord within my heart this morning as I was listening to the audio Bible. The Holy Spirit had given me a Word many months ago to go to the "unloved" and tell them that Jesus knows them and loves them.

So often we think of the "unloved" as the homeless, the street people, or those who are just have fallen on hard times. Perhaps the definition might be those who are hard to get along with and so society pushes them aside. But this morning I am reconsidering that the "unloved" could even be those within our congregations every Sunday morning.

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DIA 04
Alguien dijo encontrar a Dios en la naturaleza. Y yo corrí hacia el mar, crucé campos y senderos, miré en espigas y en flores. Todos hablaban de Dios, de su poder, de su cuidado y esmero. Pero no vi a Dios, no estaba allí.
Sólo había noticias de El, rumores y recuerdos. “Pregunta a los sabios de Dios”, otros dijeron. Busqué al místico, al teólogo y al lama. Acudí a templos y monasterios. Escuché santas ideas, comentarios, oraciones, sentimientos... Ellos vivían con Dios, pero yo... ¡no logré verlo!
“Dios bajó hace ya tiempo; busca en los barrios, en la lucha del hombre por el hombre”, sugirieron. “Busca en la selva, en la cárcel, en chabolas...” Y solo hallé recuerdos. Recuerdos de algo que El dijo, de interpretaciones, de ideas y de sueños. Pero Dios no estaba allí. Se había ido hacía tiempo.
Entonces, desencantado, creí que no estaba en ningún sitio, o que estaba demasiado lejos. Y busqué en mi corazón otros asuntos. ¡Que siguiera Dios allá en su cielo! Y al mirar allí, en mi corazón, sentado entre injusticias y entre miedos, entre dudas, rencores y esperanzas, entre buenos y malos sentimientos, estaba Dios, ¡Sentado y esperando!

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"Restoration, In Times Of Trouble"

Posted by Ann Marie Rush

The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked. ~Proverbs 24:16

The Message Bible says, Don't interfere with good people's lives; don't try to get the best of them. For, no matter how many times you trip them up, God-loyal people don't stay down long. For soon, they're up on their feet, while the wicked end up flat on their faces.

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"Cheer Up,...! Don't Be Afraid"

Posted by Ann Marie Rush

If you fail under pressure, your strength is too small.
The Message Bible says, If you fall to piece in a crisis, there wasn't much to you in the first place.

Therefore, times of trouble can be useful. For they can show you who you really are - & what kind of character you have developed. In addition, they can help you grow stronger. ...
So, don't complain about your problems. For the trouble you face today is training you to be strong for the more difficult situations you will face in the future.

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Whats love got to do with it...? EVERYTHING!!!!

Posted by Tricia Sturgeon

Love. Whatever language that word is used in, it's universal. And with Valentine's day only a few weeks away that word will be used more now than at any other time of the year.

Love is the over riding theme of the Bible. In fact love is the key character trait of God Almighty! The Bible says that God IS love. So what's this love thing all about anyway? Here are some of my thoughts.

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How can Jesus be God, when he calls the Father the only true God?

Posted by SLAVE2JC

A Series of Answers to Common Questions

Sam Shamoun


Jesus himself admitted that the Father is the only true God. Since Trinitarians believe that the Father and the Son are distinct Persons, that they are not the same Person, wouldn’t this prove that Jesus denied that he was God?


The person who raises this question is obviously assuming Unitarianism, that there is only one Person who is God (namely the Father), and then imposes this assumption onto the reading of the text. The only thing one has to do in order to understand Jesus’ point here is to simply read the entire context:

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DIA 05

“También de su hijo Semaías nacieron hijos que fueron señores sobre la casa de sus padres; porque eran hombres valerosos y esforzados” (1 Crónicas 26:6)

En un congreso internacional de líderes y en un trabajo con grupos grandes es importante saber organizar a la gente. Hay información, secretarias, productores, oradores; en fin, una gama de gente lista para realizar su función y servir al público.

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When Life Doesn't Fit

Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith

This is for all the women who have been there and done that; who have baked the cookies, changed the diapers, and attended all the PTA meetings. We may have been married and had the support of a loving companion, been a single mom, or married and felt single--either way, we have been there and done that. Now it's our turn to develop or well, just do. When life doesn't fit any more, change your life!

It is so exciting to see women in their 50s and 60s starting new careers and major projects. Remember, Moses didn't get called to ministry until he was eighty but was put on the training cycle at birth. If you're in that fifty- to sixty-year old category, that also means you're part of the Baby Boomer Generation and we don't stop, we change. I also believe that's what some of our younger generations need to see: that we can change with the seasons of life, take what we have learned through experience, and create a new future.

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What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Posted by Bob Bushman

What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit?
A Spirit filled life is a Spirit controlled life. There is a reason why we are not experiencing a Spirit filled life. That reason is that we haven't developed a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Let us look at the Scripture to get some insight about Him, so we can begin to build that relationship with Him, then we will be more willing to turn the control of our lives over to Him.

The Holy Spirit is a person
He is not just a force or something that happens at a pep rally. The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity that is God. Jesus told His followers not to do anything until they were endued with power from on high by the Holy Spirit. (Luke 24:49)

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Life Is UnPredictable but God is Still the Same

Posted by Marie

In life, sometimes you will see and hear things happening that you have no idea how it could happen. I have seen and experience these things in my family. I have often wondered how these people live their lives like that everyday without any consciousness. It seems to me they have no consciousness. It looks as if they don’t care about no one but themselves. The only way they seem to have any involvement with a person is when there is something in it for them.

I have read in the Bible about these kinds of sins, but I have never been in contact with people that lived as these persons.

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Why do bad things happen to good people....?

Posted by Demarismom

Why does it seem like bad things happen to good people and bad people have good things happen to them and then screw it up? Why do good people keep subjecting ourselves to hurt from people we need to just walk away from?

When I was younger, the only person I cared for was myself. I didn't care back then who I hurt in the process of me trying to get what I wanted. After my dad passed and that security nest was gone, I learned quick that's not the person I wanted to be. It got me no where very fast. I could love you one day and not care for you the next, my emotions were like a light switch.

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a small prayer request, actually :)

Posted by Lori

I was just discussing something with a friend, and I realized there's something that I need prayer about. It may not seem like a big thing, but it's pretty major that I actually thought to PRAY about it! (I'm a little thick-headed sometimes!)

I've realized that I'm instilling some very bad habits in my two little girls (6 and 3). The one I would like to address first is the habit of procrastination/untidiness. This has been revealed to me a lot over the past few weeks because my girls have been playing a lot of creative games-- which I LOVE!-- but, they make HUGE messes, then they don't want to clean up. And, the problem is that I've never taught them HOW to clean up. We've always been in such a rush to go here or there... or else I've just not paid attention until the mess is enormous, then the mess gets out of hand pretty quickly, and it's too overwhelming for them to manage alone.

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DIA 06
“Estos son los principales de los hijos de Israel, jefes de familias, jefes de millares y de centenas, y funcionarios que servían al rey en todos los negocios de las divisiones militares que se relevaban cada mes durante todo el año. Cada división era de veinticuatro mil hombres” (1 Cr. 27:1)
Hay lista para todo. Se la necesita en un inventario, para registrar la asistencia de los estudiantes, trabajadores. Se la usa en lo militar y en lo civil. Una lista ayuda mucho en el área administrativa.

