DIA 18
Un día un hombre llegó a nuestro pueblo. El vestía una bata o sotana larga y tenía el pelo y la barba blancos. Mi padre supo que esta persona anciana tendría la edad suficiente y sería lo suficientemente sabio para responder algunas de nuestras preguntas acerca del mundo de los espíritus. Este anciano se bajó de su canoa, caminó hasta la orilla y le entregó a cada niño algo duro como una pequeña piedra. Ellos se lo pusieron dentro de sus bocas y era dulce. Pero luego, el sabio extranjero se fue sin decirnos nada sobre el gran espíritu.
Unos años más tarde hice un largo viaje hacia un pueblo donde vivían algunos extranjeros. En una ocasión uno de ellos trató de enseñarme acerca del mundo de los espíritus. El me dijo algo que nunca he podido olvidar, aún hasta la fecha lo recuerdo muy bien. El dijo que el más grande de todos los espíritus me amaba. Cuando él dijo eso, un nuevo y extraño sentimiento invadió todo mi ser. ¿El Gran Espíritu, el creador de todos los espíritus me ama? ¡Qué cosa tan asombrosa me dijo! Cada espíritu dentro de mi pecho se sacudió y me dio temor cuando él dijo eso.
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Saturday, November 21, 2009
Posted by Blog Reposts at 7:16 PM Labels: ACRE, ANIMISTA, ARARA, DE BRAZIL, EL PUEBLO 0 commentsScience vs God - Student teaches Professor
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:28 PM Labels: God, Professor, Science, Student, teaches 0 comments
Posted by Astrid
I received this mail from a sister on Godtube and find it much too precious just to leave in my mailbox....
Science vs. God
Let me explain the problem science has with Jesus Christ.' The atheist Professor of Philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand.
You're a Christian, aren't you, son?'
'Yes sir,' the student says.
'So you believe in God?'
'Is God good?'
'Sure! God's good.'
'Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?'
'Are you good or evil?'
'The Bible says I'm evil.'
The professor grins knowingly.
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I received this mail from a sister on Godtube and find it much too precious just to leave in my mailbox....
Science vs. God
Let me explain the problem science has with Jesus Christ.' The atheist Professor of Philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand.
You're a Christian, aren't you, son?'
'Yes sir,' the student says.
'So you believe in God?'
'Is God good?'
'Sure! God's good.'
'Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?'
'Are you good or evil?'
'The Bible says I'm evil.'
The professor grins knowingly.
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Experiencing God's Resurrection Power
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:26 PM Labels: Experiencing, God's, Power, Resurrection 0 comments
Posted by Evangelist Jay Adam
Experiencing Gods Resurrection Power
Ezekiel 37: 1-14 - 1 The hand of the LORD came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. 2 Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they were very dry. 3 And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”
So I answered, “O Lord GOD, You know.”
4 Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! 5 Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. 6 I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the LORD.”’”
7 So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them.
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Experiencing Gods Resurrection Power
Ezekiel 37: 1-14 - 1 The hand of the LORD came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. 2 Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they were very dry. 3 And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”
So I answered, “O Lord GOD, You know.”
4 Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! 5 Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. 6 I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the LORD.”’”
7 So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. 8 Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them.
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To my daughter on her 6th birthday...
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:24 PM Labels: Birthday, daughter 0 comments
Posted by Lori
To my dearest Abigail Paige, on your 6th birthday--
My child, how dearly I love you! I hope that more than anything else I might convey to you in this lifetime, that you will know how deeply and unconditonally I love you. You are perfect just the way you are, and I'm so proud of the ever-maturing human-being that you are becoming.
Tomorrow, you will be six years old. I seriously can't believe how quickly the years have gone by. It seems as if you were just crawling around on the floor a few seconds ago... and now you use words like, "inappropriate" in everyday conversation (which warms my extremely verbose heart to no end). I'm sure I'll blink, and you'll be sixteen, then 24... then a mother of your very own children. (But, let's not talk about that just yet-- we still have virtual Kindergarten to get through!)
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To my dearest Abigail Paige, on your 6th birthday--
My child, how dearly I love you! I hope that more than anything else I might convey to you in this lifetime, that you will know how deeply and unconditonally I love you. You are perfect just the way you are, and I'm so proud of the ever-maturing human-being that you are becoming.
Tomorrow, you will be six years old. I seriously can't believe how quickly the years have gone by. It seems as if you were just crawling around on the floor a few seconds ago... and now you use words like, "inappropriate" in everyday conversation (which warms my extremely verbose heart to no end). I'm sure I'll blink, and you'll be sixteen, then 24... then a mother of your very own children. (But, let's not talk about that just yet-- we still have virtual Kindergarten to get through!)
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:21 PM Labels: COMUNICACION, CUANDO, PIERDE 0 comments
DIA 19
Cuando se pierde la comunicación en una pareja, se bloquea la relación, se distancia la familia y la comunidad. El caso de Adán y Eva ilustra muy bien cuando una pareja pierde la comunicación con Dios, hay pérdidas...
Hoy comienzo una serie sobre las parejas de la Biblia, sus virtudes y sus defectos como nos ayudan a buscar a Dios, y como buscar soluciones al perder la comunión con Dios y la familia.
Todo empezó en el jardín del Edén. Adán tenía comunión con Dios, tenia trabajo, colocar nombres a todos los animales; disfrutaba de toda fruta, y vegetal... pero estaba solitario; sin ayuda idónea. Dios hizo algo...
“De la costilla que le había quitado al hombre, Dios el Señor hizo una mujer y se la presentó al hombre, el cual exclamó: "Ésta sí es hueso de mis huesos y carne de mi carne porque del hombre fue sacada.” Por eso el hombre deja a su padre y a su madre, y se une a su mujer, y los dos se funden en un solo ser” (Génesis 2:22-24)
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DIA 19
Cuando se pierde la comunicación en una pareja, se bloquea la relación, se distancia la familia y la comunidad. El caso de Adán y Eva ilustra muy bien cuando una pareja pierde la comunicación con Dios, hay pérdidas...
Hoy comienzo una serie sobre las parejas de la Biblia, sus virtudes y sus defectos como nos ayudan a buscar a Dios, y como buscar soluciones al perder la comunión con Dios y la familia.
Todo empezó en el jardín del Edén. Adán tenía comunión con Dios, tenia trabajo, colocar nombres a todos los animales; disfrutaba de toda fruta, y vegetal... pero estaba solitario; sin ayuda idónea. Dios hizo algo...
“De la costilla que le había quitado al hombre, Dios el Señor hizo una mujer y se la presentó al hombre, el cual exclamó: "Ésta sí es hueso de mis huesos y carne de mi carne porque del hombre fue sacada.” Por eso el hombre deja a su padre y a su madre, y se une a su mujer, y los dos se funden en un solo ser” (Génesis 2:22-24)
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Prepare to meet thy God
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:19 PM Labels: God, meet, Prepare 0 comments
Posted by Dean & GladysBeaty
Jude 14-15 “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied
of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints,
to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among
them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all
their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” (KJV)
Taken from a sermon by Pastor Tim Sneeden.
By Rev. Dean Beaty 1/18/09
It’s a terrible picture that the Word of God paints.
“Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints.”
The purpose of His coming is not to claim His own.
It’s to execute judgment on the sins that men have sown.
The ungodliness of sinners will be judged by God that day.
For their cursing and their deeds, on that judgment day they’ll pay.
Those who’ve trusted in the Lord will return with Christ the King.
With His vict’ry over sin, His new kingdom He will bring.
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Jude 14-15 “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied
of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints,
to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among
them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all
their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” (KJV)
Taken from a sermon by Pastor Tim Sneeden.
By Rev. Dean Beaty 1/18/09
It’s a terrible picture that the Word of God paints.
“Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of His saints.”
The purpose of His coming is not to claim His own.
It’s to execute judgment on the sins that men have sown.
The ungodliness of sinners will be judged by God that day.
For their cursing and their deeds, on that judgment day they’ll pay.
Those who’ve trusted in the Lord will return with Christ the King.
With His vict’ry over sin, His new kingdom He will bring.
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PEACE by George Feldmann
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:17 PM Labels: George Feldmann, Peace 0 comments
Posted by Brother Marvs
A story is told of two artists commissioned to compete in painting a picture depicting peace. One painted a valley of beautiful trees and flowers surrounded by snow-capped mountains. The other painted a storm-tossed scene in which a little bird was shown peacefully and securely nested in the cleft of a rock. The judges decided on this picture as being more true to life.
There has never been any true or lasting peace in this present world. The nearest thing to true peace that anyone can experience in this present world is a peace of mind and spirit. And this can only come from God. Peace for the world will never be realized until it is established some day by the Prince of Peace, on His sovereign terms.
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A story is told of two artists commissioned to compete in painting a picture depicting peace. One painted a valley of beautiful trees and flowers surrounded by snow-capped mountains. The other painted a storm-tossed scene in which a little bird was shown peacefully and securely nested in the cleft of a rock. The judges decided on this picture as being more true to life.
There has never been any true or lasting peace in this present world. The nearest thing to true peace that anyone can experience in this present world is a peace of mind and spirit. And this can only come from God. Peace for the world will never be realized until it is established some day by the Prince of Peace, on His sovereign terms.
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Yielding To His Gentle Touch
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:15 PM Labels: Gentle, Touch, Yielding 0 comments
Posted by Sher
Lately the Lord has been shedding light into the dark areas of my life .. such as, bad attitudes, unkind words, impatience ...... He is working in me to strip me of all my uglies. It is painful and my first reaction is to resist, but yet at the same time I want to go to that beautiful place he desires to bring me to. Deep in my heart I know that resisting is futile and will only delay the process, so I find myself yielding to Him and lovingly surrendering to His gentle touch. With a joyful heart I weep with gratitude because I know my Father loves me and that He is tranforming me to be more like Him.
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Lately the Lord has been shedding light into the dark areas of my life .. such as, bad attitudes, unkind words, impatience ...... He is working in me to strip me of all my uglies. It is painful and my first reaction is to resist, but yet at the same time I want to go to that beautiful place he desires to bring me to. Deep in my heart I know that resisting is futile and will only delay the process, so I find myself yielding to Him and lovingly surrendering to His gentle touch. With a joyful heart I weep with gratitude because I know my Father loves me and that He is tranforming me to be more like Him.
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Please pray for my little girl tomorrow
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:12 PM Labels: girl, little, Please, pray, tomorrow 0 comments
Posted by Sher
When my daughter was three years old she was diagnosed with a Wilms tumor which is kidney cancer. She has gone through surgery, radiation and chemotherapy and has been off treatment for 15 months. Tomorrow she goes to have her 15 month off treatment scans. She is due for an abdominal ultrasound and chest xray, urnine test and labs. In the past shots have been a big issue (took three adults to hold her down) and tomorrow she will be wide awake when they draw her blood. Please pray she will not be anxious and we can get this done without a fight.
If you are wondering why I am asking for prayers over shots and not results of the test .. It is because I believe with all my heart that the Lord healed her completely and I have declared that healing on her website for all to read.
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When my daughter was three years old she was diagnosed with a Wilms tumor which is kidney cancer. She has gone through surgery, radiation and chemotherapy and has been off treatment for 15 months. Tomorrow she goes to have her 15 month off treatment scans. She is due for an abdominal ultrasound and chest xray, urnine test and labs. In the past shots have been a big issue (took three adults to hold her down) and tomorrow she will be wide awake when they draw her blood. Please pray she will not be anxious and we can get this done without a fight.
If you are wondering why I am asking for prayers over shots and not results of the test .. It is because I believe with all my heart that the Lord healed her completely and I have declared that healing on her website for all to read.
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What is Important?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:09 PM Labels: Important, What 0 comments
Posted by Dean & GladysBeaty
Philippians 1:15-18 “Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel. What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.” (KJV)
By Rev. Dean Beaty 1/19/09
We may not all agree on some lesser minor points.
In the body of Christ we make up the bones and joints.
We’re fitly framed together to work in harmony.
We preach salvation’s message that comes by grace that’s free.
Some folk think that only they will enter heavens door.
But when they get to glory they’ll find a whole lot more.
Christ said the path is narrow and He’s the only way.
But if by faith you trust Him, then I’ll see you there someday.
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Philippians 1:15-18 “Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will: The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to my bonds: But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel. What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.” (KJV)
By Rev. Dean Beaty 1/19/09
We may not all agree on some lesser minor points.
In the body of Christ we make up the bones and joints.
We’re fitly framed together to work in harmony.
We preach salvation’s message that comes by grace that’s free.
Some folk think that only they will enter heavens door.
But when they get to glory they’ll find a whole lot more.
Christ said the path is narrow and He’s the only way.
But if by faith you trust Him, then I’ll see you there someday.
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Great Time Management Advice - by Jim Rohn
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:07 PM Labels: Advice, GREAT, Jim Rohn, Management, time 0 comments
Posted by Brother Marvs
I often talk about the importance of time and time management -- how rich people and poor people both have the same amount of time every day - 24 hours (which by the way, I find fascinating).
This week, I want to share with you four great time management ideas excerpted from our Leadership Event Speaker Roundtable Session - Enjoy!
From Brian Tracy:
I always give the principle of: Begin the day by "Eating That Frog." It basically says that if the first thing you do in the morning is eat a live frog, then you will have the satisfaction of knowing it is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long. And your "live frog" is your most important task. Now there's two corollaries to that. The first one is if you have two frogs to eat, eat the ugliest one first and the second corollary to that is if you have to eat a frog at all, it doesn't pay to sit and look at it too long.
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I often talk about the importance of time and time management -- how rich people and poor people both have the same amount of time every day - 24 hours (which by the way, I find fascinating).
This week, I want to share with you four great time management ideas excerpted from our Leadership Event Speaker Roundtable Session - Enjoy!
From Brian Tracy:
I always give the principle of: Begin the day by "Eating That Frog." It basically says that if the first thing you do in the morning is eat a live frog, then you will have the satisfaction of knowing it is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long. And your "live frog" is your most important task. Now there's two corollaries to that. The first one is if you have two frogs to eat, eat the ugliest one first and the second corollary to that is if you have to eat a frog at all, it doesn't pay to sit and look at it too long.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:05 PM Labels: DE CAIN, FUE, LA MUJER, QUIEN 0 comments
DIA 20
¿Quién fue la mujer de Caín? Hay muchos mitos, por ejemplo, que la mujer de Caín, fue una criatura extraterrestre, de otro planeta, la cual concibió y tuvo hijos de Caín. Esto es absurdo, porque es irse en contra de la creación de Dios, al mezclar seres humanos con cosas ficticias.
Esta teoría cae por su propio peso, ¿Por qué? Porque no hay base bíblica ni científica. ¿Qué evidencias hay al respecto? La hipótesis, de la unión de un ser humano con un extraterrestre, hubieran procreado una descendencia tipo fenómeno, jamás vista en la historia.
Otra teoría, es que fueron seres preadámicos, antes que Adán naciera ya existían seres humanos. ¿Quién los creó? Si fue Dios, ¿Por qué no los narró en la Biblia? Un acto al azar, a lo evolutivo, es negar la Omnipotencia y Creación divina.
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DIA 20
¿Quién fue la mujer de Caín? Hay muchos mitos, por ejemplo, que la mujer de Caín, fue una criatura extraterrestre, de otro planeta, la cual concibió y tuvo hijos de Caín. Esto es absurdo, porque es irse en contra de la creación de Dios, al mezclar seres humanos con cosas ficticias.
Esta teoría cae por su propio peso, ¿Por qué? Porque no hay base bíblica ni científica. ¿Qué evidencias hay al respecto? La hipótesis, de la unión de un ser humano con un extraterrestre, hubieran procreado una descendencia tipo fenómeno, jamás vista en la historia.
