Sunday, November 22, 2009


Posted by C®¥sT@L

Faith is believing in the unseen!(unseen=Jesus Christ,our tomorrow)It's pretty hard when we try to figure it out with our mind.(natural eyes,flesh)but when we allow Jesus to have his perfect work and do it through our hearts.(spirit)it all makes sense.You see faith is what truly keeps us going,believing and knowing the word of God is the only way of having faith.The bible says that faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God.
My heart my soul is full of the love of God,and I have so much love for God.I'm in love with Jesus, because the bible says the only way to the Father is through the Son.So everyone needs Jesus!Jesus is my best friend,and by me knowing, believing and feeling this my faith is unstoppable,because Jesus has conquered the world.If Jesus be for us who can be against us.
So even though great faith won't get us to heaven(faith with out works)it will keep us on the right path.because using our faith to believe in God's promises will keep us going.(it gives us something to look forward to).I truly feel that a great faith is awesome it gives you what you need to encourage yourself.the bible says all you need is faith as a grain of a mustard seed and you can move mountains(problems).Your faith will grow!!!!

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