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Posted by Bob Bushman


"The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief corner stone." ( Psalm 118:22 NAS )
In ancient times the cornerstone was the stone at the corner of two walls that united them. It was the visible corner of the foundation of the building and the starting point of all future building above the foundation. It was the most costly stone due of its beauty and strength. It was also the largest, most solid and carefully constructed stone of the foundation.

"Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: "Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious
cornerstone, a sure foundation; whoever believes will not act hastily." ( Isaiah 28:16 NAS)

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When is enough just simply enough?

Posted by Tracy Ann

I wrote this blog back during the summer a few months after Kevin had his knee surgery. He had really been working hard to get better so he could get back to work and start installing alarms again. He had made really good progress but as he was driving home from what was supposed to be a temporary line of work (now it is all he can do) he basically had a melt down... He went home and cried and knelt down to pray to God for strength and whammo, he pulled his hamstring. HUGE setback! He just laid there on the floor and wept... I got so upset because here he was really trying to reach out in spite of his pain and there he got hit with one more setback... I will tell you this version of the blog was changed a bit because the first one really showed my raw emotions. This one was revised after God walked me through that and showed me some things. Anyways, I truly hope someone receives something from this blog because I will tell you it is truth. Kevin has since gone through many things and now here recently has been diagnosed with AS (Ankylosing Spondylitis) but in spite of it all, and in spite of my flesh which many times says why God, why us, why now? I am still trusting Him because that's all I can do...

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Feeling better today

Posted by Demarismom

I am definitely feeling better today. I slept so good last night. When I woke up this morning I thought I was dreaming.
I have definitely enjoyed reading everyone's comments, thank you so much they are so helpful. It seems the closer you get to God the harder things get. I am an introvert, so all I do is stay home and go to work. I have found myself and my own way that way. I read my bible and follow Joel Osteen, I love this guy no matter what anyone says about him. Through following him and reading the bible, it's definitely made my situation easier to bare. But sometimes I get down and need that recharge you know. And I am getting that. I feel like Job.

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Is Jesus God because he did mighty miracles?

Posted by SLAVE2JC

A Series of Answers to Common Questions

Sam Shamoun


Some Christians believe that Jesus’ miracles prove that he is God. The problem with this claim is that almost every single miracle performed by Jesus finds a parallel within the OT. There are many OT prophets that performed the very same kinds of miracles that Jesus did. If the miracles of Jesus make him God then why don’t the miracles of the other prophets prove that they are God/gods as well?


Before responding to this question, we first would like to provide a few examples from the OT which Muslims often point to. In fact, we will simply quote from a Muslim article (*) which presents some examples for us:

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DIA 07
¡Africanos exóticos e influencias asiáticas se mezclan en Guyana, Sudamérica! Diferencias políticas trajeron desorden y agitación después de que Guyana ganó su independencia de Inglaterra. La violencia étnica ha surgido muchas veces en los pasados años. Gente decente del sur de Asia, como los urdus y los pushtun, a menudo tienen que enfrentar la violencia en Guyana. Los pushtun son musulmanes sunitas, un grupo religioso que compone cerca del 12% de la población de este país.
Sabemos poco acerca de los musulmanes afganos en Guyana, pero Dios conoce cada necesidad de sus corazones. Sólo Dios puede llevar paz y unidad a esta gente. Muchos musulmanes afganos con el apellido Kahn, tienen una larga historia de resistir a los británicos y otros gobiernos colonizadores. A algunos les queda bien el perfil de “agitadores pushtun”, una imagen que sus paisanos en Afganistán están tratando de quitarse. Parte de su código de honor es cortar de raíz todo aquello que ellos consideran una injusticia. Hay un buen número de personas con el apellido Khan en Guyana. Los musulmanes afganos han servido en Guyana como soldados.

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My testimony

Posted by Tricia Sturgeon

I was born in Ft. Carson Colorado to an army staff seargent and his wife in 1964. I have 2 older brother (one of whom deceased) and an older sister. Rumor in the family has it that my real mom was a prostitute who "serviced" the service men on the base. When I was still a baby my real mom left my dad. He was about to be sent to Vietnam for combat and didnt know what to do about his kids. So he divided us up with his 3 sisters till if or when he came home. The ones he put me with didnt have children of their own so they set about filing for adoption which after some time my real father agreed to.
It wasnt until I was 6 years old that I found out I had siblings. My real father did return home and lived in the same town I did. I saw him every day but never really had that connection of father to daughter with him. My adoptive parents were my mom and dad, the only ones I ever knew.

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Posted by Bob Bushman


Isaiah 1:19 says, " If you are willing and obedient, then you will eat the best of the Land."

A young boy was acting up and his dad told him to sit down. The boy was very defiant and the dad had to repeat himself, "sit down!" The boy sat down with his arms folded said, “ I might be sitting down on the outside, but I am still standing up on the inside!”

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Too Bad so Sad!

Posted by Daniel Baumet

Yea I'm talkin to you bub! You thought you were so smart . had my internet turned off .. but then I had help from my auntie!!!
You thought you could gain control by haveing her side tracked so I would not get the proper time here !!!
Well I just wanted you to know ...

You are such a loooser!
My Daddy beat you again!
My Daddy Stomped you in the beginning! He stomped you in the half time comercial! And well guess what ???? HE WILL STOMP YOU IN THE END!!!
Got some good news for ya! And I got some bad news for ya!! no wait it is not good news for you at all so it is bad news and worse news ha ha ha ha!! ( Hear me looser??)

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DIA 08
Este pueblo cree que el lugar en donde está establecido su hogar, en las montañas Sierra Nevada, es el centro del mundo. Ciertamente, es el centro de su propio mundo, un mundo de espíritus a quienes ellos temen y buscan controlar a través de sus ritos. En esta montaña, ellos trabajan en el campo cultivando fríjol, maíz, caña de azúcar y ciertas plantas para obtener su comida, como el plátano para freír. También cultivan la planta de la cocaína para venderla y ganar más dinero. Ellos necesitan saber que Jesús es el Pan de Vida; que tiene poder sobre todos los espíritus y que El quiere que sean parte de la comunidad y familia de Jesús.
Los kankuamo podrían aprender de Jesús si tuvieran la Palabra de Dios en su propio idioma. Pero, ¿cuál es su idioma? Aunque están en la lista de las tribus que tienen su propio idioma, podrían hablar también otro idioma, así que, es necesario que la Biblia y el evangelio se grabe en ambas lenguas.

Oremos por un equipo de traductores bíblicos que sean capaces de vivir y compartir con un pueblo primitivo como este. Oremos para que su situación lingüística sea definida y clarificada, y de esta manera los traductores conozcan a qué traducción se le debería dar prioridad. Oremos para que Dios esté preparando la tierra de sus corazones para cuando llegue la cosecha. Oremos para que las ataduras de Satanás sobre este pueblo sean debilitadas. Oremos para que hagan de Jesús el centro de su mundo.