Otra teoría, es que fueron seres preadámicos, antes que Adán naciera ya existían seres humanos. ¿Quién los creó? Si fue Dios, ¿Por qué no los narró en la Biblia? Un acto al azar, a lo evolutivo, es negar la Omnipotencia y Creación divina.
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"Let Fairness Guide Your Judgment"
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:03 PM Labels: Fairness, Guide, Judgment, LET 0 comments
Posted by Ann Marie Rush
Don't rob the poor just because you can, or exploit the needy in court.
For the Lord is their defender.
He will ruin anyone who ruins them.
Here we see a message of hope to people who must live & work under unjust authoritarian leaders.
It is also a warning to those who enjoy ruling with an iron hand.
Of which, sometimes God intervenes & cruelty destroys tyrants.
Yet, more often, he uses other rulers to overthrow them or their own oppressed people to rebel against them.
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Don't rob the poor just because you can, or exploit the needy in court.
For the Lord is their defender.
He will ruin anyone who ruins them.
Here we see a message of hope to people who must live & work under unjust authoritarian leaders.
It is also a warning to those who enjoy ruling with an iron hand.
Of which, sometimes God intervenes & cruelty destroys tyrants.
Yet, more often, he uses other rulers to overthrow them or their own oppressed people to rebel against them.
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"The Hope, & The Help of the Needy"
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:01 PM Labels: help, Hope, Needy 0 comments
Posted by Ann Marie Rush
A person who gets ahead by oppressing the poor or by showering gifts on the rich will end in poverty.
For the word oppress means, to burden with cruel restrictions.
Then in Proverbs 14:31 it says, Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors him.
For God has a special concern for the poor. So this is why, He insists that people who have material goods should be generous with those who are needy. Because providing for the poor is not just a suggestion in the Bible; it is a command that may require a change of attitude.
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A person who gets ahead by oppressing the poor or by showering gifts on the rich will end in poverty.
For the word oppress means, to burden with cruel restrictions.
Then in Proverbs 14:31 it says, Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors him.
For God has a special concern for the poor. So this is why, He insists that people who have material goods should be generous with those who are needy. Because providing for the poor is not just a suggestion in the Bible; it is a command that may require a change of attitude.
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Christmas Came And Went
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:58 PM Labels: Came, CHRISTMAS, Went 0 comments
Posted by Tamara Canup Graves
I've had an amazing holiday season. I've seen God's promises brought to fruition, and I've realized that His promises are not always what I perceive them to be.
My husband, Joseph, is a born again believer. And when we met He was on fire for the Lord like no one I had ever met before. His great passion in life is to one day move to Israel and minister to the Jews there. He went into his field of study, as an aerospace engineer because of this dream, and he accepted the job he has now with the company we are with because they have a very large site based in Israel. For years he has centered his life around what he felt was his calling. But underneath the surface there has been a constant battle. He carries deep wounds from his childhood and though I can not go into detail here, I will say that there is a great deal of bondage that ties him to his family and the people of his past.
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I've had an amazing holiday season. I've seen God's promises brought to fruition, and I've realized that His promises are not always what I perceive them to be.
My husband, Joseph, is a born again believer. And when we met He was on fire for the Lord like no one I had ever met before. His great passion in life is to one day move to Israel and minister to the Jews there. He went into his field of study, as an aerospace engineer because of this dream, and he accepted the job he has now with the company we are with because they have a very large site based in Israel. For years he has centered his life around what he felt was his calling. But underneath the surface there has been a constant battle. He carries deep wounds from his childhood and though I can not go into detail here, I will say that there is a great deal of bondage that ties him to his family and the people of his past.
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my daughter lea ann
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:56 PM Labels: daughter 0 comments
Posted by kim
sorry I have not been on in awhile because my daughter has a life long illness she is only 26 and by the grace of God she got pregnant with twins one boy and one girl we are at 31 weeks but they have stopped growing they only are weighing 3 and 4 pounds so we are trying to give it more time to see if they will get bigger but because of her illnesses it is very hard on her she is at the doctors 5 times a week if not in the hospital. please pray for her to fully recover in the name of jesus. She is a good kid who served are country in the navy thats where she started to get sick it is such a shame when our government does not want to take cars of these brave people who protect our country. also pray for healthy baby's.
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sorry I have not been on in awhile because my daughter has a life long illness she is only 26 and by the grace of God she got pregnant with twins one boy and one girl we are at 31 weeks but they have stopped growing they only are weighing 3 and 4 pounds so we are trying to give it more time to see if they will get bigger but because of her illnesses it is very hard on her she is at the doctors 5 times a week if not in the hospital. please pray for her to fully recover in the name of jesus. She is a good kid who served are country in the navy thats where she started to get sick it is such a shame when our government does not want to take cars of these brave people who protect our country. also pray for healthy baby's.
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FREEDOM by George Feldmann
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:54 PM Labels: FREEDOM, George Feldmann 0 comments
Posted by Brother Marvs
Freedom is a subject much in the news today, but few know of the true freedom which is in Christ.
A much used Bible reference on this is John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” This is used many times as a salvation theme, but actually it was spoken to very religious (but lost) Jews. Even borrowed out of its context, this verse has a wonderful message for everyone today. In verse 36 of the same chapter, our Lord refers to Himself as the Son, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” The truth and the Son are interchangeable, so Christ is truth personified. This is truth that men everywhere need to know.
Freedom in Christ from the standpoint of salvation can be considered in three ways:
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Freedom is a subject much in the news today, but few know of the true freedom which is in Christ.
A much used Bible reference on this is John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” This is used many times as a salvation theme, but actually it was spoken to very religious (but lost) Jews. Even borrowed out of its context, this verse has a wonderful message for everyone today. In verse 36 of the same chapter, our Lord refers to Himself as the Son, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” The truth and the Son are interchangeable, so Christ is truth personified. This is truth that men everywhere need to know.
Freedom in Christ from the standpoint of salvation can be considered in three ways:
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:52 PM Labels: DIOS, HIJOS, QUIENES, Son 0 comments
DIA 21
“Aconteció que cuando comenzaron los hombres a multiplicarse sobre la faz de la tierra y les nacieron hijas, al ver los hijos de Dios que las hijas de los hombres eran hermosas tomaron para sí mujeres, escogiendo entre todas”. Génesis 6:1-2
Hay varias teorías respecto a la frase: “los hijos de Dios” de Génesis 6:2, 1) Que eran dinastías de reyes orientales. 2) Que eran los hijos de Set y las hijas, de la línea de Caín. 3) Reyes antiguos como semidioses y 4) Ángeles caídos que se unieron a estas mujeres.
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DIA 21
“Aconteció que cuando comenzaron los hombres a multiplicarse sobre la faz de la tierra y les nacieron hijas, al ver los hijos de Dios que las hijas de los hombres eran hermosas tomaron para sí mujeres, escogiendo entre todas”. Génesis 6:1-2
Hay varias teorías respecto a la frase: “los hijos de Dios” de Génesis 6:2, 1) Que eran dinastías de reyes orientales. 2) Que eran los hijos de Set y las hijas, de la línea de Caín. 3) Reyes antiguos como semidioses y 4) Ángeles caídos que se unieron a estas mujeres.
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Pursuit of Happiness. 01/21/2009
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:51 PM Labels: Happiness, Pursuit 0 comments
Posted by Ashley Goodman
I have spent the last week or so reading on religion, psychology, philosophy, the effects of certain drugs...ect. I don't know why but I have a burning desire to gain knowledge on all of those subjects.
The mind is its own place, and in itself,
can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.
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I have spent the last week or so reading on religion, psychology, philosophy, the effects of certain drugs...ect. I don't know why but I have a burning desire to gain knowledge on all of those subjects.
The mind is its own place, and in itself,
can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:49 PM Labels: FALTAS, RECONOCE 0 comments
DIA 22
Un hombre que tenía un grave problema de miopía se consideraba un experto en evaluación de arte. Un día visitó un museo con algunos amigos. Se le olvidaron los lentes en su casa y no podía ver los cuadros con claridad, pero eso no lo detuvo de ventilar sus fuertes opiniones. Tan pronto entraron a la galería, comenzó a criticar las diferentes pinturas. Al detenerse ante lo que pensaba era un retrato de cuerpo entero, empezó a criticarlo. Con aire de superioridad dijo: "El marco es completamente inadecuado para el cuadro. El hombre está vestido en una forma muy ordinaria y andrajosa. En realidad, el artista cometió un error imperdonable al seleccionar un sujeto tan vulgar y sucio para su retrato. Es una falta de respeto".
El hombre siguió su parloteo sin parar hasta que su esposa logró llegar hasta él entre la multitud y lo apartó discretamente para decirle en voz baja: "Querido, -te estás mirando en el espejo".
Muchas veces nuestras propias faltas, las cuales tardamos en reconocer y admitir, parecen muy grandes cuando las vemos en los demás.
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DIA 22
Un hombre que tenía un grave problema de miopía se consideraba un experto en evaluación de arte. Un día visitó un museo con algunos amigos. Se le olvidaron los lentes en su casa y no podía ver los cuadros con claridad, pero eso no lo detuvo de ventilar sus fuertes opiniones. Tan pronto entraron a la galería, comenzó a criticar las diferentes pinturas. Al detenerse ante lo que pensaba era un retrato de cuerpo entero, empezó a criticarlo. Con aire de superioridad dijo: "El marco es completamente inadecuado para el cuadro. El hombre está vestido en una forma muy ordinaria y andrajosa. En realidad, el artista cometió un error imperdonable al seleccionar un sujeto tan vulgar y sucio para su retrato. Es una falta de respeto".
El hombre siguió su parloteo sin parar hasta que su esposa logró llegar hasta él entre la multitud y lo apartó discretamente para decirle en voz baja: "Querido, -te estás mirando en el espejo".
Muchas veces nuestras propias faltas, las cuales tardamos en reconocer y admitir, parecen muy grandes cuando las vemos en los demás.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:47 PM Labels: EVEN, SEND 0 comments
Posted by Dean & GladysBeaty
John 20:21 “Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you:
as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.”(KJV)
By Rev. Dean Beaty 1/22/09
The Lord left us no question as to what we are to do.
“As My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you.”
Christ came as a servant to do the Father’s will.
We too are called as servants and thus God’s plan fulfill.
But more than just a servant, He is our sacrifice.
Here’s where many falter. They will not pay the price.
Others must see Jesus by how we speak and live.
Christ gave for us His all. Is this the way you live?
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John 20:21 “Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you:
as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.”(KJV)
By Rev. Dean Beaty 1/22/09
The Lord left us no question as to what we are to do.
“As My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you.”
Christ came as a servant to do the Father’s will.
We too are called as servants and thus God’s plan fulfill.
But more than just a servant, He is our sacrifice.
Here’s where many falter. They will not pay the price.
Others must see Jesus by how we speak and live.
Christ gave for us His all. Is this the way you live?
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Chick with Ambition
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:46 PM Labels: Ambition, Chick 0 comments
Posted by Elizabeth Burns *UNIQUELY LIZ*
Chick with Ambition
By: Elizabeth M. Burns ©....
Chick with Ambition
Oh yes! She’s on the mission,
To show her admiration unto the Lord!
Which she follows and listens to his word;
Thus, struggles, and heartaches will appear
But come on my brothers and sisters, just listen and hear,
The Ambition of this “Chick” is to
Transition with very much attention;
Achieving, Completing, Successfully being
The Grown Woman she is,
Yes that’s her, “The Chick”, “The Miss”
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Chick with Ambition
By: Elizabeth M. Burns ©....
Chick with Ambition
Oh yes! She’s on the mission,
To show her admiration unto the Lord!
Which she follows and listens to his word;
Thus, struggles, and heartaches will appear
But come on my brothers and sisters, just listen and hear,
The Ambition of this “Chick” is to
Transition with very much attention;
Achieving, Completing, Successfully being
The Grown Woman she is,
Yes that’s her, “The Chick”, “The Miss”
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My Goodwill Angel....
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:44 PM Labels: Angel, Goodwill 0 comments
Posted by Lori
I was reading another member's blog post, and it reminded me of an encounter that I had a couple years ago... in Goodwill, of all places!
I love shopping in thrift stores. I especially love Goodwill because I think their prices are fair, and I've found some great things there. But, mostly, I think it's a fairly inexpensive form of "retail therapy" for me!
So, if I remember correctly, this particular incident happened about two or two-and-a-half years ago. I'm pretty sure my youngest daughter was still an infant, but not super-young because I didn't venture out much during that time period! Anyway, I was shopping, and this was significant because I had not been "venturing out" with the two girls (who are almost exactly 2.5 years apart in age) because it was still difficult for me to handle the two of them and their different needs at that time. So, we stayed home most of the time. But, I had decided to go out this day, and so off to Goodwill we went....
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I was reading another member's blog post, and it reminded me of an encounter that I had a couple years ago... in Goodwill, of all places!
I love shopping in thrift stores. I especially love Goodwill because I think their prices are fair, and I've found some great things there. But, mostly, I think it's a fairly inexpensive form of "retail therapy" for me!
So, if I remember correctly, this particular incident happened about two or two-and-a-half years ago. I'm pretty sure my youngest daughter was still an infant, but not super-young because I didn't venture out much during that time period! Anyway, I was shopping, and this was significant because I had not been "venturing out" with the two girls (who are almost exactly 2.5 years apart in age) because it was still difficult for me to handle the two of them and their different needs at that time. So, we stayed home most of the time. But, I had decided to go out this day, and so off to Goodwill we went....
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:42 PM Labels: CACHORRO, EL TIGRE 0 comments
DIA 23
Un cachorro, perdido en la selva, vio un tigre corriendo en su dirección. Comenzó entonces a pensar rápido, para ver si se le ocurría alguna idea que le salvase del tigre. Entonces vio unos huesos en el suelo y comenzó a morderlos.
Cuando el tigre estaba casi para atacarle, el cachorro dijo en alto: -¡Ah, este tigre que acabo de comer estaba delicioso. El tigre, entonces, paró bruscamente y, muerto de miedo, dio media vuelta y huyó despavorido mientras pensaba para sí: ¡Menudo cachorro feroz! ¡Por poco me come a mí también!
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DIA 23
Un cachorro, perdido en la selva, vio un tigre corriendo en su dirección. Comenzó entonces a pensar rápido, para ver si se le ocurría alguna idea que le salvase del tigre. Entonces vio unos huesos en el suelo y comenzó a morderlos.
Cuando el tigre estaba casi para atacarle, el cachorro dijo en alto: -¡Ah, este tigre que acabo de comer estaba delicioso. El tigre, entonces, paró bruscamente y, muerto de miedo, dio media vuelta y huyó despavorido mientras pensaba para sí: ¡Menudo cachorro feroz! ¡Por poco me come a mí también!
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The Wound That Never Heals
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:41 PM Labels: Heals, Never, Wound 0 comments
Posted by Tamara Canup Graves
So often in my life, I've carried opened wounds with me everywhere I go. They are the wounds that never heal, even though I think that they have. I get so used to them being there, that I convince myself that I have surely forgiven all error and no longer carry the burden with me.
But these wounds, these inflictions of the heart, can be compared to a physical wound. And sometimes, the way we treat these wounds would never cause real healing of a physical wound.
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So often in my life, I've carried opened wounds with me everywhere I go. They are the wounds that never heal, even though I think that they have. I get so used to them being there, that I convince myself that I have surely forgiven all error and no longer carry the burden with me.