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Posted by TheeTruthSeeker


Dear friends,

This blog is about a personal experience that I had back in 1994 the experience is about meeting Christ ,and standing infront of the father. This is an event in my life that is very real to me, and I remember the experience as if it just happened today. Thank you for reading , and may the Lord discern his truth for you. God Bless.

1994.... I was feeling rather dizzy as I was working on my step daughters bedroom room painting. Note: At this the time in my life I was suffering from heart palpitations and under a doctors supervision I was to wear a heart monitor called the king of hearts.

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Posted by TheeTruthSeeker

Dear friends, please enjoy the article below on free will. The question has been asked for many , many years do we have the ability to choose our own faith/religion for that matter are we merely the ones deciding if we are a choosen people or not ?

Today we answer just those questions using the only source of truth that we know of called the Holy Bible. Much time and research is put into each article thus making sure to bring forth TRUTH in scripture and not our own interpretation. Lets keep in mind Scripture will not contradict its self, its our interpretation that's contradictable.

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DIA 09

“Ésta es la historia de Jacob y su familia. Cuando José tenía diecisiete años, apacentaba el rebaño junto a sus hermanos, los hijos de Bilhá y de Zilpá, que eran concubinas de su padre. El joven José solía informar a su padre de la mala fama que tenían estos hermanos suyos. Israel amaba a José más que a sus otros hijos, porque lo había tenido en su vejez. Por eso mandó que le confeccionaran una túnica especial de mangas largas”. Génesis 37:2-3

JOSÉ: Papá, hermanos, vengan, le cuento mi sueño; soñé que ate varios manojos en el campo, mi manojo se levantaba derecho, mientras sus manojos se inclinaban ante el mío.

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Posted by Bob Bushman

I have been inspired with a truth this week about companionship. In the Trinity (Father,Son,Holy Spirit) is this wonderful companionship called God. God knew that if He was going to create mankind in his image that companionship was going to be an important aspect of Humanity.

Jesus said that the commandments can be summed up in 2 commands which are to love God and one another.
Sin breaks companship with God and others.

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When Faced with Opposition, Take Your Position!

Posted by Pastor Narda Goodson, First Lady of Whitewright, Texas

Discouragement and desperation are tools that the enemy uses to keep us from reaching our goal in Christ. From the beginning of time many have given up their dreams and hopes due to the incessant assaults from the enemy. This is why we are admonished in 2 Corinthians 10:5 to cast down every imagination and thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.

There are times we will feel like we want to concede defeat. The pressures of life dig at you without mercy. The relentless stress, anxiety, and demands of your problems increase as you find your ability to cope decreasing. You begin to lose your grip in life and eventually, you breakdown in despair.

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Posted by Randy Jones

I am going on a mission trip to Haiti in March, 2010. As I was browsing the membership list the other day I came across One lady from Haiti and I have not had time to try to locate her again (I didn't get thru the whole list so there may be more). Does any know who she is? And if there are more please let me know. Thanks

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I Found My Keys!

Posted by Daughter Of The Most High / Faye

" And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." ~ Matthews 16:17-19

While reading this passage, I found myself thinking of my poor husband. He always complaining how "I can't keep up with my keys and If God gave me a set keys that I would lose them". That was something for me to ponder on.
Because as a child of God, I have a set of keys. As I meditated furter,I reasoned the keys were for binding and loosing. I've read this passage many times but not with my husbands comment in mind.How did this passage apply to my daily life! how could I use it day to day.

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Early Morning Touch ©

Posted by Daughter Of The Most High / Faye

At about 3 am each morning, He touch me ever so gently. Out of sleep I come, wondering what have I forgotten. It took me a while to listen closely. My undivided attention was required and this is His time to speak to me. My Lord and savior , whom I love so, for being so patient with me, has granted and requested a special audiance with me. At times the old man in me want to just go back to sleep but I know I''ll miss my blessing if I do. To meditate, pray and praise the Lord without all the day to day interruptions is difficult during daytime hours so He has blessed me with this special time. Thank You Jesus for your love and guidance.

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Booking information

Posted by The Ransom

We are booking gigs for 2009. If you are interested in having us
perform at an event, please feel free to contact us.


Indie Community Site
Click on booking link

Phone: 910-459-9914
Ask for Alex

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Why We Chose The Ransom

Posted by The Ransom

I feel like when you first decide to start a band, you have to come up with a name, something that would be catchy, that people would remember, something that would really stand out yet also tell what you are all about in a nutshell.
When we started the band scene, we went through a couple of names. One of the first bands we ever played in I came up with the name Godspeed. I was playing drums for that band, but then we went our separate ways, so I threw the idea around about using that name for us since the other band was no longer together. Then we came up with the name Ransomed. The reasoning was that we as a band were the ransomed of the Lord, we were all saved by His blood just like you are the ransomed of the Lord. After a year with that name, we decided to get a little more personal with our message and went with a name that tells what we are all about, The Ransom. It's the gift that was given for each individual, that all we had to do was accept it and we would be saved. Our name comes from Mark 10:45

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Love Is Everything

Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith

"Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, and with all of your soul and with all of your strength, and with all of your mind ..." Luke 10:27 NIV

How many times do we tell ourselves and God that we love Him with all that we have, yet we are holding on to some secrets deep inside? I was reading a wonderful book called "I Do Again" by Cheryl and Jeff Scruggs. While reading about their challenges, divorce and the secret that tore them apart, I thought of our individual and corporate relationship with Christ.

Have you become comfortable that God surely is here with me but not sure? Do you believe that He is the lover of your soul and loves you no matter what? Do you take it for granted without putting anything into the relationship? We tend to treat our relationship with God the way we tend to our physical relationships. It takes work to make them be good.

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"I did the right thing why don't I feel better?"

Posted by Tamara Canup Graves

Oh my goodness.

Sometimes, I know I have to do the right thing. And sometimes, I even manage to do the right thing I'm supposed to be doing. But man...sometimes...I don't feel any better about it.

Today we were leaving the apartments to go take me to have some lab work done. We pulled out of the gates to our neighborhood, and got stopped by a bus getting ready to drop off some kids. I used to aid on a special needs bus so I recognized that they were getting ready to unload someone in a wheelchair. So I motioned to Joseph to stop and pointed at the "stop" sign that was sticking out. I told him it probably wouldn't take long. Well, then the bus driver shoves her hand out the window and waves another bus and a car that were in front of us to go ahead around. Joseph looked at me and said, "Should I go too?" I looked at the aid that had just finished unloading the student and I said, "Well, I guess they don't mind...go ahead". So we begin to pull around when all of a sudden the aid comes running around to the back of the bus and starts screaming at us, "STOP!! THAT'S ILLEGAL!!" Joseph hits the breaks and I roll down the window and say, "I'm sorry?" She stands there and she keeps yelling, "That's illegal! Don't you know that's illegal!? What's wrong with you?? You can't pass a bus! Don't you see that stop sign!? That's what it's for!!!" I was caught completely off guard and instead of saying, "Well, I thought it was okay", I got chocked up and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was...I'm sorry". She then said, "Oh so you didn't know it was illegal then??" I said, "Yes ma'am..I'm sorry". She replied again, "You didn't know it was illegal??" Again, I responded, "Yes ma'am...I'm really sorry". Then, she kinda smiled, cocked her head and said, "Do you even have a license??".... ugh...I responded, "Yes ma'am, I do." Then she just stood there staring at us with that smirk and said, "Well, it's illegal to pass a bus. So YOU can just wait until we get done here." So we did. I rolled up the window and she glared at us until she finished putting the ramp back up. Then, the anonymous bus driver waved us by and we were off.