But these wounds, these inflictions of the heart, can be compared to a physical wound. And sometimes, the way we treat these wounds would never cause real healing of a physical wound.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:38 PM Labels: ANIMISTA, BRAZIL, PUEBLO, VENEZUELA, YANAMAMO 0 comments
DIA 24
En realidad, el pueblo yanamamo quiere ser poseído por los espíritus. ¡Esta es una perspectiva aterradora! Hemos leído el testimonio de Bee (“no agarra a las mujeres”), los días uno, dos y tres. Para el pueblo yanamamo el mundo de los espíritus es muy real. Aquellos que están siendo preparados para ser chamanes son enseñados a “discernir” a qué espíritus invitar a vivir “dentro de sus pechos”. Algunos espíritus son considerados para jugar como los compañeros de juego. Otros son considerados peligrosos. También hay y existen los que ellos quieren. Estos son los que les dan poder en el mundo espiritual.
Como recordaremos, Bee, finalmente escogió abrazar al Espíritu Santo de Dios. Pero esto es muy difícil para el pueblo yanamamo, especialmente por la influencia de sus chamanes. El libro “El espíritu de la selva”, escrito por Mark Richie, contiene el testimonio de un chamán muy poderoso, y el mal que él puede hacer debido a su relación con los espíritus. ¡No es un libro para el de corazón débil! Para lo mejor o para lo peor, los extranjeros están haciendo contacto con los yanamamo. Algunos de ellos ahora ya tienen acceso al evangelio, aunque muy pocos están entrando al Reino de Dios.
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DIA 24
En realidad, el pueblo yanamamo quiere ser poseído por los espíritus. ¡Esta es una perspectiva aterradora! Hemos leído el testimonio de Bee (“no agarra a las mujeres”), los días uno, dos y tres. Para el pueblo yanamamo el mundo de los espíritus es muy real. Aquellos que están siendo preparados para ser chamanes son enseñados a “discernir” a qué espíritus invitar a vivir “dentro de sus pechos”. Algunos espíritus son considerados para jugar como los compañeros de juego. Otros son considerados peligrosos. También hay y existen los que ellos quieren. Estos son los que les dan poder en el mundo espiritual.
Como recordaremos, Bee, finalmente escogió abrazar al Espíritu Santo de Dios. Pero esto es muy difícil para el pueblo yanamamo, especialmente por la influencia de sus chamanes. El libro “El espíritu de la selva”, escrito por Mark Richie, contiene el testimonio de un chamán muy poderoso, y el mal que él puede hacer debido a su relación con los espíritus. ¡No es un libro para el de corazón débil! Para lo mejor o para lo peor, los extranjeros están haciendo contacto con los yanamamo. Algunos de ellos ahora ya tienen acceso al evangelio, aunque muy pocos están entrando al Reino de Dios.
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Being Mom (how God used my children to humble me)
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:36 PM Labels: children, God, HOW, humble, Mom, used 0 comments
Posted by Debbie_LIBAW
I worked in a daycare for 4 years. I loved it, and it was obviously what I was meant to do because I was pretty successful at teaching the little kids how to do the right thing. Then I went on to take care of kids and teenagers in their homes, then adults with disabilities in their homes. It really seemed like I was able to teach people and also to deal with difficult behaviors. I thought I was going to do pretty well as a parent.
Then I had a couple of kids and I found out I'm definitely not as cool as I thought I was. That's actually an understatement because some days my kids have looked like something on that show "Supernanny"! But here's the fun part of the story: I don't actually need to have it all together!
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I worked in a daycare for 4 years. I loved it, and it was obviously what I was meant to do because I was pretty successful at teaching the little kids how to do the right thing. Then I went on to take care of kids and teenagers in their homes, then adults with disabilities in their homes. It really seemed like I was able to teach people and also to deal with difficult behaviors. I thought I was going to do pretty well as a parent.
Then I had a couple of kids and I found out I'm definitely not as cool as I thought I was. That's actually an understatement because some days my kids have looked like something on that show "Supernanny"! But here's the fun part of the story: I don't actually need to have it all together!
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Is Islam a religion of Peace?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:34 PM Labels: Islam, Peace, religion 0 comments
Posted by SLAVE2JC
Is Islam a religion of Peace?
Sam Shamoun
The following is the material which I prepared for my debate with Nadir Ahmed that took place on November 3, 2007 at Hope International University, Fullerton, CA. The thesis of debate was, "Is Islam a Religion of Peace?" (1, 2). Lord willing, tapes and/or DVDs of the debate will be made available to the public shortly which we will announce on our site. [Update: the debate can now be viewed on Google video. Access it here.]
Following the Example of the Salafs and the Caliphs
Salafis (which Nadir Ahmed professes to be) are to follow the example of the first three generations of Muslims since Muhammad stated that they were the best:
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Is Islam a religion of Peace?
Sam Shamoun
The following is the material which I prepared for my debate with Nadir Ahmed that took place on November 3, 2007 at Hope International University, Fullerton, CA. The thesis of debate was, "Is Islam a Religion of Peace?" (1, 2). Lord willing, tapes and/or DVDs of the debate will be made available to the public shortly which we will announce on our site. [Update: the debate can now be viewed on Google video. Access it here.]
Following the Example of the Salafs and the Caliphs
Salafis (which Nadir Ahmed professes to be) are to follow the example of the first three generations of Muslims since Muhammad stated that they were the best:
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Rev. Joseph Lowery during President Barack Obama's inauguration
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:31 PM Labels: Barack, inauguration, Obama's, President, Rev. Joseph Lowery 0 comments
Posted by Buddy
Rev. Joseph Lowery during President Barack Obama's inauguration
This is the type of blessings sought out and approved of by your new president.
I seriously worry about his judgement.
Text of the benediction by Rev. Joseph Lowery during President Barack Obama's inauguration, as transcribed by CQ Transcriptions:
Rev. Joseph Lowery started with a direct quote of Lift Every Voice and Sing:
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Rev. Joseph Lowery during President Barack Obama's inauguration
This is the type of blessings sought out and approved of by your new president.
I seriously worry about his judgement.
Text of the benediction by Rev. Joseph Lowery during President Barack Obama's inauguration, as transcribed by CQ Transcriptions:
Rev. Joseph Lowery started with a direct quote of Lift Every Voice and Sing:
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During Rick Warens invocation who was he praying to?????
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:28 PM Labels: During, invocation, praying, Rick Warens, who 0 comments
Posted by Buddy
During Rick Waren's invocation, who was he praying to?
"I humbly ask this in the name of the one who changed my life, Yeshua, Isa, Jesus [Spanish pronunciation], Jesus, who taught us to pray"
1. Yeshua is Hebrew/Aramaic (ישוע) (Yeshua — he will save) directly referring to Jesus Christ the Son of God.
2. Isa is found in Islam
عيسى ..Īsā) According to the Koran: Allah revealed Prophet ^Isa (Jesus) as the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. He was one of the five best messengers of Allah, called Ulul-^Azm, those with the highest status, who were the most patient. Isa had been sent to guide the Children of Israel (banī isrā'īl) with a new scripture, the Injīl (one of 5 books of the Koran).[1]
According to Islamic texts, Jesus was neither killed nor crucified, but rather he was raised alive up to heaven.
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During Rick Waren's invocation, who was he praying to?
"I humbly ask this in the name of the one who changed my life, Yeshua, Isa, Jesus [Spanish pronunciation], Jesus, who taught us to pray"
1. Yeshua is Hebrew/Aramaic (ישוע) (Yeshua — he will save) directly referring to Jesus Christ the Son of God.
2. Isa is found in Islam
عيسى ..Īsā) According to the Koran: Allah revealed Prophet ^Isa (Jesus) as the messenger before Prophet Muhammad. He was one of the five best messengers of Allah, called Ulul-^Azm, those with the highest status, who were the most patient. Isa had been sent to guide the Children of Israel (banī isrā'īl) with a new scripture, the Injīl (one of 5 books of the Koran).[1]
According to Islamic texts, Jesus was neither killed nor crucified, but rather he was raised alive up to heaven.
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Count your blessings
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:26 PM Labels: blessings, Count 0 comments
Posted by Buddy
Count your blessings
that GOD has gave
Count the moments
your life he has saved
Count your blessings
for all he has bestowed
You could never pay back
all that is owed
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Count your blessings
that GOD has gave
Count the moments
your life he has saved
Count your blessings
for all he has bestowed
You could never pay back
all that is owed
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:24 PM Labels: HOW, LORD, Praise 0 comments
Posted by Pastor.Lal

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A thought about what Obama may have learned when he met with all the former Presidents!!!!!
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:20 PM Labels: All, former, learned, may, met, Obama, Presidents, thought 0 comments
Posted by Buddy
A thought about what Obama may have learned when he met with all the former Presidents!!
Carter thought him how to SELL territory that belongs to the U.S.
Daddy Bush thought him how to NOT SEE a war though to the end.
Clinton thought him how to CHEAT on his wife and get away with it. And,
Bush, Jr. thought him how to LIBERATE a country instead of getting the one guy (Bin-Laden) that you said you were going to get.
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A thought about what Obama may have learned when he met with all the former Presidents!!
Carter thought him how to SELL territory that belongs to the U.S.
Daddy Bush thought him how to NOT SEE a war though to the end.
Clinton thought him how to CHEAT on his wife and get away with it. And,
Bush, Jr. thought him how to LIBERATE a country instead of getting the one guy (Bin-Laden) that you said you were going to get.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:18 PM Labels: ASKED 0 comments
Posted by Pastor.Lal

I asked for Strength And was given Difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for Wisdom And was given Problems to solve.
I asked for Prosperity And was given a Brain and Brawn to work.
I asked for Courage And was given Danger to overcome.
I asked for Love And was given Troubled people to help.
I asked for Favors And was given Opportunities.
I received nothing I wanted. I received everything I needed
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I asked for Strength And was given Difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for Wisdom And was given Problems to solve.
I asked for Prosperity And was given a Brain and Brawn to work.
I asked for Courage And was given Danger to overcome.
I asked for Love And was given Troubled people to help.
I asked for Favors And was given Opportunities.
I received nothing I wanted. I received everything I needed
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What is Your Garden of Life Producing?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:16 PM Labels: GARDEN, Life, Producing, What 0 comments
Posted by Pastor Narda Goodson, First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
A productive, healthy, and beautiful garden is the result of proper care on a continual basis. It is not merely enough to maintain a garden when you feel like it, for behind its outer beauty, much activity is occurring from within. While new flowers are springing forth and roots are re-establishing with each growth spur, there are constant intruders trying to infiltrate its space.
These invaders are part of the community and although they co-habit, they are very harmful to the augmentation and progression of its inhabitants. Weeds, unhealthy vines, unwanted twigs, and wild flowers can be annoying neighbors, and if not detected and uprooted early, will choke the life out of your garden.
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These invaders are part of the community and although they co-habit, they are very harmful to the augmentation and progression of its inhabitants. Weeds, unhealthy vines, unwanted twigs, and wild flowers can be annoying neighbors, and if not detected and uprooted early, will choke the life out of your garden.
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Suck It UP!
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:14 PM Labels: It, Suck, UP 0 comments
Posted by Pastor Narda Goodson, First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
I am amazed that after a good downpour, gardens have a natural ability to "suck it up". . .that is the excess water that has fallen. After the downpour, a garden usually looks muddy and messy; a typical result from the effects of a storm.
Although the excess invasion of water appears to be harmful at first, it is actually helping the garden flourish. You see, the excess water seeps into inconspicuous crevices that often materialize when the soil has become hard and dry. Once it enters, it dampens and moisturizes the deep, dry, and unseen dingy places.
We will sometimes experience the downpours of life. At times, it may feel like the water will overflow us, but if we allow the excess watering of God's Word to flood our lives, then we too, like the garden will experience a refreshing that will revive, rejuvenate, and revitalize the deep places of our thirsty souls.
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I am amazed that after a good downpour, gardens have a natural ability to "suck it up". . .that is the excess water that has fallen. After the downpour, a garden usually looks muddy and messy; a typical result from the effects of a storm.
Although the excess invasion of water appears to be harmful at first, it is actually helping the garden flourish. You see, the excess water seeps into inconspicuous crevices that often materialize when the soil has become hard and dry. Once it enters, it dampens and moisturizes the deep, dry, and unseen dingy places.
We will sometimes experience the downpours of life. At times, it may feel like the water will overflow us, but if we allow the excess watering of God's Word to flood our lives, then we too, like the garden will experience a refreshing that will revive, rejuvenate, and revitalize the deep places of our thirsty souls.
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Change is Inevitable
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:12 PM Labels: Change, Inevitable 0 comments
Posted by Pastor Narda Goodson, First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Just as the caterpillar is predestined to transform into a butterfly, so are we preordained to become the children of God (John 3:16).
Like the seasons, they come and go. Do you understand that just as winter, spring, summer, and fall all work together to bring about the major transformation of the earth, likewise, the seasons we experience are relevant to our life’s progress? Let’s look at the season we know as winter.
Winter is one of the four temperate seasons of the year. It is the season with the shortest days and the lowest temperatures. Winter brings about such a major change that even the animals have developed different behavioral acclimatizations in order to survive the harshness of the season.
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Just as the caterpillar is predestined to transform into a butterfly, so are we preordained to become the children of God (John 3:16).
Like the seasons, they come and go. Do you understand that just as winter, spring, summer, and fall all work together to bring about the major transformation of the earth, likewise, the seasons we experience are relevant to our life’s progress? Let’s look at the season we know as winter.
Winter is one of the four temperate seasons of the year. It is the season with the shortest days and the lowest temperatures. Winter brings about such a major change that even the animals have developed different behavioral acclimatizations in order to survive the harshness of the season.
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The Warning Signs
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:11 PM Labels: SIGNS, Warning 0 comments
Posted by Pastor Narda Goodson, First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
In this journey called “life”, God has provided landmarks and signs to help us reach our destination. There are signs of right and wrong directions; we see dead-end and wrong turn symbols, detours, and yield and stops signs that tell us where we are, where we have been, and where we are going. Are we paying attention?
Suffering is inevitable, and as we continue our life on earth, we will encounter sadness or a loss of some kind. The tragedies and negative events we experience in life can either cripple our future or make us strong.
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In this journey called “life”, God has provided landmarks and signs to help us reach our destination. There are signs of right and wrong directions; we see dead-end and wrong turn symbols, detours, and yield and stops signs that tell us where we are, where we have been, and where we are going. Are we paying attention?
Suffering is inevitable, and as we continue our life on earth, we will encounter sadness or a loss of some kind. The tragedies and negative events we experience in life can either cripple our future or make us strong.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:09 PM Labels: BOLIVIA, MISION, NUEVAS, TRABAJO, TRIBUS 0 comments
DIA 25
“Ahora bien, ¿cómo invocarán a aquel en quien no han creído? ¿Y cómo creerán en aquel de quien no han oído? ¿Y cómo oirán si no hay quien les predique?” (Romanos 10:14 NVI)
Misión Nuevas Tribus (MNT), trabaja de muchas diferentes maneras para asegurarse de que los pueblos tribales de Bolivia tengan la oportunidad de escuchar las buenas noticias de que Jesús murió por amor a ellos. El misionero Jack Russell y dos parejas de la tribu Simba están traduciendo la Palabra de Dios al idioma de ellos. Cuando los simba escucharon a Jack Russell y a Félix Avendoño enseñar en su propio idioma, durante unas conferencias de la Biblia que duraron tres días, estuvieron muy interesados y “muy despiertos”. Varios hicieron profesión pública de su fe. El trabajo de traducción continúa mientras los misioneros siguen alcanzando a más gente simba.
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DIA 25
“Ahora bien, ¿cómo invocarán a aquel en quien no han creído? ¿Y cómo creerán en aquel de quien no han oído? ¿Y cómo oirán si no hay quien les predique?” (Romanos 10:14 NVI)
Misión Nuevas Tribus (MNT), trabaja de muchas diferentes maneras para asegurarse de que los pueblos tribales de Bolivia tengan la oportunidad de escuchar las buenas noticias de que Jesús murió por amor a ellos. El misionero Jack Russell y dos parejas de la tribu Simba están traduciendo la Palabra de Dios al idioma de ellos. Cuando los simba escucharon a Jack Russell y a Félix Avendoño enseñar en su propio idioma, durante unas conferencias de la Biblia que duraron tres días, estuvieron muy interesados y “muy despiertos”. Varios hicieron profesión pública de su fe. El trabajo de traducción continúa mientras los misioneros siguen alcanzando a más gente simba.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:07 PM Labels: AMA, CONDICION, Sin 0 comments
DIA 26
Una historia que fue contada por un soldado que pudo regresar a casa después de haber peleado en la guerra de Vietnam. Un soldado le habló a sus padres desde San Francisco.
"Mamá, Papá. Voy de regreso a casa, pero les tengo que pedir un favor:
Traigo a un amigo que me gustaría que se quedara con nosotros." "Claro," le contestaron, "Nos encantaría conocerlo." "Hay algo que deben de saber", -el hijo siguió diciendo, "él fue herido en la guerra, pisó en una mina de tierra y perdió un brazo y una pierna. Él no tiene a donde ir, y quiero que se venga a vivir con nosotros a casa."
"Siento mucho el escuchar eso hijo. A lo mejor podemos encontrar un lugar en dónde él se pueda quedar." "No, Mamá y Papá, yo quiero que él viva con nosotros." "Hijo," le dijo el padre, "tú no sabes lo que estás pidiendo. Alguien que esté tan limitado físicamente puede ser un gran peso para nosotros.
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DIA 26
Una historia que fue contada por un soldado que pudo regresar a casa después de haber peleado en la guerra de Vietnam. Un soldado le habló a sus padres desde San Francisco.
"Mamá, Papá. Voy de regreso a casa, pero les tengo que pedir un favor:
Traigo a un amigo que me gustaría que se quedara con nosotros." "Claro," le contestaron, "Nos encantaría conocerlo." "Hay algo que deben de saber", -el hijo siguió diciendo, "él fue herido en la guerra, pisó en una mina de tierra y perdió un brazo y una pierna. Él no tiene a donde ir, y quiero que se venga a vivir con nosotros a casa."
"Siento mucho el escuchar eso hijo. A lo mejor podemos encontrar un lugar en dónde él se pueda quedar." "No, Mamá y Papá, yo quiero que él viva con nosotros." "Hijo," le dijo el padre, "tú no sabes lo que estás pidiendo. Alguien que esté tan limitado físicamente puede ser un gran peso para nosotros.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:04 PM Labels: EAT, FILLED, FRUIT, GARDEN, LET, LIVE, OTHERS 0 comments
Posted by Pastor Narda Goodson, First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
There is a lot of work and responsibility that goes with owning a large piece of land. Everyone can see the weeds, tall grass, and wildflowers if it is not properly maintained or cared for. What’s ironic is that these never-ending menaces do not need our permission to breed, they just do. They automatically develop because this is its function.
Do you know your function? Do you know what you have been created and designed to accomplish in life? While there may be more than one answer to this question, our personal resume of accomplishments, while noteworthy, does not exceed the importance of our faithfulness and commitment to it. Luke 12:48 says that to whom much is given much is required.
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There is a lot of work and responsibility that goes with owning a large piece of land. Everyone can see the weeds, tall grass, and wildflowers if it is not properly maintained or cared for. What’s ironic is that these never-ending menaces do not need our permission to breed, they just do. They automatically develop because this is its function.
Do you know your function? Do you know what you have been created and designed to accomplish in life? While there may be more than one answer to this question, our personal resume of accomplishments, while noteworthy, does not exceed the importance of our faithfulness and commitment to it. Luke 12:48 says that to whom much is given much is required.
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Where is "God's Word" in Your Life?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:02 PM Labels: God's, Life, Where, Word 0 comments
Posted by Dean & GladysBeaty
By Rev. Dean Beaty 1/26/09
Psalm 119:105&165 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
“Great peace have they which love Thy law: and nothing shall offend* them.” (KJV)
*Cause to stumble
Some folk revere the Bible, while other people read it.
Also some will study it, while other people heed it.
Some treat it as a horse shoe in hopes it brings good luck.
While others only read it when in trouble they are stuck.
God’s Word is like an anchor that holds when storm winds blow.
We must hide it in our hearts so it’s there where e’er we go.
We need to read it daily as the original soul food,
To keep the spirit healthy and our love for God renewed.
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By Rev. Dean Beaty 1/26/09
Psalm 119:105&165 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
“Great peace have they which love Thy law: and nothing shall offend* them.” (KJV)
*Cause to stumble
Some folk revere the Bible, while other people read it.
Also some will study it, while other people heed it.
Some treat it as a horse shoe in hopes it brings good luck.
While others only read it when in trouble they are stuck.
God’s Word is like an anchor that holds when storm winds blow.
We must hide it in our hearts so it’s there where e’er we go.
We need to read it daily as the original soul food,
To keep the spirit healthy and our love for God renewed.
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What have you done today?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 5:00 PM Labels: done, Today, What 0 comments
Posted by Dean & GladysBeaty
Mark 9:41 “For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink
in my name… verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.” (KJV)
By Rev Dean Beaty 1/25/09
Who have you encouraged in this week?
Maybe by the words that you speak.
By the simple lift you give,
Someone may desire to live.
Without your help their outlook would be bleak.
The help you were may never now be known,
Until you reach God’s heavenly throne.
Every deed of kindness done,
Gold, and silver you have won.
So put into your voice a soothing tone.
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Mark 9:41 “For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink
in my name… verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.” (KJV)
By Rev Dean Beaty 1/25/09
Who have you encouraged in this week?
Maybe by the words that you speak.
By the simple lift you give,
Someone may desire to live.
Without your help their outlook would be bleak.
The help you were may never now be known,
Until you reach God’s heavenly throne.
Every deed of kindness done,
Gold, and silver you have won.
So put into your voice a soothing tone.
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the flesh is weak
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:57 PM Labels: flesh, weak 0 comments
Posted by stacy
phillipians 4:6 says not to worry but to present your requests to god and I am worried for 2 reasons... 1st is I have a court date on wednesday the 28th The reason is for 2 tickets that I had recieved in early december one for a bad tag the other is for not having valid insurance on my car... needless to say my car was impounded but since then i have gotten everything that I was pulled over for fixed but I am just worried about jail time ...
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phillipians 4:6 says not to worry but to present your requests to god and I am worried for 2 reasons... 1st is I have a court date on wednesday the 28th The reason is for 2 tickets that I had recieved in early december one for a bad tag the other is for not having valid insurance on my car... needless to say my car was impounded but since then i have gotten everything that I was pulled over for fixed but I am just worried about jail time ...
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Right Division
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:56 PM Labels: Division, Right 0 comments
Posted by Brother Marvs
II Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be
ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
We have learned, and we are learning, many wonderful truths from God's Word. "Right division" is, beyond question, the Spirit's Key to true biblical knowledge - and by it we shall stand before our Lord "approved", or we shall bow there in shame and loss.
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II Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be
ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
We have learned, and we are learning, many wonderful truths from God's Word. "Right division" is, beyond question, the Spirit's Key to true biblical knowledge - and by it we shall stand before our Lord "approved", or we shall bow there in shame and loss.
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All That Thrills My Soul is JESUS
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:53 PM Labels: All, Jesus, SOUL, Thrills 0 comments
Posted by Dean & GladysBeaty
After living what I felt was a 'decent' life, my time on earth came to the
The first thing I remember is sitting on a bench in the waiting room of
what I thought to be a court house.
The doors opened and I was instructed to come in and have a seat by the
defense table.
As I looked around I saw the 'prosecutor.'
He was a villainous looking gent who snarled as he stared at me. He
definitely was the most evil person I have ever seen.
I sat down and looked to my left and there sat My Attorney, kind and
gentle looking man whose appearance seemed so familiar to me, I felt I knew Him.
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After living what I felt was a 'decent' life, my time on earth came to the
The first thing I remember is sitting on a bench in the waiting room of
what I thought to be a court house.
The doors opened and I was instructed to come in and have a seat by the
defense table.
As I looked around I saw the 'prosecutor.'
He was a villainous looking gent who snarled as he stared at me. He
definitely was the most evil person I have ever seen.
I sat down and looked to my left and there sat My Attorney, kind and
gentle looking man whose appearance seemed so familiar to me, I felt I knew Him.
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Words For Today
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:51 PM Labels: Today, Words 0 comments
Posted by Daniel Baumet
Jeremiah 5:
1 "Go up and down the streets of Jerusalem,
look around and consider,
search through her squares.
If you can find but one person
who deals honestly and seeks the truth,
I will forgive this city.
2 Although they say, 'As surely as the LORD lives,'
still they are swearing falsely."
3 O LORD, do not your eyes look for truth?
You struck them, but they felt no pain;
you crushed them, but they refused correction.
They made their faces harder than stone
and refused to repent.
4 I thought, "These are only the poor;
they are foolish,
for they do not know the way of the LORD,
the requirements of their God.
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Jeremiah 5:
1 "Go up and down the streets of Jerusalem,
look around and consider,
search through her squares.
If you can find but one person
who deals honestly and seeks the truth,
I will forgive this city.
2 Although they say, 'As surely as the LORD lives,'
still they are swearing falsely."
3 O LORD, do not your eyes look for truth?
You struck them, but they felt no pain;
you crushed them, but they refused correction.
They made their faces harder than stone
and refused to repent.
4 I thought, "These are only the poor;
they are foolish,
for they do not know the way of the LORD,
the requirements of their God.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:49 PM Labels: CON, FE, OBRAS, SANTIAGO, UNA 0 comments
1ª Lección: Credenciales del autor y destinatarios.-
DIA 27
“Santiago, siervo de Dios y del Señor Jesucristo, a las doce tribus que se hallan dispersas por el mundo: Saludos”. Santiago 1:1
Bienvenida(o) al Estudio de la carta universal de Santiago o Jacobos, el medio hermano de Jesucristo. En cuanto a la fecha, es discutible, unos creen que es la más antigua del Nuevo Testamento, otros por el 100 DC El autor de este estudio se inclina por una fecha temprana, 50 DC.
¿Cuáles deben ser las credenciales de un Ministro? Sin duda el creyente debe ser siervo, o esclavo de Jesucristo. Incluso ser Ministro es servir al prójimo y no es un título burócrata de un ejecutivo de entidad pública, y quien da órdenes para que otros trabajen. Un Ministro es uno que sirve al Señor Jesucristo con amor y es útil al prójimo en su necesidad.
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1ª Lección: Credenciales del autor y destinatarios.-
DIA 27
“Santiago, siervo de Dios y del Señor Jesucristo, a las doce tribus que se hallan dispersas por el mundo: Saludos”. Santiago 1:1
Bienvenida(o) al Estudio de la carta universal de Santiago o Jacobos, el medio hermano de Jesucristo. En cuanto a la fecha, es discutible, unos creen que es la más antigua del Nuevo Testamento, otros por el 100 DC El autor de este estudio se inclina por una fecha temprana, 50 DC.
¿Cuáles deben ser las credenciales de un Ministro? Sin duda el creyente debe ser siervo, o esclavo de Jesucristo. Incluso ser Ministro es servir al prójimo y no es un título burócrata de un ejecutivo de entidad pública, y quien da órdenes para que otros trabajen. Un Ministro es uno que sirve al Señor Jesucristo con amor y es útil al prójimo en su necesidad.
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Define Happiness and Joy
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:47 PM Labels: Define, Happiness, Joy 0 comments
Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith
Republished from
"I thought in my heart, "Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good." But that also was proved to be meaningless." Eccles 2:1 NIV
"Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy." 1 Peter 1:8 NIV
So many people think of joy and happiness as the same thing, but they are not. Joy is that expression of God that brings us peace in the middle of spiritual warfare. It is that which gives us peace undefinable. It is that emotion that does not depend upon the outward appearance and experience of the flesh. Joy is an attribute, a fruit of the Spirit of God that comes through His love and fruit for our eternal well being.
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Republished from
"I thought in my heart, "Come now, I will test you with pleasure to find out what is good." But that also was proved to be meaningless." Eccles 2:1 NIV
"Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy." 1 Peter 1:8 NIV
So many people think of joy and happiness as the same thing, but they are not. Joy is that expression of God that brings us peace in the middle of spiritual warfare. It is that which gives us peace undefinable. It is that emotion that does not depend upon the outward appearance and experience of the flesh. Joy is an attribute, a fruit of the Spirit of God that comes through His love and fruit for our eternal well being.
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Can You Grow Anywhere?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:45 PM Labels: Anywhere, Grow 0 comments
Posted by Pastor Narda Goodson, First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
There are “wildflowers” that grow in their natural state rather than being cultivated in the parks or gardens, yet, they tell of the splendor and brilliance of God’s glorious design. While not all “wildflowers” are bad, God has placed them in unique places, i.e. highways and by-ways, meadows, pastures, and fields. Remarkably, they can also be found in remote and secluded territory.
The Lily of the Valley is a type of believer that grows in the deep and difficult places of life. This serves as a reminder that others have gone before us, yet, they were able to develop, blossom, and mature during their demanding seasons. It also serves as an indication of God’s power to keep us during our personal wilderness and valley experiences and an amazing glimpse that beauty can be seen even in the most unpleasant circumstances.
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There are “wildflowers” that grow in their natural state rather than being cultivated in the parks or gardens, yet, they tell of the splendor and brilliance of God’s glorious design. While not all “wildflowers” are bad, God has placed them in unique places, i.e. highways and by-ways, meadows, pastures, and fields. Remarkably, they can also be found in remote and secluded territory.
The Lily of the Valley is a type of believer that grows in the deep and difficult places of life. This serves as a reminder that others have gone before us, yet, they were able to develop, blossom, and mature during their demanding seasons. It also serves as an indication of God’s power to keep us during our personal wilderness and valley experiences and an amazing glimpse that beauty can be seen even in the most unpleasant circumstances.
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Letter from the Devil
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:42 PM Labels: Devil, from, Letter 0 comments
Posted by SLAVE2JC
Letter from the Devil
This can really make you think. It actually made me really mad while I
was reading it, but it made me realize some things. Plus, I had to send
it because of the P.S. This is deep... and I wasn't going to forward
or share it, but that last line... you'll see.
I saw you yesterday as you began your daily chores. You awoke without kneeling to pray. As a matter of fact, you didn't even bless your meals, or pray before going to bed last night. You are so unthankful, I like that about you. I cannot tell you how glad I am that you have not changed your way of living, Fool, you are mine. Remember, you and I have been going steady for years,
and I still don't love you yet. As a matter of fact, I hate you, because I hate GOD. He kicked me out of heaven, and I'm going to use you as long as possible to pay him back.
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Letter from the Devil
This can really make you think. It actually made me really mad while I
was reading it, but it made me realize some things. Plus, I had to send
it because of the P.S. This is deep... and I wasn't going to forward
or share it, but that last line... you'll see.