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recent incident at work

Posted by Tescaangel

I am asking all that will keep me and some of my coworkers at your prayers... I work for -Tsa - airport security officer and have been on the job for 6-7 yrs.. its one that God has given me... today i was called into our managers office and being this kind of situation its naturally to assume the worst although i had prayed that God give me the strength to get through this and the right words to say...not knowing what to expect at all...I had an investigator... introduce himself to me..and questioned about an incident at work that happen Sept 13, 2008 on the lane i was assigned too... this passenger is accusing us (teammates) of taking $225.00 out our their bags during the screening process for selectees (additional screening required by the airlines) they claim that they could not see their bags and that's when supposedly their money was taken.

I hold to my integrity here of being honest in my job...and i personally wouldn't compromise my job for anything... although this investigator told me of course and tried to prod me with Q's to see if i was lying and telling me that everyone 9 out of 10 people lie in the first question he ask... of course he Q'ed me about our procedures and i told him the correct way....and he also ask if would tell on a coworker if i knew of anyone taking money or drugs ...etc... he also ask me about my children and if they have pond or sold anything lately ... or even if i had on eBay or craigs list...he also put it that of course my job is on the line and about 9 others employees including our supervisor....

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Doing all things Through Christ

Posted by Daniel Baumet

Have I already mentioned Martha? I wonder was she trying just to impress Yeshua with her devotion to Him? Did she really think He liked people to keep their nose to the grindstone? In response to Martha's complaints about her apparently idle sister, Jesus quietly said, "Only one thing is needed" (Lk 10:42, NIV). He accepts only labors of love. Jesus had the total responsibility of world redemption on His mind, yet He never seemed worried about whether He was doing enough serving. He had time to let Mary sit as His feet – He did not keep jumping up, fretting about all the "important" things that had to be done.
The message I share is that the blessings of God are not given in proportion to our hard work, rather like Rachel being the reward for Jacob's seven years of hard work. It is easy for preachers to castigate people for what they do not do, because we are all human and show signs of it! So they are never short of material to criticize! But our imperfections are forgiven. When Yeshua asked, "What do you do more?" He was not cracking the whip. We do not have to go through agonies for God to be with us, work ourselves up into a sweat for God to keep His promise or strain every muscle to pull down Holy Spirit power.

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When Weeping Is Okay

Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith

When Weeping Is Okay
"This is what the Lord Almighty says, "Consider now! Call for the wailing women to come; send for the most skillful of them." Jeremiah 9:17 NIV

I wonder what changes would be made around the world if the people of Almighty God would actually want to just come together in prayer? A friend of mine was asked to attend an all-night prayer vigil, much like Jeremiah was requesting in the above scripture. She was about to attend but thought to ask more about it.

She asked what they planned to do and if there was a theme or major concern that they were coming together to pray over. The woman who was inviting my friend was very enthusiastic in giving the details of how to get to the church, who had agreed to attend, and ... who was cooking all the food. When asked why they were serving food at a prayer vigil, the reply was astounding. "Well, you know, being up all night and praying makes you hungry, so we want to have something available for the sisters to eat, keep them going."

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DIA 12

Una cosa es invertir dinero, para asuntos personales, aunque invertir es gastar, egresar, y otra es ser inversor para servir a los demás. La Biblia manda a los ricos a ayudar a los pobres, y dar para las misiones.

El Señor retó al joven rico ayudar al pobre. “Al ver Jesús que se había entristecido mucho, dijo: --¡Cuán difícilmente entrarán en el reino de Dios los que tienen riquezas!” Lucas 18:24

El Reino de los cielos no margina al rico, pero si éste no se da al Señor y no ayuda al necesitado, es un egoísta, falto de la gracia de Dios. Por eso es clave ser un inversor financiero, pero con un corazón cristiano.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Please pray for my family

Posted by Heather Lynn Bodrey

I woke up this morning. I went to the gym to work out with my boyfriend:Heath,and to go tanning. Our work out session went great. I came home refreshed and ready for the day. After Heath left for work I took a short nap. (We go and work out at 5 in the morning... so a nap is neccesary for me lol) Well I woke from my nap at around noon refreshed and ready to take on the world....I had some lunch and walked a 1/4 of a mile to and from our mailbox, so you can probally imagine I was proud of myself. The day was going to be a wonderful day I thought. However, soon after I returned from getting the mail I received a text message from my mom in GA. The reason I say my mom in GA is because I have two moms. My biological mother lives about 30mins away from me in Florida, and my step mother (the women who raised me from the time I was 5 until I moved out this past summer) who lives in GA. My mom text me to inform me that my Papa Sonny who is around 64yrs old was diagnosed with prostate cancer today. Growing up in a rural farm town in GA I learned very quickly there isnt much to do to keep yourself intertained as a younge child. So my days growing up mainly consisted of riding my four wheeler to my Papa Sonny's house which just so happened to be at the beginning of our drive way. I would "help" him work on my mom's racecar, the lawn mower , etc.

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My Prayer!!!!

Posted by bR¡T†@N¥ ✿pUr¡†¥✿ m¡LL€R

Father God I come before you giving you all the praise and honor that is deserved. I am thankful for all that you have done in my life and other around me. I thank you for the shoes on my feet, the clothes on my back and and the nourishment that you have provided us throughout the day. Thank you for guiding us along these highways and streets safely, and without harm or danger; and bringing my family back together to enjoy in each other's company. Thank you for again making a day.
I declare that any spirits that are not of you must be removed from my life and the life of those that are close to me. I also declare those spirits are removed from my heart and that the holy spirit comes to dwell and guide me in my ways. Holy spirit order my steps and teach his ways, help to live a righteous way in the LORD. If it is not of him then I declare it is not of me.
Lord I pray that your way for me is revealed, and that your will be done in my life; and that I becom a light for the Kingdom of God- and many shall bow to your name. Lord use me guide me.

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that in the last days perilous times shall come. ( 2 Tim 3:1)

Posted by Daniel Baumet

Here in BC it is the year 2009 .. next year is 2010 the year the Olympics arrive. While many are preparing for the event, billed as the event of a life time, I have been quietly smiling and observing all that is surrounding me.
Over the last while for those that do not know, there has erupted a gang war.. which has gone unchecked and worsening.
The fact that I am a security guard, in a mall at ground "0" adds to concerns. So .. now add to the fact several malls in the immediate area have experienced shootings, add to that my interest in numbers, make you wonder when my number is up ..
This opens an avenue of witness for me ..