I saw you yesterday as you began your daily chores. You awoke without kneeling to pray. As a matter of fact, you didn't even bless your meals, or pray before going to bed last night. You are so unthankful, I like that about you. I cannot tell you how glad I am that you have not changed your way of living, Fool, you are mine. Remember, you and I have been going steady for years,
and I still don't love you yet. As a matter of fact, I hate you, because I hate GOD. He kicked me out of heaven, and I'm going to use you as long as possible to pay him back.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:41 PM Labels: PACIENCIA, PRODUCE, PRUEBA 0 comments
DIA 28
Mi amigo(a) en esta 2ª lección aprenderemos que la prueba produce paciencia en el creyente. Santiago 1:1-4 dice: “Hermanos míos, gozaos profundamente cuando os halléis en diversas pruebas, sabiendo que la prueba de vuestra fe produce paciencia. Pero tenga la paciencia su obra completa, para que seáis perfectos y cabales, sin que os falte cosa alguna”.
Es importante distinguir la prueba o sufrimiento por parte de Dios, para bienestar nuestro, o del sufrimiento por causa de nuestro pecado. Aquí es una prueba para moldear nuestro carácter y ser maduros en Cristo.
Según Matthew Henry: “El cristianismo enseña a los hombres a estar gozosos en las tribulaciones; tales ejercicios vienen del amor de Dios; y las pruebas del camino del deber darán lustre a nuestras virtudes ahora y a nuestra corona al final. En los tiempos de prueba preocupémonos que la paciencia actúe en nosotros, y no la pasión; lo que se diga o haga, sea la paciencia la que lo diga y haga. Todo lo necesario para nuestra carrera y guerra cristiana será otorgada cuando la obra de la paciencia esté completa. No debemos orar pidiendo que la aflicción sea eliminada, tanto como pidiendo sabiduría para usarla correctamente. ¿Y quién no quiere sabiduría para que lo guíe en las pruebas, regulando su propio espíritu y administrando sus asuntos?”.
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DIA 28
Mi amigo(a) en esta 2ª lección aprenderemos que la prueba produce paciencia en el creyente. Santiago 1:1-4 dice: “Hermanos míos, gozaos profundamente cuando os halléis en diversas pruebas, sabiendo que la prueba de vuestra fe produce paciencia. Pero tenga la paciencia su obra completa, para que seáis perfectos y cabales, sin que os falte cosa alguna”.
Es importante distinguir la prueba o sufrimiento por parte de Dios, para bienestar nuestro, o del sufrimiento por causa de nuestro pecado. Aquí es una prueba para moldear nuestro carácter y ser maduros en Cristo.
Según Matthew Henry: “El cristianismo enseña a los hombres a estar gozosos en las tribulaciones; tales ejercicios vienen del amor de Dios; y las pruebas del camino del deber darán lustre a nuestras virtudes ahora y a nuestra corona al final. En los tiempos de prueba preocupémonos que la paciencia actúe en nosotros, y no la pasión; lo que se diga o haga, sea la paciencia la que lo diga y haga. Todo lo necesario para nuestra carrera y guerra cristiana será otorgada cuando la obra de la paciencia esté completa. No debemos orar pidiendo que la aflicción sea eliminada, tanto como pidiendo sabiduría para usarla correctamente. ¿Y quién no quiere sabiduría para que lo guíe en las pruebas, regulando su propio espíritu y administrando sus asuntos?”.
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Taking Jesus' Yoke - LIBAW, real life in Christ
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:38 PM Labels: Christ, Jesus', LIBAW, Life, REAL, Taking, Yoke 0 comments
Posted by LIBAW
LIBAW, real life in Christ can be a catalyst to move you toward thinking the correct way about God and your relationship to Him and His Kingdom. What do I mean by this? Let me give you an example. The phrase spoken by Jesus, “take my yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11: 29) is a divine call toward action that will benefit us and those with whom we come in contact.
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LIBAW, real life in Christ can be a catalyst to move you toward thinking the correct way about God and your relationship to Him and His Kingdom. What do I mean by this? Let me give you an example. The phrase spoken by Jesus, “take my yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11: 29) is a divine call toward action that will benefit us and those with whom we come in contact.
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His Last Words (God Is On My Side)
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:36 PM Labels: God, Last, Side, Words 0 comments
Posted by Christopher Tutwiler
His Last Words (God Is On My Side) Written by Christopher Tutwiler
Don't be sad for me my son
Though I am laying in this bed
My soul will go to heaven
Never consider me dead
I have faith my son
Because God is on my side
Please stop your tears and cries
And stop your pain inside
Remember this my son
God is always with you
Keep faith in him
Your skies will always blue
My only son I beg you
Be proud of my transition
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His Last Words (God Is On My Side) Written by Christopher Tutwiler
Don't be sad for me my son
Though I am laying in this bed
My soul will go to heaven
Never consider me dead
I have faith my son
Because God is on my side
Please stop your tears and cries
And stop your pain inside
Remember this my son
God is always with you
Keep faith in him
Your skies will always blue
My only son I beg you
Be proud of my transition
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Our God Is Mighty To Save
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:34 PM Labels: God, Mighty, Our, Save 0 comments
Posted by Brother Wally_LIBAW
Who is this who comes from Edom,
from the city of Bozrah,
with his clothing stained red?
Who is this in royal robes,
marching in his great strength?
“It is I, the Lord, announcing your salvation!
It is I, the Lord, who has the power to save!”
~ Isaiah 63:1 (NLT)
I am always amazed at the way God chooses to speak to us about Himself and how He has made clear from the beginning of Bible history how it was that He would deliver His people from their sins. When God refers to His Anointed One, His chosen sacrifice to cover the sins of all mankind, He always does so with descriptions of His Kingship and/or Princely role as He does above in Isaiah, referring to His "royal robes" stained crimson with the blood of His sacrifice. Earlier, in Isaiah 44:6, The Lord refers to Himself as Father and Son, God and Redeemer, with the words:
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Who is this who comes from Edom,
from the city of Bozrah,
with his clothing stained red?
Who is this in royal robes,
marching in his great strength?
“It is I, the Lord, announcing your salvation!
It is I, the Lord, who has the power to save!”
~ Isaiah 63:1 (NLT)
I am always amazed at the way God chooses to speak to us about Himself and how He has made clear from the beginning of Bible history how it was that He would deliver His people from their sins. When God refers to His Anointed One, His chosen sacrifice to cover the sins of all mankind, He always does so with descriptions of His Kingship and/or Princely role as He does above in Isaiah, referring to His "royal robes" stained crimson with the blood of His sacrifice. Earlier, in Isaiah 44:6, The Lord refers to Himself as Father and Son, God and Redeemer, with the words:
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What Fragrance Do You Possess?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:32 PM Labels: Fragrance, Possess 0 comments
Posted by Pastor Narda Goodson, First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Last year, I had the pleasure of visiting several homes for the Annual Rose Tour in Whitewright. I was awestruck by the diversity of each garden as we went from house to house.
I saw backyards filled with roses, irises, birdhouses, ponds, and kmany other gorgeous bouquets of plant life. The flowers generated an amazing ambiance that perfumed the air with pleasant aromas. I saw and smelled honey suckles for the first time and had the pleasure of tasting one too.
What struck me the most was the diversity of fragrances the floras produced. In one garden, there was an assemblage of multicolored roses displayed in a row, so I decided to smell each group individually. Every colored rose possessed an enjoyable but distinct aroma. I couldn’t believe how they could all be so alike, yet so different, but each was lovely in its own right.
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Last year, I had the pleasure of visiting several homes for the Annual Rose Tour in Whitewright. I was awestruck by the diversity of each garden as we went from house to house.
I saw backyards filled with roses, irises, birdhouses, ponds, and kmany other gorgeous bouquets of plant life. The flowers generated an amazing ambiance that perfumed the air with pleasant aromas. I saw and smelled honey suckles for the first time and had the pleasure of tasting one too.
What struck me the most was the diversity of fragrances the floras produced. In one garden, there was an assemblage of multicolored roses displayed in a row, so I decided to smell each group individually. Every colored rose possessed an enjoyable but distinct aroma. I couldn’t believe how they could all be so alike, yet so different, but each was lovely in its own right.
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The Real Truth of John 1:1
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:27 PM Labels: John 1:1, REAL, Truth 1 comments
Posted by SLAVE2JC
The Real Truth of John 1:1
A Muslim Becomes a Bible Expositor
Sam Shamoun
Muslim apologist Ebrahim Saifuddin has written an article (*) accusing Christian translators of mistranslating and distorting the meaning of John 1:1. We encourage the readers to first consult his article before reading our response.
In order to help the readers to better grasp and fully appreciate the issues that are involved in properly understanding the text of John 1:1 we will post the verse here by breaking it down into three separate lines:
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The Real Truth of John 1:1
A Muslim Becomes a Bible Expositor
Sam Shamoun
Muslim apologist Ebrahim Saifuddin has written an article (*) accusing Christian translators of mistranslating and distorting the meaning of John 1:1. We encourage the readers to first consult his article before reading our response.
In order to help the readers to better grasp and fully appreciate the issues that are involved in properly understanding the text of John 1:1 we will post the verse here by breaking it down into three separate lines:
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:25 PM Labels: CLAVO 0 comments
DIA 29
Una Iglesia nueva fue construida y las personas fueron de todas las partes para admirarla. Pasaban horas a mirar la belleza de tal obra. Arriba, en lo alto, en las maderas del tejado, un pequeño clavo era testigo de todo lo que estaba ocurriendo. Y oía a las personas cómo elogiaban todas las partes de tan encantadora estructura...
Hablaban de todo, menos del clavo. Ni siquiera sabían que estaba allí, y se sintió irritado y con envidia. ¡Si soy tan insignificante, nadie echará de menos mi falta! Entonces el clavo desistió de su vida, dejó de hacer presión sobre la madera y se fue deslizando hasta caer al suelo.
Aquella noche llovió mucho. Luego, donde faltaba el claro, el tejado comenzó a ceder, separando las tejas. El agua corrió por las pareces y los bonitos murales. El yeso comenzó a caerse, el tapete estaba mancado y la Biblia se quedó arruinada por el agua. Todo esto porque un pequeño clavo desistió de su trabajo.
¿Y el clavo? Al asegurar las maderas del tejado, era oscuro, pero era útil. Ahora, enterrado en el barro, no sólo continuó a ser obscuro, sino que también se volvió un completo inútil y acabó comido por el óxido. editado
Personalmente considero que, debemos tener cuidado de caer en el celo y envidia, cuando otros son elogiados y no reconocen nuestro trabajo. Es mejor no irritarse, ni sentirse insignificante, cuando a usted no se lo toma en cuenta.
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DIA 29
Una Iglesia nueva fue construida y las personas fueron de todas las partes para admirarla. Pasaban horas a mirar la belleza de tal obra. Arriba, en lo alto, en las maderas del tejado, un pequeño clavo era testigo de todo lo que estaba ocurriendo. Y oía a las personas cómo elogiaban todas las partes de tan encantadora estructura...
Hablaban de todo, menos del clavo. Ni siquiera sabían que estaba allí, y se sintió irritado y con envidia. ¡Si soy tan insignificante, nadie echará de menos mi falta! Entonces el clavo desistió de su vida, dejó de hacer presión sobre la madera y se fue deslizando hasta caer al suelo.
Aquella noche llovió mucho. Luego, donde faltaba el claro, el tejado comenzó a ceder, separando las tejas. El agua corrió por las pareces y los bonitos murales. El yeso comenzó a caerse, el tapete estaba mancado y la Biblia se quedó arruinada por el agua. Todo esto porque un pequeño clavo desistió de su trabajo.
¿Y el clavo? Al asegurar las maderas del tejado, era oscuro, pero era útil. Ahora, enterrado en el barro, no sólo continuó a ser obscuro, sino que también se volvió un completo inútil y acabó comido por el óxido. editado
Personalmente considero que, debemos tener cuidado de caer en el celo y envidia, cuando otros son elogiados y no reconocen nuestro trabajo. Es mejor no irritarse, ni sentirse insignificante, cuando a usted no se lo toma en cuenta.
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Change Cannot Occur Without Your Cooperation
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:23 PM Labels: Cannot, Change, Cooperation, Occur, Without 0 comments
Posted by Pastor Narda Goodson, First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Change, while good, is not always an easy transition. Many of us want change but have a hard time making the necessary adjustments to make it possible.
Think about the caterpillar before its transition into a butterfly. It goes through a rigorous transformation called metamorphosis. During its larval stage it crawls on the ground to nourish on plant life until its pupa stage. When the larva is fully-grown, it stops feeding and begins drifting in quest for a suitable pupation site. Once it has reached its final destination, which is usually the underside of a leaf, it will begin a phase that appears to be the worst time of its life.
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Change, while good, is not always an easy transition. Many of us want change but have a hard time making the necessary adjustments to make it possible.
Think about the caterpillar before its transition into a butterfly. It goes through a rigorous transformation called metamorphosis. During its larval stage it crawls on the ground to nourish on plant life until its pupa stage. When the larva is fully-grown, it stops feeding and begins drifting in quest for a suitable pupation site. Once it has reached its final destination, which is usually the underside of a leaf, it will begin a phase that appears to be the worst time of its life.
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Eternal Life (To Know God)
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:21 PM Labels: Eternal, God, Know, Life 0 comments
Posted by Evangelist Jay Adams
Eternal Life (To Know God)
Main Text (John 17: 1-5) - 1 Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, 2 as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him. 3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. 4 I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. 5 And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
To Know God .....
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Eternal Life (To Know God)
Main Text (John 17: 1-5) - 1 Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, 2 as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him. 3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. 4 I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do. 5 And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
To Know God .....
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:20 PM Labels: CALUMNIA 0 comments
DIA 30
Amiga(o) cuanto daño hace, hablar mal de otro y desprestigiarlo. El presente cuento anónimo que edite, ilustra el tema:
Había una vez un hombre que calumnió grandemente a un amigo suyo, y todo por la envidia que le tuvo al ver el éxito que este había alcanzado.
Tiempo después se arrepintió de la ruina que trajo con sus calumnias a ese amigo, y visitó a un hombre muy sabio a quien le dijo: "Quiero arreglar todo lo que hice, ¿Cómo puedo hacerlo?", a lo que el sabio respondió:
"Toma un saco lleno de plumas ligeras y pequeñas y suéltalas donde quiera que vallas". El hombre muy contento por aquello tan fácil tomó el saco lleno de plumas y en el cabo de un día las había soltado todas. Volvió donde el sabio y le dijo: "Ya he terminado", entonces el sabio contesto:
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DIA 30
Amiga(o) cuanto daño hace, hablar mal de otro y desprestigiarlo. El presente cuento anónimo que edite, ilustra el tema:
Había una vez un hombre que calumnió grandemente a un amigo suyo, y todo por la envidia que le tuvo al ver el éxito que este había alcanzado.
Tiempo después se arrepintió de la ruina que trajo con sus calumnias a ese amigo, y visitó a un hombre muy sabio a quien le dijo: "Quiero arreglar todo lo que hice, ¿Cómo puedo hacerlo?", a lo que el sabio respondió:
"Toma un saco lleno de plumas ligeras y pequeñas y suéltalas donde quiera que vallas". El hombre muy contento por aquello tan fácil tomó el saco lleno de plumas y en el cabo de un día las había soltado todas. Volvió donde el sabio y le dijo: "Ya he terminado", entonces el sabio contesto:
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Do You Understand Your Season of Change?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:17 PM Labels: Change, Season, Understand 0 comments
Posted by Pastor Narda Goodson, First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
The caterpillar knows his assignment; he understands and recognizes his season of change. He does not fear or fight against it but willingly positions himself to embrace and endure the severe process of metamorphosis.
He does not despise his beginnings because he understands that the matrix of his world as a caterpillar is only a temporary form that carries his future. The ‘caterpillar’ is the larval stage of what he’s been created to be, a butterfly. He knows that beneath his uncomely exterior awaits a new birthing.
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The caterpillar knows his assignment; he understands and recognizes his season of change. He does not fear or fight against it but willingly positions himself to embrace and endure the severe process of metamorphosis.
He does not despise his beginnings because he understands that the matrix of his world as a caterpillar is only a temporary form that carries his future. The ‘caterpillar’ is the larval stage of what he’s been created to be, a butterfly. He knows that beneath his uncomely exterior awaits a new birthing.
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Are Your Emails Jesus Proofed?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:15 PM Labels: Emails, Jesus, Proofed 0 comments
Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith
I have written this same message on far too many emails lately, so I thought it important to write it as a general exhortation. During the past few weeks in particular, both my ministry and personal emails have become clogged with well-meaning and thoughtful messages. So what's the problem you ask?
Each of them have a subject line that starts with "FW", some with multiple "FWs". Ya'll know what I mean! Well, here in is the problem. Countless say "This was was just too cute not to send on". If you know its not what Jesus would do or say, why does it become too cute to send along to someone who might not have the right understanding of the Bible?
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I have written this same message on far too many emails lately, so I thought it important to write it as a general exhortation. During the past few weeks in particular, both my ministry and personal emails have become clogged with well-meaning and thoughtful messages. So what's the problem you ask?
Each of them have a subject line that starts with "FW", some with multiple "FWs". Ya'll know what I mean! Well, here in is the problem. Countless say "This was was just too cute not to send on". If you know its not what Jesus would do or say, why does it become too cute to send along to someone who might not have the right understanding of the Bible?
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:13 PM Labels: being, FORMED, GEM, PRICELESS 0 comments
Posted by Bishop.JACOB.C.CHACKO
Dear, A Priceless Gem Is Being Formed In YOU.!!.
1 Peter 4:12-13 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.
We have been hearing many of testimonies from people who are really feeling the pressure, and who have expressed gratitude and appreciation for ministry over the last few months. When I hearing this , my initial thought was wow, God is creating some magnificent diamonds!
A diamond is the hardest natural substance known, having been created by intense heat and pressure. I'm seeing believers becoming like diamonds, created the only way possible, through fiery trials... and then, the final precision sculpting by the Master Jeweler as He cuts them into priceless gems. I believe this is not just a metaphor, but a true "last days" vision, for, as these diamonds are prepared, and as the light of Jesus begins beaming through them, I'm seeing thousands of rays of light impacting this darkening world around us....all for His glory!
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Dear, A Priceless Gem Is Being Formed In YOU.!!.
1 Peter 4:12-13 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.
We have been hearing many of testimonies from people who are really feeling the pressure, and who have expressed gratitude and appreciation for ministry over the last few months. When I hearing this , my initial thought was wow, God is creating some magnificent diamonds!
A diamond is the hardest natural substance known, having been created by intense heat and pressure. I'm seeing believers becoming like diamonds, created the only way possible, through fiery trials... and then, the final precision sculpting by the Master Jeweler as He cuts them into priceless gems. I believe this is not just a metaphor, but a true "last days" vision, for, as these diamonds are prepared, and as the light of Jesus begins beaming through them, I'm seeing thousands of rays of light impacting this darkening world around us....all for His glory!
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:10 PM Labels: DECISION, LORD.NEAR, VALLEY 0 comments
Posted by Bob Bushman
Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.
Joel 3:14
The Lord is near in the valley of decision.
Whenever the Lord draws near and we find ourselves in a valley of decision.
There is always a call to repentance. And there is always deliverance for God's people.
There are seven great valleys in the Bible:
I want you to look at each of these valleys.
I want you to notice today that in each of these valleys God is with us.
"Yea, though I walk through the valley...I will fear no evil: for Thou are with me."
Psalm 23:4
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Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.
Joel 3:14
The Lord is near in the valley of decision.
Whenever the Lord draws near and we find ourselves in a valley of decision.
There is always a call to repentance. And there is always deliverance for God's people.
There are seven great valleys in the Bible:
I want you to look at each of these valleys.
I want you to notice today that in each of these valleys God is with us.
"Yea, though I walk through the valley...I will fear no evil: for Thou are with me."
Psalm 23:4
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I'm Still Scared Of The Woolerys...
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:08 PM Labels: Scared, Still, Woolerys 0 comments
Posted by Tamara Canup Graves
We love Veggie Tales at my house and our most recent addition is the Big Idea movie, The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. We've had it only a couple of weeks and have already watched it about 20 times. It never gets old though. It's so so good.
Because of some things happening in my life right now, the other day I watched it through new eyes. If you aren't familiar with the story, I'll sum up real quick for you so you know what I'm talking about.
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We love Veggie Tales at my house and our most recent addition is the Big Idea movie, The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. We've had it only a couple of weeks and have already watched it about 20 times. It never gets old though. It's so so good.
Because of some things happening in my life right now, the other day I watched it through new eyes. If you aren't familiar with the story, I'll sum up real quick for you so you know what I'm talking about.
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Do Your Neighbors Go To Church?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:03 PM Labels: Church, God, Neighbors 0 comments
Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith
Republished by permission: Dr Denis O'Callaghan Ph.D., Th.D., D.D.
Dr. O'Callaghan is a dear friend and mentor, who has given permission to share this. I hope it will be of benefit to you./Bishop Susan
Do your neighbors go to church? If not, do you know why? Their reasons are probably not the ones you’d expect. New research reveals why people leave churches and what you and your church can do to bring them back.
The e-mail subject line simply read “uh-oh.” Hesitant to open the message from his friend Justin, Erik reluctantly clicked to see only a link. Again he clicked. Up popped an article on a popular news Web site about yet another controversy in the evangelical Church.
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Republished by permission: Dr Denis O'Callaghan Ph.D., Th.D., D.D.
Dr. O'Callaghan is a dear friend and mentor, who has given permission to share this. I hope it will be of benefit to you./Bishop Susan
Do your neighbors go to church? If not, do you know why? Their reasons are probably not the ones you’d expect. New research reveals why people leave churches and what you and your church can do to bring them back.
The e-mail subject line simply read “uh-oh.” Hesitant to open the message from his friend Justin, Erik reluctantly clicked to see only a link. Again he clicked. Up popped an article on a popular news Web site about yet another controversy in the evangelical Church.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 4:01 PM Labels: ECO 0 comments
DIA 31
Un hijo y su padre estaban caminando en las montañas. De repente, el hijo se cayó, se lastimó y gritó: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! ! !".
Para su sorpresa, oyó una voz repitiendo, en algún lugar en la montaña:
"AAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! ! !"
Con curiosidad, el niño grito: "Quién eres tú?" Recibió de respuesta: "Quién eres tú?"
Enojado con la respuesta, grito: "Cobarde!"
Recibió de respuesta:"Cobarde!"
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DIA 31
Un hijo y su padre estaban caminando en las montañas. De repente, el hijo se cayó, se lastimó y gritó: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! ! !".
Para su sorpresa, oyó una voz repitiendo, en algún lugar en la montaña:
"AAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! ! !"
Con curiosidad, el niño grito: "Quién eres tú?" Recibió de respuesta: "Quién eres tú?"
Enojado con la respuesta, grito: "Cobarde!"
Recibió de respuesta:"Cobarde!"
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:59 PM Labels: RESTORES, SOUL 0 comments
Posted by Bob Bushman
In Psalm 23:3 David declares, "The Lord restores my soul," but before he declared that Lord was the restorer of his soul, he declared that the Lord was his Shepard. David saw himself as belonging to the Lord as a sheep belongs to his Shepard. It is only when the Lord becomes our Shepard that this restorative work can take place. So we could rephrase it like this; When the Lord is my Shepard then He restores my soul.
Our souls include our mind, and our emotions, and our wills. Because we are born in sin our souls are are controlled by our flesh and the world. When we are born again by the Spirit of God our human spirit is quickened and the prosses of restoring the soul begins. It all starts with Jesus and receiving the free gift of salvation which includes healing of the soul. It is a work from the inside out.
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In Psalm 23:3 David declares, "The Lord restores my soul," but before he declared that Lord was the restorer of his soul, he declared that the Lord was his Shepard. David saw himself as belonging to the Lord as a sheep belongs to his Shepard. It is only when the Lord becomes our Shepard that this restorative work can take place. So we could rephrase it like this; When the Lord is my Shepard then He restores my soul.
Our souls include our mind, and our emotions, and our wills. Because we are born in sin our souls are are controlled by our flesh and the world. When we are born again by the Spirit of God our human spirit is quickened and the prosses of restoring the soul begins. It all starts with Jesus and receiving the free gift of salvation which includes healing of the soul. It is a work from the inside out.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:56 PM Labels: GEORGIA, JUDIO, PUEBLO 0 comments
DIA 01
“Nosotros los judíos de Georgia tenemos una de las comunidades más antiguas del mundo de la Diáspora Judía que todavía sobrevive,” decía Yakov a su nieto. “He escuchado de nuestro más grande erudito rabino, que nosotros provenimos desde el tiempo del poderoso rey babilónico Nabucodonosor. Después que él conquistó Jerusalén en el año 586 a.C, muchos judíos emigraron hacia esta zona.”
Esta población judía ha disminuido de 100.000 a sólo 8.000. La mayoría de ellos ha salido de este lugar en los últimos 30 años y han emigrado hacia Israel, Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y Bélgica. Tienen fuertes vínculos con Israel y siempre han sido bien recibidos allí. Sus relaciones con la fe y el gobierno de Georgia han sido buenas. Actualmente, el antisemitismo no ha sido un problema grave en esta su tierra natal. La distinción entre los ashkenazi y los judíos locales siempre se extiende en relación a su religión y organizaciones comunales, aunque sus relaciones son bastante cálidas. La mayoría de los judíos vive en la capital, Tbilisi, y tienen una comunidad muy activa que consta de sus propias escuelas, periódicos, mercados kosher, sinagogas y programas radiales. La mayoría de ellos son ortodoxos y mantienen viva su historia y sus tradiciones a través de museos y literatura. Muchos de estos judíos son eruditos, médicos, hombres de negocios y maestros.
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DIA 01
“Nosotros los judíos de Georgia tenemos una de las comunidades más antiguas del mundo de la Diáspora Judía que todavía sobrevive,” decía Yakov a su nieto. “He escuchado de nuestro más grande erudito rabino, que nosotros provenimos desde el tiempo del poderoso rey babilónico Nabucodonosor. Después que él conquistó Jerusalén en el año 586 a.C, muchos judíos emigraron hacia esta zona.”
Esta población judía ha disminuido de 100.000 a sólo 8.000. La mayoría de ellos ha salido de este lugar en los últimos 30 años y han emigrado hacia Israel, Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y Bélgica. Tienen fuertes vínculos con Israel y siempre han sido bien recibidos allí. Sus relaciones con la fe y el gobierno de Georgia han sido buenas. Actualmente, el antisemitismo no ha sido un problema grave en esta su tierra natal. La distinción entre los ashkenazi y los judíos locales siempre se extiende en relación a su religión y organizaciones comunales, aunque sus relaciones son bastante cálidas. La mayoría de los judíos vive en la capital, Tbilisi, y tienen una comunidad muy activa que consta de sus propias escuelas, periódicos, mercados kosher, sinagogas y programas radiales. La mayoría de ellos son ortodoxos y mantienen viva su historia y sus tradiciones a través de museos y literatura. Muchos de estos judíos son eruditos, médicos, hombres de negocios y maestros.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:53 PM Labels: CUANDO, SENOR, VENDRA 0 comments
DIA 02
Amiga(o) Jesús dijo varias veces que sus seguidores no sabrían cuándo esto acontecería. “Velad, pues, porque no sabéis a qué hora ha de venir vuestro Señor” Mt. 24:42; “Vosotros, pues, también, estad preparados, porque a la hora que no penséis, el Hijo del Hombre vendrá” Lc. 12:40; “Velad, pues, porque no sabéis cuándo vendrá el señor de la casa; si al anochecer, o a la medianoche, o al canto del gallo, o a la mañana; para que cuando venga de repente...” Mr. 13:35 Más aún, el Señor decía que ni él mismo lo sabía (“Pero de aquel día y de la hora nadie sabe, ni aun los ángeles que están en el cielo, ni el Hijo, sino el Padre” Mr. 13:32; Mt. 24:36. Cuando los discípulos le preguntaron sobre el particular, les dijo: “No os toca a vosotros saber los tiempos o las sazones, que el Padre puso en su sola potestad” (Hch. 1:7)
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DIA 02
Amiga(o) Jesús dijo varias veces que sus seguidores no sabrían cuándo esto acontecería. “Velad, pues, porque no sabéis a qué hora ha de venir vuestro Señor” Mt. 24:42; “Vosotros, pues, también, estad preparados, porque a la hora que no penséis, el Hijo del Hombre vendrá” Lc. 12:40; “Velad, pues, porque no sabéis cuándo vendrá el señor de la casa; si al anochecer, o a la medianoche, o al canto del gallo, o a la mañana; para que cuando venga de repente...” Mr. 13:35 Más aún, el Señor decía que ni él mismo lo sabía (“Pero de aquel día y de la hora nadie sabe, ni aun los ángeles que están en el cielo, ni el Hijo, sino el Padre” Mr. 13:32; Mt. 24:36. Cuando los discípulos le preguntaron sobre el particular, les dijo: “No os toca a vosotros saber los tiempos o las sazones, que el Padre puso en su sola potestad” (Hch. 1:7)
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Statement of Faith
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:51 PM Labels: Faith, Statement 0 comments
Posted by Evangelist Jay Adams
Statement of Faith
Holy Bible: The Holy Bible, and only the Bible, is the authoritative Word of God. It alone is the final authority for determining all doctrinal truths. In its original writing, the Bible is inspired, infallible and inerrant (see Prov. 30:5; Rom. 16:25,26; 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:20,21).
Trinity: There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. These three are coequal and co-eternal (see Gen. 1:26; Isa. 9:6; Matt. 3:16,17; 28:19; Luke 1:35; Heb. 3:7-11; 1 John 5:7).
Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ is God the Son, the second person of the Trinity. On earth, Jesus was 100 percent God and 100 percent man. He is the only man ever to have lived a sinless life. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died on the cross for humankind and, thus, atoned for our sins through the shedding of His blood. He rose from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures, ascended to the right hand of the Father, and will return again in power and glory (see Isa. 9:6; John 1:1,14; 20:28; Phil. 2:5,6; 1 Tim. 2:5; 3:16).
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Statement of Faith
Holy Bible: The Holy Bible, and only the Bible, is the authoritative Word of God. It alone is the final authority for determining all doctrinal truths. In its original writing, the Bible is inspired, infallible and inerrant (see Prov. 30:5; Rom. 16:25,26; 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:20,21).
Trinity: There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. These three are coequal and co-eternal (see Gen. 1:26; Isa. 9:6; Matt. 3:16,17; 28:19; Luke 1:35; Heb. 3:7-11; 1 John 5:7).
Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ is God the Son, the second person of the Trinity. On earth, Jesus was 100 percent God and 100 percent man. He is the only man ever to have lived a sinless life. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died on the cross for humankind and, thus, atoned for our sins through the shedding of His blood. He rose from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures, ascended to the right hand of the Father, and will return again in power and glory (see Isa. 9:6; John 1:1,14; 20:28; Phil. 2:5,6; 1 Tim. 2:5; 3:16).