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DIA 13
Un muchacho notó un libro lleno de polvo encima de un estante alto. Eso despertó su curiosidad, por lo que preguntó a su madre acerca del libro. Avergonzada, la madre explicó precipitadamente: “Ah, es una Biblia. Es el libro de Dios.” El muchacho pensó por un momento y luego dijo: “Bueno, si es el libro de Dios, ¿por qué no se lo devolvemos? De todas formas, aquí nadie lo usa.”
En muchos hogares, la Biblia apenas se usa y a veces ni siquiera se piensa en ella. La única vez que la leen es cuando hay problemas, enfermedad o muerte en la familia. Y aun entonces, la persona tal vez no sepa dónde buscar la ayuda que necesita.

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My victims statement from June 6, 08

Posted by Stephanie Jo

t is by Gods grace I am still here and Saved! Praise Jesus, HE is my best friend.

Joshua Merkel,

You brutalized me, downgraded and terrorized me everyday I was with you.The physical pain I endured at your hands was excruciating.The mental pain and emotional burden I carried as a result of how you treated me was way beyond what any human should endure.You crushed and broke the very spirit inside me.The fear you instilled in me was paralyzing.You took a mother from her son, a daughter from her mother and father,a sister from her brother and a granddaughter from her grandmother.

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Why did Jesus curse the fig tree for not bearing fruit, although it was not even fig season?

Posted by SLAVE2JC

A Series of Answers to Common Questions

Sam Shamoun


Jesus, in the Synoptic Gospels, went to a fig tree looking for food to eat (Matthew 21:18-22; Mark 11:12-14, 20-21). When he saw that there were no figs on the tree he cursed it. The problem with this story is that it wasn’t the season for figs according to Mark 11:13! If Jesus is God why didn’t he know that it wasn’t the season for figs? And why would he curse the tree when it wasn’t its fault that it wasn’t fig season?


There is a very reasonable explanation why Jesus cursed the fig tree even though it wasn’t the season for figs. Even before the season, fig trees produce little knobs which are eaten by a passerby. As the late renowned NT scholar F.F. Bruce noted:

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DIA 14
En algunos países hoy se celebra el día del amor y la amistad, en otros países lo recuerdan en otra fecha. Este día es propicio para regalar una tarjeta, unas flores y hasta el amor al ser amado.
El Día de San Valentín es una celebración tradicional en la que los amigos, enamorados, novios o esposos expresan su amor o cariño mutuamente. Se celebra el 14 de febrero, onomástico de san Valentín. En algunos países se llama Día de los Enamorados y en otros como Día del Amor y la Amistad. En la actualidad se celebra mediante el intercambio de notas de amor conocidas como «valentines», con símbolos como la forma del corazón o de Cupido, aunque con la popularidad de Internet en la actualidad también se acostumbra a intercambiar postales virtuales.
En la Biblia hay amigos como David y, Jonatán el hijo del Rey Saúl como se apreciaron y cumplieron sus pactos, al punto que David se hizo cargo de Mefi-Boset, hijo de Jonatán cuando éste murió.

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Posted by Col. Billy Hays

My computer time is very limited at this point so I must hurry.

I just returned to Texas from conducting a very very hard funeral service. A truly God fearing man I once was close to smothered his small baby to death. This was really hard on me, and was an extremely difficult service to perform.

The father of the child maintains that he heard a voice telling him to destroy the child for it was the actual child of the evil one. The rest of the family, once devout church members, have turned from the Lord, with comments to the effect that "we will not serve a God that will allow such evil to happen as this, this is not a loving God!"

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My life to understand...................may God get the glory.

Posted by William Hunsucker

I can only say I'm who I'm by the grace of God
I've been married 4 times and have 3 son's; had 3 step daughters ( I still claim but don't know if they do )
As the saying goes when you hold the flower you love, you crush the petals and ruin the flower (I'm good at that) some things just don't work when theirs no communication.
because I have at this time 2 granddaughters that love me for sure and 1 grandson.

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DIA 15

Actualmente sirvo como la Directora Internacional de Tecnología desarrollando la red de Internet, investigando los equipos de grabación, entrenando a personas nacionales para que aprendan a grabar y produciendo nuevas traducciones. En mi experiencia de trabajo con muchos ministerios, encuentro que el Proyecto La Historia de Dios y las herramientas cristianas que hemos desarrollado son de las más eficientes en el mundo hoy, como es evidente por los miles de reportes que recibimos cada año. Me doy cuenta de que Dios me tiene en una posición estratégica. Pasar dos días en el estudio produciendo una traducción, lleva potencialmente a cientos de miles a conocer a Jesucristo como su Señor y Salvador. Es irónico que la pregunta “¿quién es Dios?", la cual me llevó a una búsqueda de 4 años para encontrar la respuesta, es la misma que Dios me permite contestar a otros a través de la Historia de Dios.

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DIA 16

Héroes, son aquellas personas reales o ficticias que luchan por la justicia y por el bienestar del prójimo. El caso de Sullenberger, es real, amerizó sobre el Río Hudson, sin que les pasará nada a las 155 personas a bordo del Airbus 320. ¿Fue un milagro o una excelente maniobra del piloto?

El Airbus 320 que pilotaba Sullenberger el 15 de enero se vio obligado a amarar en el río Hudson, en el oeste de Manhattan, después de ser golpeado por una bandada de aves y después de que al parecer por el impacto se paralizaran los motores. El accidente pudo haber acabado en tragedia, pero la pericia de Sully salvó la vida a los 150 pasajeros y cinco tripulantes.

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Posted by Bob Bushman


“Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16 NASB)

“Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence in the presence of God. (1 John 3:21)”
“This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He carried out in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him.” (Ephesians 3:11-12)

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DIA 17

Nacido en un barrio pobre de Londres, perteneció a una humilde familia judía, Hijo de un cantante de vodevil y de una actriz y cantante de teatro. Su infancia fue muy desdichada; sus padres se separaron siendo él muy pequeño. Muy pronto morirá su padre, y se encontrará en la calle cuando su madre es internada en una clínica de enfermos mentales. Practicó diversos oficios para ganarse la vida, alineándose finalmente en el teatro.

Tal vez no sabe de quien estamos hablando todavía, si mencionamos un hombre pequeño, con bigote corto, un bastón, pantalones bombachos, zapatos grandes y un sombrero de hongo, entonces sabrán que se trata de Charles Chaplin.

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DIA 18

Mi amiga(o) el creyente en Cristo, debería meditar al menos cada mes, en los deberes cristianos de Romanos 12. Hoy reflexionemos en el verso 9 “El amor sea sin fingimiento. Aborreced lo malo, seguid lo bueno”.

Si hay algo que debería diferenciar a un creyente de un inconverso es su sinceridad, su fidelidad y no su hipocresía. Si porque la hipocresía, tiene su origen, por ejemplo, los actores griegos, tenían que fingir, algo que no era propio de ellos. Un hipócrita finge amar, pero no ama realmente.

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The Father's Daughter

Posted by Daughter Of The Most High / Faye

My beginning on this earth was not a good one. To make a long story short, After my birth, my brain was attacked by a virus that caused me to be what Dr's called unproductive. My family were encouraged by Dr's to place me in a mental facility because I would never be able to see, walk, bear children nor be a productive person in society.

My Grandmother would have no parts of that so she took me from the hospital and raised me as her baby. Under her loving care I began to talk at age 2, walk at age 4 and the go to school at age 5. She took me back and forth to the hospital each time I became ill, prayed for me and taught me about the Lord in the best way she could. She layed the foundation for me to know the Lord.

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DIA 19

Es muy común en reuniones de trabajo, ponerse tenso, discutir, dar ideas, o perder el carácter, subir el tono de voz y herir al prójimo. Cuando debemos atacar las actitudes y no ofender a las personas.

El presente estudio, pretende analizar en serie, sobre el carácter de cada persona, su manera de ser y como desarrollar su personalidad, para una sana relación humana.

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A beautiful story.

Posted by April

A man from Norfolk , VA called a local radio station to share this on
Sept 11th, 2003, TWO YEARS AFTER THE TRAGEDIES OF 9/11/2001. His name
was Robert Matthews. These are his words:

A few weeks before Sept. 11th, my wife and I found out we were going to
have our first child. She planned a trip out to California to visit her
sister. On our way to the airport, we prayed that God would grant my
wife a safe trip and be with her. Shortly after I said 'amen,' we both
heard a loud pop and the car shook violently. We had blown out a tire.

I replaced the tire as quickly as I could, but we still missed her
flight. Both very upset, we drove home.

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Posted by Ricky

Dr. Fletcher A. Brothers is the founder and director of Freedom Village USA, North America's premier home for troubled teenagers. Known for his "matter-of-fact", "tell it like it is" style of preaching, Pastor Brothers hosts the daily Victory Today radio and television programs. Recognized as a leading authority on issues dealing with teenagers and their families, Dr. Brothers has authored a number of books and appeared as a frequent guest speaker on radio and television programs across the country.

Dr. Brothers was born in Carthage, NY and raised in nearby Henderson Harbor. As the son of a preacher, Dr. Brothers eventually answered God's call on his own life to preach. In the mid 1970s, Dr. Brothers began ministering at Gates Community Chapel in Rochester, NY. His church quickly blossomed, and was named one of America's fastest growing churches three different times.

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30 Thoughts for Victorious Living by Joel Osteen

Posted by Demarismom

On day 2 of my booklet. Day 1 "Think the way God thinks" Day 2 "Develop a vision of victory". Feeling really blessed right about now. A loving person made a comment that sometimes you have to spiritually fight for someone. She told me a story of a wife that prayed over her philandering husbands shoes. He found God too. So I figured, once I'm done with my 30 day journey, I am going to pass this on to my son's father, who I unfortunately love so much. And I continue to pray over him each day asking God to make me strong enough to fight for both him and I. I think it's working. He's been extremely nice this past week. the negative past of me is saying How long will this last. The positive side of me says just accept the good and stop looking for a wrong in every right. Yes, I have two little people that sit on each side of my shoulder whispering in my ear. The righteous one has been very triumphant. I refuse to let anything or anyone steal my joy. Desiree is living in the moment.......................................

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An Example of Living in Black and White...

Posted by LIBAW

Amid the grieving, a rare act of sportsmanship

Associated Press

Talk about it in the Message Boards
The coach never considered any other option.

It didn't matter that his DeKalb, Ill., High School basketball team had ridden a bus two and a half hours to get to Milwaukee, then waited another hour past game time to play. Didn't matter that the game was close, or that this was a chance to beat a big city team.

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Cruel and Usual Punishment:Nonie Darwish

Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith

We don't live in fear, but also not ignorant of the ways that the devil can and does deceive the world. We are to pray, watch, and be alert to protect the land and lifestyle that God has given us. We are in an time that our way of life is slowly being taken away. This is a must read book if you don't know anything about the controversy about Sharia Law that has now been accepted in democratic UK and is trying to get a strong hold here in America. Become informed so that you have understanding in what you vote for or against, and the words of those who make the laws for us.

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DIA 20

Una vez que tenemos en mente que Dios nos hizo a su imagen divina, en lo mental, emocional y la voluntad, es clave recordar que usted tiene el sello, o carácter para ser una persona con el potencial de servir.

El paso dos, es: Tenemos el carácter para desarrollarlo para la Gloria de Dios, no basado en el miedo, sino en el poder divino. El temor infunde confusión y ninguna empresa puede seguir en el miedo, sino en el amor.

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Day 3: Make a Plan

Posted by Demarismom

This is my Day 3. The scripture for this day says: "Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plan will succeed" -Proverbs 16:3

It also goes on to talk about how I should get focused and not let the things around me distract me. So my plan is to go through these 30 days and reach out to not only my love, but also to anyone wanting to listen. Share the word, that's my plan. Everything else should fall into place.

My Dilemna:A decision that still bothers me...I wonder did I ruin God's plan for me?

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Family Prayer request.

Posted by Tescaangel

This is rather urgent.... I hold dear to my heart my mom she is all of 73 yrs young... and has developed a lot of health problems over this last year...she is the one who has taught me my faith in Christ and the one i have leaned upon in my trials and tribulations...She was scheduled to have an operation *Biopsy* to find out if she has cancer or not but that is not till next month...she also let me know a lot more problems she was having a few days ago....

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Christ Revealed

Posted by Evangelist Jay Adams

Christ revealed in the beginning ….

When God spoke the world into existence , Christ was there. When He molded the chaotic world into perfect tranquility, Christ was there. When time had its beginning, Christ was there.

The Holy scriptures declare that … In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the Beginning with God, All things were made through Him and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life and the life was the light of Men, and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John 1:1-5)

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DIA 21

Había un siniestro silencio mientras la pareja bengalí se sentaba en su mesa para cenar en su modesta casa en Toronto, Canadá. La pareja estaba muy preocupada por sus hijos adolescentes. ¿Estaría su hijo tomando drogas? ¿Estaría su hija durmiendo con otros jóvenes? Ninguno de sus dos hijos estaba allí con ellos a la hora de la cena, y todo lo que podían hacer era preguntarse en dónde estarían. La mayoría de los bengalíes que viven en Canadá son musulmanes, y la pareja no podía entender por qué el Islam no podía mantener a sus hijos moralmente puros en esta tierra cristiana. Los primeros bengalíes llegaron a Canadá en 1971, huyendo de los abusos que sufrían de parte del ejército pakistaní durante la guerra que tuvieron para obtener su independencia de Pakistán.

El ejército pakistaní asesinaba o torturaba a aquellos que, según sus sospechas, formaban parte o eran miembros de partidos políticos que buscaban la independencia. Más tarde, los emigrantes bengalíes llegaron a Canadá buscando trabajos o escapando de las inundaciones que muy a menudo arrasaban la nueva e independiente Bangladesh. Desde 1971, una nueva generación de bengalíes ha nacido en Canadá, una generación que se pregunta sobre los valores tradicionales de sus padres.

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I didn't sleep much last night...

Posted by Demarismom

Last night I tossed and turned. I couldn't sleep. I was worried about the lady that I had assisted last night while at work. She's from Austria and has no major credit cards. She needed to rent a car but can not. My staff and I thought of everything from Amex gift cards to prepaid visa/mastercards. No car rental place accepts this. I worried about how she was going to get around. She came on a whim to surprise her friend in Raleigh. She's out here for a week with no way to get around. I wish I could help her more but I can't. I hate to fail at something.