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My Testimony
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:46 PM Labels: Testimony 0 comments
Posted by Nick K
I received a call from my sister, who relentlessly urged me, as if it were a power greater than her, to bring my family & come spend a Sunday at a VFW where a small church was forming. I gave into her requests, & went, when I walked in, I had pre-conclusions of what I was going to find; people dressed in Sunday best, jumping up & down, thinking of the old cliché rolling down the isles. However, that was the farthest from the truth, I saw people of every background, & dress from ex-gang members, to huge burly bikes, & everything in between.
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I received a call from my sister, who relentlessly urged me, as if it were a power greater than her, to bring my family & come spend a Sunday at a VFW where a small church was forming. I gave into her requests, & went, when I walked in, I had pre-conclusions of what I was going to find; people dressed in Sunday best, jumping up & down, thinking of the old cliché rolling down the isles. However, that was the farthest from the truth, I saw people of every background, & dress from ex-gang members, to huge burly bikes, & everything in between.
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Movie "Fireproof"
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:44 PM Labels: Fireproof, Movie 0 comments
Posted by Jacqualyn
My husband & I went to see Fireproof friday night. Very good movie ...every married couple or anyone planning to get married should see it. Our marraige has been ...well......not so great for several years and this movie really hit home....
I bought the actual book Lovedare and I plan to start it next week ...keep a journal over the time period to see the changes tht may come .....
Please pray for me ..... for I know tht satan is going to come at me hard...he has for the last 8 yrs of this marriage.......
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My husband & I went to see Fireproof friday night. Very good movie ...every married couple or anyone planning to get married should see it. Our marraige has been ...well......not so great for several years and this movie really hit home....
I bought the actual book Lovedare and I plan to start it next week ...keep a journal over the time period to see the changes tht may come .....
Please pray for me ..... for I know tht satan is going to come at me hard...he has for the last 8 yrs of this marriage.......
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:43 PM Labels: CREYENTES, LA RESURRECCION 0 comments
DIA 03
“Fíjense bien en el misterio que les voy a revelar: No todos moriremos, pero todos seremos transformados, en un instante, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, al toque final de la trompeta. Pues sonará la trompeta y los muertos resucitarán con un cuerpo incorruptible, y nosotros seremos transformados”. 1 Corintios 15:51-52
Pablo los consuela al decir que los muertos en el Señor antes de la venida de Cristo no estarían con desventaja. Les asegura que los que “se dormían” antes de la parusia serían resucitados primero. No serían dejados como estaban. Al decir “no todos dormiremos”, el Apóstol expresa su convicción de que él, entre otros, estaría vivo todavía al regresar el Mesías. Esto implica, desde luego, que Pablo creía en el retorno inminente de Cristo. Ciertamente pensaba que volvería durante su propia existencia sobre la tierra (1 Tes. 4:17). Estén muertos o vivos, tendrían que experimentar una transformación. A los dos grupos tendría que dárseles un nuevo cuerpo espiritual. Esta acción se realizaría “en un instante, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, a la trompeta final”. El vocablo “instante” es traducción de atomon, un espacio de tiempo tan breve que no se puede medir. Según Sánchez-Baldeón. Editorial Mundo Hispano.
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DIA 03
“Fíjense bien en el misterio que les voy a revelar: No todos moriremos, pero todos seremos transformados, en un instante, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, al toque final de la trompeta. Pues sonará la trompeta y los muertos resucitarán con un cuerpo incorruptible, y nosotros seremos transformados”. 1 Corintios 15:51-52
Pablo los consuela al decir que los muertos en el Señor antes de la venida de Cristo no estarían con desventaja. Les asegura que los que “se dormían” antes de la parusia serían resucitados primero. No serían dejados como estaban. Al decir “no todos dormiremos”, el Apóstol expresa su convicción de que él, entre otros, estaría vivo todavía al regresar el Mesías. Esto implica, desde luego, que Pablo creía en el retorno inminente de Cristo. Ciertamente pensaba que volvería durante su propia existencia sobre la tierra (1 Tes. 4:17). Estén muertos o vivos, tendrían que experimentar una transformación. A los dos grupos tendría que dárseles un nuevo cuerpo espiritual. Esta acción se realizaría “en un instante, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, a la trompeta final”. El vocablo “instante” es traducción de atomon, un espacio de tiempo tan breve que no se puede medir. Según Sánchez-Baldeón. Editorial Mundo Hispano.
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Reflection of Faith
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:41 PM Labels: Faith, Reflection 0 comments
Posted by Rev. Dr. Cheryl A. Durham
Reflection of Faith
Your attitude about the Equality of Persons
James 2:1-13
The core of the message in James 2 is that our attitude towards others, especially in how we see the differences in people, is directly related to our faith and to the quality of our relationship with God. The divisions we make between people should be the same ones God makes, not the ones our culture makes.
We could be quick to judge that it is our attitude toward the poor that is at stake here, but that is not the case. It is our ability to be impartial when it comes to all "types" that is questioned (verse 9). In fact, in Leviticus 19:15, the Law says that Israel was not to "be partial to the poor OR defer to the great." The same goes for women and men, different cultures and nationalities. Very often, we humans make distinctions that are more about our personal power or comfort rather than what God sees as distinctions.
Let's face it, it is not the Earthly divisions, rich and poor, male and female, African, Indian, American, Jew, Gentile or Greek etc, that determines our standing before God. It is our relationship to Him. Our outward appearance is just God's creativity in His portrayal of His Image. We are nothing in and of ourselves; we are only anything in Him (John 15).
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Reflection of Faith
Your attitude about the Equality of Persons
James 2:1-13
The core of the message in James 2 is that our attitude towards others, especially in how we see the differences in people, is directly related to our faith and to the quality of our relationship with God. The divisions we make between people should be the same ones God makes, not the ones our culture makes.
We could be quick to judge that it is our attitude toward the poor that is at stake here, but that is not the case. It is our ability to be impartial when it comes to all "types" that is questioned (verse 9). In fact, in Leviticus 19:15, the Law says that Israel was not to "be partial to the poor OR defer to the great." The same goes for women and men, different cultures and nationalities. Very often, we humans make distinctions that are more about our personal power or comfort rather than what God sees as distinctions.
Let's face it, it is not the Earthly divisions, rich and poor, male and female, African, Indian, American, Jew, Gentile or Greek etc, that determines our standing before God. It is our relationship to Him. Our outward appearance is just God's creativity in His portrayal of His Image. We are nothing in and of ourselves; we are only anything in Him (John 15).
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A day with Danni
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:38 PM Labels: Danni, Day 0 comments
Posted by Daniel Baumet
I can't blame fully my former partner ... there are days I have wished to divorce my self .. but no legal precident is set on that .. so I am stuck living with me what do I do?
It is such a yoyo ride .. I should lend it out to a carnaval! One moment I am can be up and more than what I need and the next .. poof living on the edge! Here is a classic example ( good thing I have a deep faith some days that God will get me through!)
I was working for an insulation firm .. that had promised me what would amount to double my salary I wa makeing .. how ever I found I have only half the hours .. but after a quick sos to God .. between a couple of temp agencies I kept rolling along ... until every thing stopped!
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I can't blame fully my former partner ... there are days I have wished to divorce my self .. but no legal precident is set on that .. so I am stuck living with me what do I do?
It is such a yoyo ride .. I should lend it out to a carnaval! One moment I am can be up and more than what I need and the next .. poof living on the edge! Here is a classic example ( good thing I have a deep faith some days that God will get me through!)
I was working for an insulation firm .. that had promised me what would amount to double my salary I wa makeing .. how ever I found I have only half the hours .. but after a quick sos to God .. between a couple of temp agencies I kept rolling along ... until every thing stopped!
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:36 PM Labels: ARREBATAMIENTO, IGLESIA 0 comments
DIA 04
Conversábamos en la Iglesia sobre el arrebatamiento, y examinando al Apóstol Pablo en su primera carta a Tesalónica, que él asumía que no iba todavía a morir y que los que estaban vivos, no se iban adelantar a los que ya han muerto en Cristo.
“Conforme a lo dicho por el Señor, afirmamos que nosotros, los que estemos vivos y hayamos quedado hasta la venida del Señor, de ninguna manera nos adelantaremos a los que hayan muerto. El Señor mismo descenderá del cielo con voz de mando, con voz de Arcángel y con trompeta de Dios, y los muertos en Cristo resucitarán primero. Luego los que estemos vivos, los que hayamos quedado, seremos arrebatados junto con ellos en las nubes para encontrarnos con el Señor en el aire. Y así estaremos con el Señor para siempre. Por lo tanto, anímense unos a otros con estas palabras”. 1 Tesalonicenses 4:15-18
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DIA 04
Conversábamos en la Iglesia sobre el arrebatamiento, y examinando al Apóstol Pablo en su primera carta a Tesalónica, que él asumía que no iba todavía a morir y que los que estaban vivos, no se iban adelantar a los que ya han muerto en Cristo.
“Conforme a lo dicho por el Señor, afirmamos que nosotros, los que estemos vivos y hayamos quedado hasta la venida del Señor, de ninguna manera nos adelantaremos a los que hayan muerto. El Señor mismo descenderá del cielo con voz de mando, con voz de Arcángel y con trompeta de Dios, y los muertos en Cristo resucitarán primero. Luego los que estemos vivos, los que hayamos quedado, seremos arrebatados junto con ellos en las nubes para encontrarnos con el Señor en el aire. Y así estaremos con el Señor para siempre. Por lo tanto, anímense unos a otros con estas palabras”. 1 Tesalonicenses 4:15-18
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:34 PM Labels: HEAVENS, SIGNS 0 comments
Posted by MICHELLE
"There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars; and on the earth anxiety of nations, in perplexity for the roaring of the sea and the waves;" LUKE 21:25
"The stars of the sky fell to the earth, like a fig tree dropping its unripe figs when it is shaken by a great wind."
"The stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken."
MARK 13:25
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"There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars; and on the earth anxiety of nations, in perplexity for the roaring of the sea and the waves;" LUKE 21:25
"The stars of the sky fell to the earth, like a fig tree dropping its unripe figs when it is shaken by a great wind."
"The stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken."
MARK 13:25
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Are you appropriating "God's Great Gifts"?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:32 PM Labels: appropriating, Gifts, God's, GREAT 0 comments
Posted by Dean & GladysBeaty
By Rev Dean Beaty 12/4/08
There are so many gifts God’s given through Jesus Christ His Son.
All are ours by faith in Him but Christ is number one.
Let me give just one short list of God’s great gifts to men.
Atonement by the Blood of Christ, forgiveness of our sin.
We worry not for those who’ve died. Their life will be restored.
“The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”*
Though they are first to leave this earth to meet Christ in the air.
Those who are living when Christ comes will also meet Him there.
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By Rev Dean Beaty 12/4/08
There are so many gifts God’s given through Jesus Christ His Son.
All are ours by faith in Him but Christ is number one.
Let me give just one short list of God’s great gifts to men.
Atonement by the Blood of Christ, forgiveness of our sin.
We worry not for those who’ve died. Their life will be restored.
“The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”*
Though they are first to leave this earth to meet Christ in the air.
Those who are living when Christ comes will also meet Him there.
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What is the real meaning of Christmas?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:27 PM Labels: CHRISTMAS, meaning, REAL 0 comments
Posted by Dean & GladysBeaty
Papaw’s Christmas Gifts
By Rev. Dean Beaty 12/3/08
The four of us, Tyler, Leah, Eric, and I, Lydia all woke up early Christmas morning. We were all excited to see our gifts. We hurried to the kitchen in pj’s to get hot chocolate and marshmallows, a grandma mommy tradition. With our drinks in hand we hurried to the den. There was grandma mommies perfectly decorated tree. But what was that beside the tree? Two long pieces of fence post. Oh well, papaw was always up to some mischief and he would tell us later.
First we read the Bible Christmas story. This was always first before we opened any gifts. Then we all took turns to see what each other had gotten. Leah got a watch, Eric got a knife, Tyler got a game, and I got a new purse. Plus a lot of other stuff we really needed, like underwear and socks.
Only papaw’s four gifts were left. Mine would probably be a rubber snake. That was his idea of a joke. Well it was long and round, but it was a 10 foot piece of thick rope. That was just what I needed to tie up Eric to keep him out of my stuff. He can really get on my nerves. Leah was next with a pen and a yellowed piece of paper. At least the pen was useful. Eric got a new hatchet. That would fit him to a “T”. He was always destroying something. Tyler got a rusty nail and a hammer. But what was it all about?
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Papaw’s Christmas Gifts
By Rev. Dean Beaty 12/3/08
The four of us, Tyler, Leah, Eric, and I, Lydia all woke up early Christmas morning. We were all excited to see our gifts. We hurried to the kitchen in pj’s to get hot chocolate and marshmallows, a grandma mommy tradition. With our drinks in hand we hurried to the den. There was grandma mommies perfectly decorated tree. But what was that beside the tree? Two long pieces of fence post. Oh well, papaw was always up to some mischief and he would tell us later.
First we read the Bible Christmas story. This was always first before we opened any gifts. Then we all took turns to see what each other had gotten. Leah got a watch, Eric got a knife, Tyler got a game, and I got a new purse. Plus a lot of other stuff we really needed, like underwear and socks.
Only papaw’s four gifts were left. Mine would probably be a rubber snake. That was his idea of a joke. Well it was long and round, but it was a 10 foot piece of thick rope. That was just what I needed to tie up Eric to keep him out of my stuff. He can really get on my nerves. Leah was next with a pen and a yellowed piece of paper. At least the pen was useful. Eric got a new hatchet. That would fit him to a “T”. He was always destroying something. Tyler got a rusty nail and a hammer. But what was it all about?
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:25 PM Labels: Wondering 0 comments
Posted by Tamara Brown
As I sit here late at night, my usual time for introspection and my own little world of *me time*, I think about who I am. I have always been somebodies something, daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend. Would I ever change that? Would I ever regret it for a moment? No. I have had people tell me.."you need to be Tami, stop being what everyone esle expects you to be. What do YOU want?" I have spent years trying to figure out who and what that is..and I have come to the conclusion.... I am who I am.. I always have been... do I have issues? lol of course, who doesn't.
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As I sit here late at night, my usual time for introspection and my own little world of *me time*, I think about who I am. I have always been somebodies something, daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend. Would I ever change that? Would I ever regret it for a moment? No. I have had people tell me.."you need to be Tami, stop being what everyone esle expects you to be. What do YOU want?" I have spent years trying to figure out who and what that is..and I have come to the conclusion.... I am who I am.. I always have been... do I have issues? lol of course, who doesn't.
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I need help
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:23 PM Labels: help, need 0 comments
Posted by Timothy Bixler
Hello all! I need some prayer. On Jan. 5, I will be getting surgery, but there is a possibilty I might have to stay until I get my heart transplant. I would appreciate any prayer. And if possibley some beef jerky, jk! :)
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Hello all! I need some prayer. On Jan. 5, I will be getting surgery, but there is a possibilty I might have to stay until I get my heart transplant. I would appreciate any prayer. And if possibley some beef jerky, jk! :)
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:20 PM Labels: CRISTO, TRIBUNAL 0 comments
DIA 05
“Porque es necesario que todos comparezcamos ante el tribunal de Cristo, para que cada uno reciba lo que le corresponda, según lo bueno o malo que haya hecho mientras vivió en el cuerpo”. 2 Corintios 5:10
Para Pablo, la gloria vendría únicamente con la segunda venida y no como una experiencia estática. La vida presente está llena de sufrimientos y problemas y no de un glorioso éxtasis. La frase “si estamos fuera de nosotros” en el v. 13 traduce el verbo existemi1839, vinculado a su vez con el sustantivo ekstasis1611, un término algo ambiguo. Cuando llegamos a experimentarlo es un don de Dios, pero lo más importante es que es un llamamiento para servir al Señor en la vida diaria (comp. vv. 9 y 10)
Con el v.5 termina la primera sección del capítulo 5, pero no debemos dejar que termine con una nota de desesperación, sino como una transición entre 5:1–4 y 5:6, para proveer la base para la esperanza.