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Posted by Bob Bushman


In Luke chapter fifteen we find a story that Jesus told that we call, “The Prodigal Son.” The story is a very moving story about a wayward son and how he came to his senses and returned home to his father.

I want to discuss the process of him returning to his father.

In verse eleven Jesus said, "A man had two sons.” he went on to say that the younger of the two sons wanted his share of the inheritance. The father co-operates and divides it between the two sons.

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We all get tempted, but we must overcome

Posted by Reverend Paul Howell

The devil tempts us like he did Jesus but you have to overcome him like Jesus did. The devil tempted him with things to make him fall but he was unmoved. When the devil starts giving us thoughts we need to tell him that we rebuke him in the name Jesus Christ and tell him to get behind us. Everyone gets tempted on a daily basis and the devil doesn't care what age you are.

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Recall Notice !

Posted by Daughter Of The Most High / Faye

This was given to me by one of my loving daughters during Christmas. I have no idea where she got it from, but I'd like to share with everyone the truth in this message.

NOTICE: The Maker of all human beings (GOD) is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart.

This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units. This defect has been technically termed 'Sub-sequential Internal Non-Morality,' or more commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily expressed.

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Relativism and the Issue of Abortion

Posted by SLAVE2JC

By R.C. SproulRelativism and the Issue of AbortionOne of the most controversial issues of our day is that of abortion. It is tearing this country apart politically, economically, socially, and in every other way. Legislation is pending in every statehouse over the question of abortion. The issue is not whether or not it is all right to have an abortion if a person is subjected to rape or if the mother's life is in danger. Those are moral questions that theologians and students of ethics work with. The issue today is over the question of abortion on demand.This issue has drawn sharp lines between people. On the one hand are those who vehemently oppose abortion on demand; they have initiated the movement called "pro-life." On the other hand is a group of equally committed people in favor of abortion on demand, called "pro-abortion." In the middle is a mass of people who call themselves "pro-choice."Legislatively, the difference in our society is determined by this middle group. Consistently we hear people from this group saying, "I personally would not choose to have an abortion, but I believe every woman has the right to make that choice for herself."

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You have to have faith to overcome your storms

Posted by Reverend Paul Howell

In Luke 8:22-25 (KJV) Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a ship with his disciples: and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they launced forth. But as they sailed he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the lake; and they were filled with water, and were in jeopardy. And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master,master, we perish. Then he arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water: and they ceased, and there was a calm. And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him.

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Meekness is SO underated

Posted by Tamara Canup Graves

My husband and I could not be more opposite when it comes to our spiritual gifts and the way we respond to other Christians. My spiritual gifts are as follows: Faith, Discernment, Wisdom and Prophecy. My husbands are: Teaching, Service/Helps, Knowledge. Together, we should make up a dynamic duo. But often we find ourselves at such opposite ends of the spectrum it's unreal. We disagree/argue about things we really shouldn't argue about but we are both so passionate about our own ideals that sometimes it's hard not to be overtaken by the desire to "correct" one another.

An example of this is as follows:

I was watching a sermon here online about the molecule Laminin (or however it's spelled) and thought it was incredible and so beautiful that I immediately called my husband at work to tell him about it. I told him about how the preacher had explained what Laminin was and how awesome it was and how it had been used as an illustration about how Christ is what binds our very beings together. This kind of thing excites me. However, my husband tends to not be taken by simple illustrations as this one. He prefers a deeper look into certain subjects. I try to understand his pursuit for a deeper meaning in things as part of his gifts; that of knowledge and the thirst for it, but I often fail.

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DIA 23

El origen del carnaval, según la historia, se remonta hasta el tiempo de los egipcios y sumerios hace unos 5000 años. Pero la celebración que más ha influido, es la de los romanos en la época de esplendor del Imperio, cuando en honor del dios Baco, el dios del vino, las gentes estaban durante días en una fiesta que compartían como iguales junto a los esclavos, algo que únicamente sucedía durante esa celebración.

Con la llegada de los europeos a América en el siglo XV, la fiesta del carnaval se introdujo en el nuevo continente. A pesar de que es una celebración muy típica y antigua en la vieja Europa, tiene sus orígenes en antiguas tradiciones paganas.

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We don't thank Jesus enough for all he has done for us

Posted by Reverend Paul Howell

Luke 17:12-19 (KJV) And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed. And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.

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Posted by Cynthia Bailey

Life is a wonderful gift.
Some people ( a lot of people ) would dissagree with that statement. Is life really "what you make it"?
In my experience life is etched by the choices you make.God can make the right choices for you if, you let him.
I have been married twice . I have five children and nine grandchildren. That does not make me an expert , by any means. This is just about me and what I have learned.
I met and married my first husband over the course of four months. I was sixteen years old and wanted to be an adult. He was a alcaholic and abussive. The abuse didn't start until after our first child was born. I then had two more children with him.

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4 O'clock in the morning...

Posted by Mona

Last night I was blindsided by my son; if you will remember with me it was just the other day that I had asked LIBAW members to prayer for my son and for wisdom in his decision on where to obtain his pastoral degree...
In my head and my heart I had felt that the decisions had been made; that my son (Sean) would pursue his degree online either thru Global University or thru Liberty University and still be home here with me...selfish aren't I?

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What I Love

Posted by Symone Brown

I began college at the Art Institute of Tucson in July of last year. My major was and still is graphic design. I will be able to receive my bachelors degree within three years. The first quarter of classes went well. My first day, I wondered how I would last four hour classes. I had a drawing class first quarter and a perspective class the next. Both are drawing type classes which I struggled with.

When I was growing up, I enjoyed drawing. I really liked drawing. But, in college, my skill should have been advanced. But, over the years, I had other interests. So, I didn't draw as much as I should have. My teacher for both of these classes noticed that.

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Re: Up date on family prayer request

Posted by Tescaangel

Hi everyone I'm a day late on this but i wanted to let all of you know updates on my mom(Jean)..... she is scheduled for a hysterectomy next month....she is still having problems from the DNC she had last month...I actually was able to spend Monday morning with her * took her out to breakfast* spent a few hours talking and she explained more about the mild heart attack she had in the previous week. She still tires out but has the drive to return to more walking but with current issue of the DNC any activity tends to increase the bleeding...Her color is good and rosey as can be....her spirit was to me very vibrant...

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"Begin... Start... Commence... Open... THERE IS HOPE!!!"

Posted by Ann Marie Rush

Begin... start... commence... open... . There's something refreshing & optimistic about these words, whether they refer to the dawn of a new day, the birth of a child, the prelude of a symphony, or the first miles of a family vacation.
So although, free of problems & full of promise, beginnings stir hope & imaginative visions of the future. ...

So, be encouraged, for there is hope! For not matter how dark the world situation seems, God has a plan. And no matter how insignificant or useless you feel, God loves you & wants to use you in his plans. ...

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DIA 25

Un miércoles de ceniza, nos recuerda que la vida es temporal; para el Católico, es llevar una cruz de ceniza como símbolo e inicio de la cuaresma, o 40 días de ayuno y penitencia, tiempo de abstención de comer carne, y de sacrificio para buscar a Dios.