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DIA 05
“Porque es necesario que todos comparezcamos ante el tribunal de Cristo, para que cada uno reciba lo que le corresponda, según lo bueno o malo que haya hecho mientras vivió en el cuerpo”. 2 Corintios 5:10
Para Pablo, la gloria vendría únicamente con la segunda venida y no como una experiencia estática. La vida presente está llena de sufrimientos y problemas y no de un glorioso éxtasis. La frase “si estamos fuera de nosotros” en el v. 13 traduce el verbo existemi1839, vinculado a su vez con el sustantivo ekstasis1611, un término algo ambiguo. Cuando llegamos a experimentarlo es un don de Dios, pero lo más importante es que es un llamamiento para servir al Señor en la vida diaria (comp. vv. 9 y 10)
Con el v.5 termina la primera sección del capítulo 5, pero no debemos dejar que termine con una nota de desesperación, sino como una transición entre 5:1–4 y 5:6, para proveer la base para la esperanza.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:18 PM Labels: CHRISTMAS 0 comments
Posted by Dean & GladysBeaty
By Rev. Dean Beaty 12/5/08
‘Twas the night that Christ was born two-thousand years ago.
Just a few expected Him to be born on earth below.
When the shepherds saw the angels in garments all aglow,
They hurried off to Bethlehem to see if it were so.
They found the new born babe just as the angels said.
He was wrapped in swaddling clothes and in a manger bed.
When first they saw the angels their hearts were filled with dread.
But when they saw the Christ child, the news they gladly spread.
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By Rev. Dean Beaty 12/5/08
‘Twas the night that Christ was born two-thousand years ago.
Just a few expected Him to be born on earth below.
When the shepherds saw the angels in garments all aglow,
They hurried off to Bethlehem to see if it were so.
They found the new born babe just as the angels said.
He was wrapped in swaddling clothes and in a manger bed.
When first they saw the angels their hearts were filled with dread.
But when they saw the Christ child, the news they gladly spread.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:16 PM Labels: BEN, SAYS, STEIN 0 comments
Posted by MICHELLE
The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning
My confession:
I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees, Christmas trees.. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated against. That's what they are: Christmas trees.
It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry Christmas' to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year.. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu . If people want a crèche, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away.
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The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning
My confession:
I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees, Christmas trees.. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated against. That's what they are: Christmas trees.
It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry Christmas' to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year.. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu . If people want a crèche, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:14 PM Labels: BELOVED 0 comments
Posted by MICHELLE
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:12 PM Labels: AMÉRICA, LUZ, QUITO 0 comments
DIA 06
“-Yo soy la luz del mundo; el que me sigue no andará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida” (Juan 8:12)
Quito capital del Ecuador, celebra sus 474 años de fundación; el 6 de Diciembre de 1534, fue fundada por Sebastián de Benalcázar, conocida como “carita de Dios", por su belleza y rica historia. Es vital recordar la importancia cívica en esta fecha y más allá de lo religioso, pensar que Dios ama a esta gente y a usted.
Quito fue ciudad sagrada que estuvo ligada a una cosmología y mitología fascinantes, y las antiguas leyendas sostienen que fue fundada por los quitumbes que se salvaron del diluvio refugiándose en las cumbres del Pichincha. Posteriormente fue embellecida por Huayna-Capac, quien la convirtió en la segunda ciudad del imperio de los Incas. Fue allí, en el mismo lugar en donde había estado la antigua capital de los quitus, donde Sebastián de Benalcázar, cumpliendo con lo dispuesto por Diego de Almagro, el 6 de Diciembre de 1534 procedió a levantar la villa de San Francisco de Quito. (Efrén Avilés. Historia del Ecuador. P44)
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DIA 06
“-Yo soy la luz del mundo; el que me sigue no andará en tinieblas, sino que tendrá la luz de la vida” (Juan 8:12)
Quito capital del Ecuador, celebra sus 474 años de fundación; el 6 de Diciembre de 1534, fue fundada por Sebastián de Benalcázar, conocida como “carita de Dios", por su belleza y rica historia. Es vital recordar la importancia cívica en esta fecha y más allá de lo religioso, pensar que Dios ama a esta gente y a usted.
Quito fue ciudad sagrada que estuvo ligada a una cosmología y mitología fascinantes, y las antiguas leyendas sostienen que fue fundada por los quitumbes que se salvaron del diluvio refugiándose en las cumbres del Pichincha. Posteriormente fue embellecida por Huayna-Capac, quien la convirtió en la segunda ciudad del imperio de los Incas. Fue allí, en el mismo lugar en donde había estado la antigua capital de los quitus, donde Sebastián de Benalcázar, cumpliendo con lo dispuesto por Diego de Almagro, el 6 de Diciembre de 1534 procedió a levantar la villa de San Francisco de Quito. (Efrén Avilés. Historia del Ecuador. P44)
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So Yeah
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:10 PM Labels: Yeah 0 comments
Posted by Sarah
Ya'll know my uncle died in july and now his cat died. My aunt found him in the road right before he died. (he got hit by a car) My aunt was just and hour before at the gym that she didnt know what shed do ifhis cat died. Gods how mercy and grace on anyother people but my family and it pisses me off!!!!!
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Ya'll know my uncle died in july and now his cat died. My aunt found him in the road right before he died. (he got hit by a car) My aunt was just and hour before at the gym that she didnt know what shed do ifhis cat died. Gods how mercy and grace on anyother people but my family and it pisses me off!!!!!
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I Love my Daddy
Posted by Blog Reposts at 3:08 PM Labels: Daddy, Love 0 comments
Posted by DDana
A couple of weeks ago our group spent the night at the house of a girl from another Master's and I slept in her sister's room by myself. On her sister's wall was a poem in a fram called Broken dreams.
Broken Dreams
As Children bring their broken toys, with tears for us to mend
I brought my broken dreams to God, because he was my friend.
But then instead of leaving Him in peace to work alone,
I hung around and tried to help with mays that were my own.
At last I snatched them back and cried "How could you be so slow?"
""My child," He said "What could I do? You never did let go."
It stuck a chord with me about my back. I have really bad back pains and they don't get better it seems. It truely has been the hardest thing to God. Not thinking that he couldn't fix it. The wondering if he will.
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A couple of weeks ago our group spent the night at the house of a girl from another Master's and I slept in her sister's room by myself. On her sister's wall was a poem in a fram called Broken dreams.
Broken Dreams
As Children bring their broken toys, with tears for us to mend
I brought my broken dreams to God, because he was my friend.
But then instead of leaving Him in peace to work alone,
I hung around and tried to help with mays that were my own.
At last I snatched them back and cried "How could you be so slow?"
""My child," He said "What could I do? You never did let go."
It stuck a chord with me about my back. I have really bad back pains and they don't get better it seems. It truely has been the hardest thing to God. Not thinking that he couldn't fix it. The wondering if he will.
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Friday, November 20, 2009
What A Great Contrast!
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:56 PM Labels: Contrast, GREAT, What 0 comments
Posted by Dean & GladysBeaty
The Contrasts of Christ’s Coming
By Rev Dean Beaty 11/21/08
Was ever a contrast greater than that of heaven and earth?
Christ left the throne of heaven for a humble obscure birth.
His realm of splendorous wonder in His Father’s home of light,
To a stable manger in winter’s dead of night.
From wealth beyond all measure to humble poverty.
From worship by the angels to cruel indignity.
His place beside the Father as God’s beloved Son,
To die upon a rugged cross beneath the mid-day sun.
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The Contrasts of Christ’s Coming
By Rev Dean Beaty 11/21/08
Was ever a contrast greater than that of heaven and earth?
Christ left the throne of heaven for a humble obscure birth.
His realm of splendorous wonder in His Father’s home of light,
To a stable manger in winter’s dead of night.
From wealth beyond all measure to humble poverty.
From worship by the angels to cruel indignity.
His place beside the Father as God’s beloved Son,
To die upon a rugged cross beneath the mid-day sun.
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What will you do New Years Eve?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:54 PM Labels: Eve, New Years 0 comments
Posted by Dean & GladysBeaty
Proverbs 20:1 (KJV)
By Rev. Dean Beaty 12/5/08
‘Twas the night before New Years and all through the town,
There were parties and laughter and drinks all around.
They had made it again through another whole year.
So to celebrate life they all had some beer.
It was such a great time and they all had such fun.
When it came to the booze none had just one.
By the time mid-night came their thinking was blurred.
All were the same just like in a herd.
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Proverbs 20:1 (KJV)
By Rev. Dean Beaty 12/5/08
‘Twas the night before New Years and all through the town,
There were parties and laughter and drinks all around.
They had made it again through another whole year.
So to celebrate life they all had some beer.
It was such a great time and they all had such fun.
When it came to the booze none had just one.
By the time mid-night came their thinking was blurred.
All were the same just like in a herd.
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Christmas Jesus Painting -- Must See Video Mary Did You Know?
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:51 PM Labels: CHRISTMAS, Jesus, Know, Mary, Must, Painting, See, Video 0 comments
Posted by Bishop Susan Storm Smith
A new painting by Brian Daniel, just in time for Christmas. Performed at First Baptist Church Woodstock, Georgia during the Annual Christmas Festival along with members of the dance and drama teams. Watch as this painting transforms from a Nativity scene while "Mary Did You Know" is performed by the choir and orchestra. Please visit Brian's website at to learn more about his ministry, make booking arrangements and purchase artwork.
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A new painting by Brian Daniel, just in time for Christmas. Performed at First Baptist Church Woodstock, Georgia during the Annual Christmas Festival along with members of the dance and drama teams. Watch as this painting transforms from a Nativity scene while "Mary Did You Know" is performed by the choir and orchestra. Please visit Brian's website at to learn more about his ministry, make booking arrangements and purchase artwork.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:49 PM Labels: CONFÍO, DIOS, POR, QUÉ 0 comments
DIA 07
“Ciertamente yo te libraré y no caerás a espada, sino que tu vida te será por botín, porque tuviste confianza en mí, dice Jehová” (Jeremías 39:18)
Confío en Dios, porque Él me amó y salvó en Cristo, porque Él creó el universo, porque así como protegió a Jeremías y liberó a Ebed-melec, pero a su pueblo disciplinó con el cautiverio por no confiar en Él, por todo esto confío en el Señor.
El funcionario Ebed-melec fue un instrumento de Dios al ayudar a Jeremías para que sea liberado de la cisterna y el hambre y con libertad consuele al pueblo que fue conquistado por Nabucodonosor quien cuidó del fiel profeta de Jehová.
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DIA 07
“Ciertamente yo te libraré y no caerás a espada, sino que tu vida te será por botín, porque tuviste confianza en mí, dice Jehová” (Jeremías 39:18)
Confío en Dios, porque Él me amó y salvó en Cristo, porque Él creó el universo, porque así como protegió a Jeremías y liberó a Ebed-melec, pero a su pueblo disciplinó con el cautiverio por no confiar en Él, por todo esto confío en el Señor.
El funcionario Ebed-melec fue un instrumento de Dios al ayudar a Jeremías para que sea liberado de la cisterna y el hambre y con libertad consuele al pueblo que fue conquistado por Nabucodonosor quien cuidó del fiel profeta de Jehová.
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:47 PM Labels: Serenity 0 comments
Posted by Demarismom
I pass through vibrant green forest and bright red leaves
I graciously glide over stones in the midst of a beautiful scene
With each plummet the anger in me creates a bustling mist.
There’s an eternal struggle inside of me that’s far from welcoming
At times unapproachable, the forest life doesn’t stop beckoning
For me to slow down and enjoy God’s greatest offering
But still my journey must go, so on I pass with my currents disagreeing with my direction
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I pass through vibrant green forest and bright red leaves
I graciously glide over stones in the midst of a beautiful scene
With each plummet the anger in me creates a bustling mist.
There’s an eternal struggle inside of me that’s far from welcoming
At times unapproachable, the forest life doesn’t stop beckoning
For me to slow down and enjoy God’s greatest offering
But still my journey must go, so on I pass with my currents disagreeing with my direction
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Autumn Leaves
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:45 PM Labels: Autumn, Leaves 0 comments
Posted by Demarismom
Your love is like the glisten of God’s sun on my skin
Warming my soul outward to within
Never to dry but not too moist
Giving me reasons everyday to rejoice
Like the “Indian Summer”, through the season your love will last
Leaving behind the wilted flowers of my past
Your love is like the Autumn Breeze
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Your love is like the glisten of God’s sun on my skin
Warming my soul outward to within
Never to dry but not too moist
Giving me reasons everyday to rejoice
Like the “Indian Summer”, through the season your love will last
Leaving behind the wilted flowers of my past
Your love is like the Autumn Breeze
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Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:43 PM Labels: ART, GREAT, HOW, THOU 0 comments
Posted by Angela D. Fellows
As I sit here tonight and think about all that God has done for me, all I can do is smile.. God has taken me from the pits of hell and showed me just how great He is, because without Him, I am nothing! Even though tough times still come (and they always will) He is always there with us. 19 years ago, my daughter was born on Christmas Eve, and when I used to rock her, I would sing "Silent Night", and then when my kids were taken away from me...
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As I sit here tonight and think about all that God has done for me, all I can do is smile.. God has taken me from the pits of hell and showed me just how great He is, because without Him, I am nothing! Even though tough times still come (and they always will) He is always there with us. 19 years ago, my daughter was born on Christmas Eve, and when I used to rock her, I would sing "Silent Night", and then when my kids were taken away from me...
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My life thus far--CLICK CLICK BOOM!!!
Posted by Blog Reposts at 6:40 PM Labels: BOOM, CLICK, far, Life 0 comments
Posted by mike cronmiller
I was born back in 1965 to Norman and Helen Cronmiller, I had a pretty normal childhood growing up in Dearborn. I went to Long Elementary for grades K-6. This is where I was noticed and befriended by Dr Wayne, a 6th grade teacher. When I was still in the third grade, he observed that I had a knack for science and astronomy. The principal and Dr Wayne had me doing projects with the 6th graders in the fields of science and astronomy. I also excelled in sports and chess. My mind was like a sponge. I thought there was nothing I could not learn. However it was when I advanced to O.L. Smith Jr High that I found out that there is more to school than just doing assignments. There was a type of social order to the mix (i.e. cliques) and how to fit into one. I found out that it was easier for me to go with multiple cliques; the Jocks, eggheads and burnouts. However I also played baseball and continued to practice almost every day.
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I was born back in 1965 to Norman and Helen Cronmiller, I had a pretty normal childhood growing up in Dearborn. I went to Long Elementary for grades K-6. This is where I was noticed and befriended by Dr Wayne, a 6th grade teacher. When I was still in the third grade, he observed that I had a knack for science and astronomy. The principal and Dr Wayne had me doing projects with the 6th graders in the fields of science and astronomy. I also excelled in sports and chess. My mind was like a sponge. I thought there was nothing I could not learn. However it was when I advanced to O.L. Smith Jr High that I found out that there is more to school than just doing assignments. There was a type of social order to the mix (i.e. cliques) and how to fit into one. I found out that it was easier for me to go with multiple cliques; the Jocks, eggheads and burnouts. However I also played baseball and continued to practice almost every day.
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