Amiga(o) Eclesiastés 12:7 dice: “El polvo vuelve a la tierra de donde vino, y el espíritu sube a Dios que lo dio”. BJ

Es decir, recordamos que nuestra vida es pasajera, pues, del “polvo eres y al polvo volverás”.

Más allá de tradiciones, penitencias y abstención de comidas, que si se pueden comer; la clave está en “ofrecer nuestro cuerpo en sacrificio vivo, santo y agradable a Dios, que es vuestro verdadero culto” dice Romanos 12:2.

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Posted by Bishop.JACOB.C.CHACKO

Christian Killed In Orissa; More Violence Feared
Sunday, February 24, 2009

INDIA-- Christians in India's volatile state of Orissa feared more violence Sunday, February 22, after a Christian man was killed and hard-line Hindus forced nearly two dozen Christian families to "convert" to Hinduism, local residents and rights investigators said.

The lifeless body of Hrudayananda Nayak, 40, was reportedly found last Thursday, February 19, in a forest near the predominantly Christian village of Rudangia in Kandhamal district, some 260 kilometres (161 miles) from Orissa's capital Bhubaneshwar.

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Posted by Sarahlynne Bachelder

All of the doctors have said I would die
Ever since the day I was born
That at the very least I would never walk

And day by day I proved them all wrong
Through operation after operation
Through casts and braces
And so many serious complications

I made it through against all odds
Learned to walk at nine months old
Wearing a cast from my chest to my knees
The lump on my spine sticking out through a hole

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Posted by Sarahlynne Bachelder

Sitting in my room day after day
Alone; with nothing and no one but my thoughts
I wonder how my life turned out this way
And why I can't just be happy with what I've got

Then the other day I heard the Nickelback song
"If Today Was Your Last Day"
And I started to realize what's wrong
And why I can't shake these feelings away

Because the closer I get to my next surgery
A difficult operation on my spinal cord
The more I wonder if it'll be the end of me
And though I've already made my peace with the Lord

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Posted by Sarahlynne Bachelder

I don't know how and I don't know why
But something in my heart has changed
I finally found the peace I was looking for
And the strength to look myself in the face

I feel like all my prayers have been answered
And I finally understand why I'm still here
I know the reason my life was meant to be
I've finally let go of my confusion and fear

I can look in the mirror without feeling ugly
It no longer matters what I see on the outside
Because I know who I am in my heart and soul
And I finally see how beautiful I am inside

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Pray for me..........I have a big problem

Posted by William Hunsucker

Yes I'm single, but I'm emotionally taken, my story is so different with twists and turns. I was going to marry Ms Vicki, it's off now and let me explain how and why. I worked for Vicki and Dean at one time and we all became good friends, then we went different directions and didn't hear from them for years, well I get word that Vicki has brain cancer (a tumor ) and they had to cut away 1/4 of her brain. I was a medic in the Air Force, working orthopedics and neurology, we never back then had any great success with operations on the brain. So I expected the worse and became shocked that not only did she beat it , she is a miracle person, she had a 1 in 10 chance to live and she's alive. Well we all started to be close again, they where surprised that I was going to Church and had found the Lord, not their thing but was happy for me since I was raising 2 boys by myself, Vicki had a friend she knew who was a daughter of a well respected minister in our area and introduced us, we got married , short story she almost went to jail for child molestation and we where divorced real quick, at this same time Dean decides to divorce Vicki, so it was because neither of us trusted people, we drew close together and sorry to say , but yes I sinned with her, the Lord rebuked me and I washed it in the blood, so telling her, until we got married that would never happen again.

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Smart Grid To be activated

Posted by Daniel Baumet

Ahh yes we all laughed at George ... not so much now. As our government find new and unique ways to monitor society, all for our "safety and Well being" of course .
Chips in our cars, chips in our TVs , Chips in the digital box for our cable all giving out info on where you are , what you are doing , and even what products you buy.
In a recent experiment they chipped babies so that "they could not get mixed up in the hospital". Chips in patient bracelets contained all sorts of information regarding your treatment. They sure are trying to get us comfortable with the chips.
Then the cameras came, those they claimed to only take pictures of cars running red lights, ( were proved to do more than that) then to monitor traffic flow, soon we had cameras every where .. now don't listen to that alarmist over there , this is only for your "safety, and well being" .
And now the grids.... that will give a technological sweep of our cities, and soon every square inch of North America, so they can track these "criminals" they tell us... also given a chip, but always keep in mind, if they can be tracked so can you. Enhanced drivers licenses, and passports, log information as to where you you have been, what hotels you stayed in, and where you ate. Next time when you come home from that "vacation" and the Custom Agent asks you did you have a good time ?? Why not just smile , hand him your ID and tell him or her "Oh you already know ... "

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DIA 26

Los altibajos, frustraciones, dificultades, sinsabores o errores son inevitables y en la mejor de las vidas, todo eso asoma en distintas dosis. En nuestra mano está el saber encauzar esos fracasos y verlos como experiencias de las que se pueden extraer enseñanzas. Después de muchos años de trabajo clínico y de investigación, Dr. ENRIQUE ROJAS Autor del libro "Adiós, depresión" nos deja un manual de instrucciones para evitar ese laberinto tenebroso de pensamientos negativos que conducen a un túnel de difícil salida.

La felicidad es el objetivo de la existencia humana. La vivencia de la felicidad es siempre perfectible. Se trata de un proceso que exige orden, constancia, voluntad y motivación. Esos cuatro ingredientes son para mí los que habitan en la llamada inteligencia instrumental. Se minimizan los fracasos y se valora cualquier logro, por pequeño que sea.

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Treasures of the Past

Posted by Daughter Of The Most High / Faye

While early spring cleaning, I came across some papers I saved from 3 years ago. Our church population had acquired a few youth and they were bored with not having anything to do. So they asked for a Spring break vacation bible school.I was already occupied with the task of spring revival as usual, but no one would tackle the children. (Though, they thought it was a good idea.) I ask the lord why me? Can’t somebody else do some of this work? As I prayed, I heard Him Say why not you? The Lord was answering my question with a question.
So it goes, I began preparing for a week of VBS for the children and some of the sisters helped out with the revival. One sister even said “Sister Faye, I don’t think you got a fair deal if you ask me” I ask what she meant but no reply, only a shoulder shrug.

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Sunday, November 22, 2009




DIA 27

Continuo con los consejos del Dr. Enrique Rojas:

6) SUPERAR LAS CRISIS DE LA VIDA: Para superar cualquier crisis que llame a nuestra puerta necesitamos comprendernos a nosotros mismos, tener capacidad para rectificar, perdonarnos y saber que el tiempo cura casi todas las heridas.

7) LA CONCEPCIÓN DEL TIEMPO: Es importante que, en nuestra vida, pasado, presente y futuro, formen una ecuación sana, equilibrada y armónica. Una persona madura es aquella que vive instalada en el presente, tiene asumido y superado el pasado, con todo lo que eso significa, y vive abierta hacia el porvenir.

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